Apple Data Shows Shelter-In-Place Is Ending, Whether Governments Want It To Or Not


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
this is amazingly good news, especially that gas station visits are getting closer to pre-lockdown levels

protecting the food supply chain and our energy sector should be the 2 top priorities right now

“Gas station traffic has returned to pre-COVID-19 levels in the Midwest, and in rural areas throughout the country,” Foursquare said yesterday in a blog post. “Foot traffic to quick service restaurants (QSRs) has risen over the past several weeks.”
this is amazingly good news, especially that gas station visits are getting closer to pre-lockdown levels

protecting the food supply chain and our energy sector should be the 2 top priorities right now

“Gas station traffic has returned to pre-COVID-19 levels in the Midwest, and in rural areas throughout the country,” Foursquare said yesterday in a blog post. “Foot traffic to quick service restaurants (QSRs) has risen over the past several weeks.”
We're reopening restaurants in Florida starting today. 25% capacity but at least people are starting to go back to work! Let's see how long liberals support their elected leaders once the rest of the country starts to open up and they're still stuck in their homes!
yep, people are moving around again.

Nate Silver did an analysis, which indicated that the greatest correlative factor was weather. As it continues to warm up, this will only increase.
How well is Trump doing for Americans? 68,000 Americans dead.
Nuff said.
That's how these pandemics go. Do you know how many people died under Obama when the Swine Flu hit?
Partisan dopes aren't helping things.
How well is Trump doing for Americans? 68,000 Americans dead.
Nuff said.
yep, too bad New York has had such inept leadership

between de Blasio telling everyone to go out and about early on, Schumer pushing a farce impeachment, Cuomo forcing COVID patients into nursing homes and the failure to address the subways until just last week, we are lucky it isn't much higher

thank God for Trump's steady and prudent leadership through this ordeal, had he not shut down China travel, we would be in much worse shape
this is amazingly good news, especially that gas station visits are getting closer to pre-lockdown levels

protecting the food supply chain and our energy sector should be the 2 top priorities right now

“Gas station traffic has returned to pre-COVID-19 levels in the Midwest, and in rural areas throughout the country,” Foursquare said yesterday in a blog post. “Foot traffic to quick service restaurants (QSRs) has risen over the past several weeks.”
Well, yeah--- --- did everyone forget that the governors can order anything they want, but it is still up the the people to abide by them! If a business wants to reopen, if a person wants to work, if people want their lives back, what are they going to do, arrest everyone and put them in jail?

Life is still about free will. If some people get the virius and die, so be it. It won't kill everyone and can only make the rest of us stronger.
Sunday I went to a pretty large backyard gathering ..thier was no social distancing going on at all

Their was about 60 people
I never really did stop doing anything I wanted to do. I don't eat out much at all anyway, I had to tolerate the inane practices in the grocery store, but everyone I talked to felt it was way over the top as well.

This whole thing was over hyped bullshit. It was an all out attack on our economy by leftist media apparatchiks and democrook political whores.

I hope they lose so badly in November that 20 million liberal parasites swim south to cuba and some sharks get fed.

yep, people are moving around again.

Nate Silver did an analysis, which indicated that the greatest correlative factor was weather. As it continues to warm up, this will only increase.
The interesting thing is this virus is killed by sun light in less than 90 seconds. The general populace being out and about is probably a much better place for them both emotionally and physically. if simple distance is kept very little will be transmitted and those who do get it will recover quickly.

Only down side will be those who dont follow distancing and create a spike in transmission.
yep, people are moving around again.

Nate Silver did an analysis, which indicated that the greatest correlative factor was weather. As it continues to warm up, this will only increase.
The interesting thing is this virus is killed by sun light in less than 90 seconds. The general populace being out and about is probably a much better place for them both emotionally and physically. if simple distance is kept very little will be transmitted and those who do get it will recover quickly.

Only down side will be those who dont follow distancing and create a spike in transmission.

you may well be correct.

When Fla re-opened people were saying it was going to turn into the next Italy, etc.

Didn't happen.
How is Trump doing for Americans? 68,000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: SIXTY-EIGHT THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS. Nuff said.
Did Trump release the virus? NO!

Your blaming Trump for the actions of others. Are you going to blame Coumo, Pelosie, Schumar and Blasio for their lies about it being safe to go out after Trump told people it was unsafe? Lets see if you have the balls to call out those who really were fucking stupid.. Even worse was Coumo's order to place infectious people in nursing homes knowing they were not desinged for those types of people and that they housed those who could least afford to get this virus, you going to call out that bull shit?
How is Trump doing for Americans? 68,000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: SIXTY-EIGHT THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS. Nuff said.

So how long do we keep doing this? How long to we keep society shut down and tell people to stay in their homes? I'd like a date, please.
yep, people are moving around again.

Nate Silver did an analysis, which indicated that the greatest correlative factor was weather. As it continues to warm up, this will only increase.
The interesting thing is this virus is killed by sun light in less than 90 seconds. The general populace being out and about is probably a much better place for them both emotionally and physically. if simple distance is kept very little will be transmitted and those who do get it will recover quickly.

Only down side will be those who dont follow distancing and create a spike in transmission.

you may well be correct.

When Fla re-opened people were saying it was going to turn into the next Italy, etc.

Didn't happen.
The NIH/DHS study on this virus shows direct sun light kills it in less than 90 seconds.
Many Nassau County Supermarkets are stocking at normal capacity.
More cases of C19 in my community.
Mostly teenagers up to around 60.
Lots of fevers and a pulmonologist's 70+ mother with a life threatening medical condition passed away.
So how long do we keep doing this? How long to we keep society shut down and tell people to stay in their homes? I'd like a date, please.

Furthermore, are we going to do this shit in 8 more months when the next flu season comes and some new bat flu, or tuna flu or kangaroo flu starts wiping out people with compromised immune systems?

Was there a single bed wetter trying to make the MPF's stagnant economy in 2009 even worse forcing people to stay under their piss soaked beds hiding from swine flu?

I could see if there was a fatality rate even close to the Hong Kong Flu, but on top of everything else, there are reports the Wuhan Flu fatalities were deliberately over inflated.

I'm convinced that if hitlary was POTUS (puke), NONE OF THIS HYSTERICAL BULLSHIT WOULD HAVE TAKEN PLACE. Instead the Media would be hyping up stories about tranny deviants not being able to get their balls waxed in Christian women's salons.

STFU, go wash your hands and continue to Cower in Place™, mere peasant.

Peasant my ass!

That cock sucker is a malignant parasite. Even a peasant has to make an effort to find their own food. Pieces of shit like him make life harder for the rest of us to sustain our own lives.


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