Appeals Court Orders Michael Flynn Case Shut Down. A Slap Against Emmit Sullivan

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
Rogue judge Emmet Sullivan was slapped down and a US Appeals Court ordered the damaged case against Michael Flynn dropped.

Leftists will cry and Vox, CNN and other biased sources like the NY Times will not like it but that's how it goes.
Justice is served.
Rogue judge Emmet Sullivan was slapped down and a US Appeals Court ordered the damaged case against Michael Flynn dropped.

Leftists will cry and Vox, CNN and other biased sources like the NY Times will not like it but that's how it goes.
Justice is served.
There was never a crime. Justice is served!
Barr should charge Sullivan with obstruction of justice and frog-march his black ass out of his courtroom.
That should happen when a judge completely flips his lid goes rogue. I doubt it will however.
There should be some official censure or "dude you fucked up" proclamation that would forever mark
this loser as a judicial pariah.
As I hunt and peck on my keyboard a convoy of Stone Carvers are driving to Mt Rushmore to begin putting General Flynn's likeness on the Monument...
Life is good for General Flynn and sucks to be candycorn as she is making an appointment at the local mental health facility because she is batshit crazy...

As I hunt and peck on my keyboard a convoy of Stone Carvers are driving to Mt Rushmore to begin putting General Flynn's likeness on the Monument...
Life is good for General Flynn and sucks to be candycorn as she is making an appointment at the local mental health facility because she is batshit crazy...

View attachment 354502
Candycorn is a she ?
Someone like Lisa Page or Loretta Lynch.
"The decision today is really, it's a good thing for Gen. Flynn. It's a good thing for me. It's a good thing for my family. But it's really a great boost of confidence for the American people in our justice system," Flynn said. "Because that's what this really comes down to, is whether or not our justice system is going to have the confidence of the American people."
General Flynn

Rogue judge Emmet Sullivan was slapped down and a US Appeals Court ordered the damaged case against Michael Flynn dropped.

Leftists will cry and Vox, CNN and other biased sources like the NY Times will not like it but that's how it goes.
Justice is served.
Judge Emmet Sullivan is not a judge, he is a democratic political hack that should be removed from the bench

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