AOC: There is No Military Solution

Between 1947 and 1949, at least 750,000 Palestinians from a 1.9 million population were made refugees beyond the borders of the state.

Zionist forces had taken more than 78 percent of historic Palestine, ethnically cleansed and destroyed about 530 villages and cities, and killed about 15,000 Palestinians in a series of mass atrocities, including more than 70 massacres.
You've been informed many times by both me and others that the Israelis never forced anyone out. The Muslim residents VOLUNTARILY left at the behest of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to clear the battlefields so the Muslim armies could more easily exterminate the Jews and hand all of Israel over to the Muslims. The Muslims who decided not to answer the Grand Mufti's orders are now valued and equal citizens of Israel and serve in the IDF and the Knesset.
But when that is complete, Israel may not have a choice to go to the 2 state solution that would have cured this mess back in 67 where there should have never been a Hamas.
The Muslim states surrounding Israel were preparing to execute (language intended) their own one state solution by invading Israel and killing its inhabitants. Israel just struck a few hours before the invasion happened.
Between 1947 and 1949, at least 750,000 Palestinians from a 1.9 million population were made refugees beyond the borders of the state.

Zionist forces had taken more than 78 percent of historic Palestine, ethnically cleansed and destroyed about 530 villages and cities, and killed about 15,000 Palestinians in a series of mass atrocities, including more than 70 massacres.

Nice "WAYBACK Story". they had no internet in 1948. This is now. the World put Israel back on their homeland. They tried to live nice with the neighbors but they would not stop Suicide bombing, sneaking in and killing civilians and launching rockets at random homes.
In a way, she is right, because there is never any military solution to the extremely aggressive chauvinism that is hard-wired into Islam.

The so-called "Palestinians" are just an extremely inbred lot that happens to be the most deeply affected.

I'm not saying that Israel should not continue to root out Hamas, but I just don't think the problem can ever be solved until the savages involved become civilized.
If you want to civilize people you need to use the carrot and the stick. Historically Israel tends towards more stick, less carrot, which seems to breed malcontents and extremists. After Hamas is dealt with, Israel needs to find a better way or nothing will change, except the name of the group attacking Israel.
We still haven't drug Mississippi into the 21st century.

Just look at this pompous Libstain buffoon from that post above ^^^^ I would wager $100 she has no idea what she is talking about. Filthy simple minded Starbucks cucker.
"All we are saying, give peace a chance" 😂
No, you eliminate those who don't want peace.

This is what AOC and the other anti-Semite DemoKKKrats want:

Those who support "Free Palestine", support Hamas and all that goes with that:
  • Homosexuality outlawed and punishable by death
  • “Honor” killings of women and children
  • Female genital mutilation
  • Women cannot vote, own property, or appear in public alone without a man's permission
  • Arranged marriages
  • Religious police (aka "beard police") enforcing sharia law
  • Child marriage
  • State imposed religion
We left and they went back to how it was before we invaded.

Any change must come from within.

Thats a great polyanna way to look at things. And change can come from within much easier when people are not being violently oppressed. All we really needed to do was take off that pressure.

Yes, once again, if it was my first choice I would have said, lets not go there and stay because we have to wheigh the pros against the cons. There is always a negative side.

But what I'm saying is, once we have gone in and sacrificed all those U.S. lives to give those people a little freedom, its a damn shame to say it was all for nothing, when you could see they were making strides.

It was just going to take more time. You see how quickly their corrupt military just folded? that was because they had not yet had a military tradition established. When we left them blind, no one knew what to do.

A good many of them who had the will, stayed behind and gave their lives fighting for the cause and thats a fucking shame. Had those elite fighters of theirs trained by our special forces had more time to rise through the ranks into command positions, you would have seen a much different outcome.

We have no problem stationing U.S. forces throughout the rest of the world as we did in WW2 for years to create a stable Europe. Did you also have a problem with that? and if so , please explain why.
Thats a great polyanna way to look at things. And change can come from within much easier when people are not being violently oppressed. All we really needed to do was take off that pressure.

Yes, once again, if it was my first choice I would have said, lets not go there and stay because we have to wheigh the pros against the cons. There is always a negative side.

But what I'm saying is, once we have gone in and sacrificed all those U.S. lives to give those people a little freedom, its a damn shame to say it was all for nothing, when you could see they were making strides.

It was just going to take more time. You see how quickly their corrupt military just folded? that was because they had not yet had a military tradition established. When we left them blind, no one knew what to do.

A good many of them who had the will, stayed behind and gave their lives fighting for the cause and thats a fucking shame. Had those elite fighters of theirs trained by our special forces had more time to rise through the ranks into command positions, you would have seen a much different outcome.

We have no problem stationing U.S. forces throughout the rest of the world as we did in WW2 for years to create a stable Europe. Did you also have a problem with that? and if so , please explain why.

I absolutely have a problem with that. Maintain peace? You must be kidding. There are wars everywhere.

All while kids go hungry here.
Israel attacked no one, but the muslim nations surrounding it continuously attack Israel. you are a very ingorant person.
Bullshit! Israel has maintained a brutal occupation of the OPT for 56 years. And an illegal and immoral blockade of Gaza for the last 16 years
It didnt belong to the Taliban either. Their radical islamic fundamentalism has nothing to do with Afghan culture. They oppress it. What we gave away was not Afghanistan but we gave away all the blood sweat and tears of our people who died over there. We made their time a waste.

I dont want to own Afghanistan, I think we want them to have self determination and they were on that route. Why do we still have military in Europe to this day? we had so much patience to be sure Nazi'ism did not re emerge after WW2 and. of course to counter Russia. And also to let European countries reform themselves. Unfortunately it did require our military to stick around for a long time.
Yet we could not do the same on a much smaller scale in Afghanistan? You think those women who were starting businesses, going into government, and sending their girls to school hated us? Plus, you know Iran and other Islamic fundamentalists are behind the Taliban. We just allowed a cancer to re emerge for no good reason.
Unfit Prehistoric Tribes Driven Into Literally No Man's Land

Kabullshit. These mountain apes are the kind of useless allies our ignorant White-hating ruling class always gets us stuck with. Draft the rulers' sons into combat so they'll wake up to what a losing strategy their Pentagon flunkies have got us into.
What solutions did we get with 20 years of our military being in Afghanistan?

When you bomb and kill innocent people all you do is create even more people who hate you.
Afghanistan was a primary example of trying to fight people until they change their minds. Obliterate everything in their lives then remake them.
Afghanistan was a primary example of trying to fight people until they change their minds. Obliterate everything in their lives then remake them.

Everything in Afghanistan and Iraq was largely destroyed. You are talking people who had little to lose to start with.

It didn't work.

People with something, have something to lose and are less likely to want to lose it.

We will obviously never learn.

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