AP Fact Checks Meme That Queen Had Dirt on Hillary

Everyone has an agenda.

Personally, I don't believe anyone has dirt on Hillary ... I believe, strongly in fact, that the reason she has survived such a long political career so racked with scandal is that SHE has dirt on everyone else.

I believe that she could bring down the house if pushed into a corner.
That is also my opinion. Hillary is smart enough to have discovered where all the bodies are buried in the D.C. Swamp and if she goes down she will take a whole bunch of Swamp critters with her.

Some will point out that she knows where a good number of bodies are buried in the Swamp because she put them there.
That is also my opinion. Hillary is smart enough to have discovered where all the bodies are buried in the D.C. Swamp and if she goes down she will take a whole bunch of Swamp critters with her.

Some will point out that she knows where a good number of bodies are buried in the Swamp because she put them there.

I believe all of Washington (both sides) will let out a collective sigh of relief when Hillary is finally face-to-face with the Grim Reaper.
It’s true. The late Queen had the inside scoop. Her Majesty had uncovered the secret identity of Shrillary.


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