Arab league rejects recognizing Israel

I had a bad shit this morning...'s because of Israel!

Is it possible to have a more ridiculous demand?

from your link:
Netanyahu believes there can be no peace with the Palestinians without recognition of Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people.
Did Hitler run around demanding people recognize Germany as an "Aryan" nation?

All demands like this show, is that Israel doesn't want peace and their fascist, Zionist regime, keeps using Judaism, like a whore uses a tampon.

Nothing. But will you liberals continue to blame the problem on Israel?

I'm not a liberal...but yes I will continue to blame Israel. They took over those peoples land and are going for more. What bothers you about this then fi you claim to not be afraid?

Nothing. But will you liberals continue to blame the problem on Israel?
Zionism is the problem in Palestine today as it has been for nearly a century.
Jews were a small percentage of the Semites living between the River and the sea a hundred years ago; Zionism used the force of English bayonets to shelter tens of thousands of European migrants from the indigenous population of Palestine while making sure Jewish capital received the majority of investment money. Imperial powers placed a Jewish state in the heart of Arab land with the express purpose of destabilizing the region. Judging by recent events in Iraq, Libya, and Syria, the plan continues to work well for those who get rich from war and debt.

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