AP Lie: House Dems deeply divided over Obama tax cut plan


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
House Dems deeply divided over Obama tax cut plan

Associated Press Writer Sep 15, 5:00 AM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Congressional Democrats are confronting deep divisions in their nervous ranks over whether to support President Barack Obama's plan to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans - or just punt the entire matter until after voters go to the polls Nov. 2.

Democratic leaders committed to Obama's proposal were to hear Wednesday from endangered lawmakers who fear that raising taxes on anyone in a weak economy could be politically lethal.

"Don't raise taxes in a recession," said Rep. Earl Pomeroy, D-N.D.

Democratic leaders refused to say whether they were open to changing Obama's plan, or even commit to a vote before the balloting seven weeks off. Instead, they called House Democrats together Tuesday night to discuss a poll showing that extending tax cuts for middle-income earners was a winning strategy for the party.



Obama does NOT have a Plan to Cut Taxes for ANYONE...

He is Considering NOT Ending some of the Bush Tax Cuts and is only doing so to try to Protect some House and Senate Seats.

That Headline is Dishonest and gives the Impression that Obama is Pro-Cutting Taxes and that's simply a Lie and the AP Knows it.

They also Know that Most people are skimming Headlines.


House Dems deeply divided over Obama tax cut plan

Obama's plan to raise taxes

^From the same Story...

It's simply a Dishonest Headline.

Where's the Headline about Obama's Plan to Raise Taxes?...

And since when is $200 or $250K a year "Wealthy"?...

It Certainly isn't in New York.



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