Apologies to CNN are in order. They are thoroughly covering the Hollywood Harvey scandal


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Give credit where it is due. Not sure if it was the Clinton and Obama statements that signalled that had the green light to cover this scandal, or the coverage by MSNBC and a desire to maintain ratings, but they have been giving it ample coverage. Earlier I had been critical of them as I felt the double standard was not kosher.

Abuse of authority in society is horrific, especially when peoples careers and dreams hang in the balance.
Weren't you one of the clowns who was excusing 45's admissions of xxxxxxxx xxxxx as "locker room talk," or was that a different tard?

This is not the FZ SYTFE
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Weren't you one of the clowns who was excusing 45's admissions of grabbing pussy as "locker room talk," or was that a different tard?

I don't excuse such language, and even Trump acknowledged it was wrong. I feel it could have been a set up though, something to keep in the can for just such a situation and then conveniently "leaked".

Everyone says stupid things in life, especially when we don't feel we are being watched or walking on eggshells. We had a baseball player in Toronto, Kevin Pillar who called an ump a gay slur. He was dragged over the coals. Just because a guy uses a word like that doesn't make him homophobic, and he was specifically speaking about anyones sexuality, it came out in the heat of the moment. He apologized and gave to charity, that sort of thing, but some were acting as if he took a bat to someones head. Live and learn, move on.

I don't excuse it, but it was words not physical, mental and emotional abuse. Furthermore, Trump isn't in a position to hold that over a woman, as Harvey could and did. That's a MAJOR issue in this story if you ask me.

Compare words to action, it's apples to oranges. Both might be wrong, but one is extremely offensive, illegal and a violation of ones rights and dignity. You do not touch someone in that way or abuse them psychologically and physically.
Weren't you one of the clowns who was excusing 45's admissions of grabbing pussy as "locker room talk," or was that a different tard?

I don't excuse such language, and even Trump acknowledged it was wrong. I feel it could have been a set up though, something to keep in the can for just such a situation and then conveniently "leaked".

Everyone says stupid things in life, especially when we don't feel we are being watched or walking on eggshells. We had a baseball player in Toronto, Kevin Pillar who called an ump a gay slur. He was dragged over the coals. Just because a guy uses a word like that doesn't make him homophobic, and he was specifically speaking about anyones sexuality, it came out in the heat of the moment. He apologized and gave to charity, that sort of thing, but some were acting as if he took a bat to someones head. Live and learn, move on.

I don't excuse it, but it was words not physical, mental and emotional abuse. Furthermore, Trump isn't in a position to hold that over a woman, as Harvey could and did. That's a MAJOR issue in this story if you ask me.

Compare words to action, it's apples to oranges. Both might be wrong, but one is extremely offensive, illegal and a violation of ones rights and dignity. You do not touch someone in that way or abuse them psychologically and physically.

Yes, you were in fact one of those tards. Thanks.
Weren't you one of the clowns who was excusing 45's admissions of grabbing pussy as "locker room talk," or was that a different tard?

Talking a big talk is a far cry from actions so piss off even trying to make a case that locker room talk vs rape is equal. Shows what an absolute moron you are.
Weren't you one of the clowns who was excusing 45's admissions of grabbing pussy as "locker room talk," or was that a different tard?

I don't excuse such language, and even Trump acknowledged it was wrong. I feel it could have been a set up though, something to keep in the can for just such a situation and then conveniently "leaked".

Everyone says stupid things in life, especially when we don't feel we are being watched or walking on eggshells. We had a baseball player in Toronto, Kevin Pillar who called an ump a gay slur. He was dragged over the coals. Just because a guy uses a word like that doesn't make him homophobic, and he was specifically speaking about anyones sexuality, it came out in the heat of the moment. He apologized and gave to charity, that sort of thing, but some were acting as if he took a bat to someones head. Live and learn, move on.

I don't excuse it, but it was words not physical, mental and emotional abuse. Furthermore, Trump isn't in a position to hold that over a woman, as Harvey could and did. That's a MAJOR issue in this story if you ask me.

Compare words to action, it's apples to oranges. Both might be wrong, but one is extremely offensive, illegal and a violation of ones rights and dignity. You do not touch someone in that way or abuse them psychologically and physically.

Yes, you were in fact one of those tards. Thanks.

I'd love you to show me where I defended Trump for saying that. In fact, I wasn't on here much during the General Election. I've lived enough of a life and experienced both in my life, I can tell you the kind of words I've been called mean little compared to a violent attack or interference in ones life.

If you want to argue the contrary, go ahead.
Weren't you one of the clowns who was excusing 45's admissions of grabbing pussy as "locker room talk," or was that a different tard?

Talking a big talk is a far cry from actions so piss off even trying to make a case that locker room talk vs rape is equal. Shows what an absolute moron you are.

Grabbing women by the pussy without consent is assault, tard #2.
Weren't you one of the clowns who was excusing 45's admissions of grabbing pussy as "locker room talk," or was that a different tard?
As long as grabbing pussy is not job related (unless she's a hooker) then grabbing pussy is always good times (as long as it is consensual, which it was).

Nobody is going to seriously defend someone who consistently used his position of power to force sex on a subordinate. Fuck those assholes.
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Why anyone watches CNN when non-partisan radio stations and podcasts exist is a mystery to me.
If only someone now would go after the Hollywood titans that have molested young boys and men.
You too have descended to the level of a common troll, I see.
What? How is that trolling?

The dude is acting all indignant and sanctimonious about how Trump used to get laid. None of that is sexual harassment in the workplace. He's just crying cuz he apparently can't get none.
ITT: A bunch of conservative degenerates saying that it's assault when a democrat does it, but "consent" when Trump does it.
ITT: A bunch of conservative degenerates saying that it's assault when a democrat does it, but "consent" when Trump does it.

Trump's phrasing was ambiguous consent-wise, if rather repugnant. Don't know the specifics of the Weinstein thing, but I've heard it's pretty bad. Well beyond Trump's comments in Access Hollywood.
Let's again examine the Liberal thought process. A secretly recorded private conversation between two guys trying to out macho each other talking shit is equivalent to decades of multiple rapes against multiple women. Have I got that right?

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