AOC: No Such Thing as Inflation, It’s Just Propaganda

We have the lowest inflation and best economy of any major country, super dupe.
Looks like you have lied again.

But at least we are better than KKKanada, right Dragonlady

Yes, when you post something on this website are you not saying it. why is posting it on tweeter any different?

If I hang a sign on my house am I not saying what the sign says? Why else would I hang it?
Ok. So again I ask, why do you Trump the racist?
Looks like you have lied again.

But at least we are better than KKKanada, right Dragonlady

I find it amazing how quickly these dembots lie…and they have no shame in it

They have no interest in truth
Straight out of the Marxist handbook of delusional thinking. You see, corporate greed for profits is the only reason prices go up. Scary thing is, people are stupid enough to believe that BS and are walking around in society. These are the same caliber of people who brought you the USSR, Cuba, Khmer Rouge, NAZISM, etc etc.
AOC shared this video.

You are the one spreading bullshit. CEOs admit they are raising prices because they can, not because they have to. Corporate financial statements confirm this. Profits are skyrocketing for most companies as they raise prices.
Trump the racist? Don’t recall you asking that…nor do i know what you are asking or what it has to do with the topic
So you don't even read the responses to your posts.

Good to know.

Post 53. I look forward to your partison justifications.
So you don't even read the responses to your posts.

Good to know.

Post 53. I look forward to your partison justifications.
Trump has nothing to do with AOC.

Did AOC post a video where someone could be overheard in the background yelling something? Haha

Geez you are desperate to deflect
Straight out of the Marxist handbook of delusional thinking. You see, corporate greed for profits is the only reason prices go up. Scary thing is, people are stupid enough to believe that BS and are walking around in society. These are the same caliber of people who brought you the USSR, Cuba, Khmer Rouge, NAZISM, etc etc.
AOC shared this video.

Government is the only organization driving inflation
Profits are simply a raw number. They don't take into account INFLATION.

If I have a company and I make 20% more this year than I did last year but the raw materials I have to purchase to make my item costs 30% more, then I'm in fact LOSING money from last year, but on paper, it looks like a record profit.

I don't expect some stupid liberal with lipstick like AOC to understand such a concept.

I FINALLY got my first raise since fucking potatohead took office. The problem is, with inflation taken into account, I'm making LESS now than I ever have driving a truck other than the time I spent during training making 25cpm. But on paper, I'm making more now than ever. But in reality, I'm not. Each dollar I make buys far less than it did before, when I made fewer dollars but could buy far more. Something that was 10 dollars when Biden took office is now $18.10.
I see you know as little as AOC. Profits are AFTER your business' expenses, of which the raw materials would be included.
Trump has nothing to do with AOC.

Did AOC post a video where someone could be overheard in the background yelling something? Haha

Geez you are desperate to deflect
Trump posted it. He owns the words.

You support a racist.
If, according to the Queen of Moon Bats, there is no such thing as inflation am I going to get a refund from all those higher prices that I have paid out since Potatohead stole the election?

Will it be automatically deposited in my bank account or what? Will the Inflation Fairy put the money under my pillow one of these nights?
Didn't that stupid bitch suppose to have majored in Economics? LOL!

If so she should demand her money back from Boston College because she is dumber than a doorknob.

Of course she is no different than any stupid Moon Bat. She doesn't know jackshit about Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.
Straight out of the Marxist handbook of delusional thinking. You see, corporate greed for profits is the only reason prices go up. Scary thing is, people are stupid enough to believe that BS and are walking around in society. These are the same caliber of people who brought you the USSR, Cuba, Khmer Rouge, NAZISM, etc etc.
AOC shared this video.

We really need us an Auschwitz here for Lefties….IT’S TIME!

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