Arctic Ice, 2015

You know that wasn't directed at you correct?
Yes, I know. But stupid is as stupid does. :slap:
Well OK asswipe,Whatever you say It wasn't directed at you, so why would you get the pun. But you stay the arswipe.
Listen up. I'll say this only once...

That's MISTER asswipe to you! :slap:
Maybe mrs as swipe, but you failed as a mr.
Did it occur to you that I am on your side with respect to this AGW argument?

What irritates me is that you cannot form a cognitive sentence. :slap:
Dude, it wasn't directed at you, there was a reason for my statement. Maybe you should shut up and mind your own business.
Yes, I know. But stupid is as stupid does. :slap:
Well OK asswipe,Whatever you say It wasn't directed at you, so why would you get the pun. But you stay the arswipe.
Listen up. I'll say this only once...

That's MISTER asswipe to you! :slap:
Maybe mrs as swipe, but you failed as a mr.
Did it occur to you that I am on your side with respect to this AGW argument?

What irritates me is that you cannot form a cognitive sentence. :slap:
Dude, it wasn't directed at you, there was a reason for my statement. Maybe you should shut up!
The image below compares the Arctic sea ice thickness on July 14, 2012 (left panel) and on July 14, 2015 (right panel), using Naval Research Laboratory images.

The Naval Research Laboratory's 30-day animation below shows how this situation developed, ending with a forecast for July 17, 2015, run on July 9, 2015.

Arctic News

Pretty dramatic thinning compared to last year.

Hey Chicken Little....:D

According to the Huffington Post, the settled science says we're in for 15 years of Global cooling.

So what gives? :lol:

Winter is Coming Scientist Says Sun Will Nod Off in 15 Years Van Winkle s
As far as I can tell there still is no definitive, irrefutable, conclusive, verifiable, laboratory proven evidence of why the climate is modifying itself of late.

Certainly not to the point where the human race must sacrifice itself in order to reduce global mean temperatures by a degree or two at the cost of tens of trillions of dollars and hundreds of millions of jobs.

Then you haven't been paying attention.

Google it or read the gazillion links posted here.

Or, go on pretending there's no hard, scientific evidence.
Y'know, you're living the high life with what- at least two homes? And you're probably prepared to live in a hole in the ground. A Liberal survivalist. A rarity of sorts.

Us middle class schlubs maintain a level of existence that is afforded us by fossil fuels. Some of us even work in the fossil fuel industry.

I'd venture to guess that your carbon footprint is probably five times that of mine. :slap:
The image below compares the Arctic sea ice thickness on July 14, 2012 (left panel) and on July 14, 2015 (right panel), using Naval Research Laboratory images.

The Naval Research Laboratory's 30-day animation below shows how this situation developed, ending with a forecast for July 17, 2015, run on July 9, 2015.

Arctic News

Pretty dramatic thinning compared to last year.

Hey Chicken Little....:D

According to the Huffington Post, the settled science says we're in for 15 years of Global cooling.

So what gives? :lol:

Winter is Coming Scientist Says Sun Will Nod Off in 15 Years Van Winkle s
Wait, let's recalculate all the readings and you're wrong, LOL
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The image below compares the Arctic sea ice thickness on July 14, 2012 (left panel) and on July 14, 2015 (right panel), using Naval Research Laboratory images.

The Naval Research Laboratory's 30-day animation below shows how this situation developed, ending with a forecast for July 17, 2015, run on July 9, 2015.

Arctic News

Pretty dramatic thinning compared to last year.

I bring this back up since the deniers didn't want to address actual measurements showing them to be wrong. JC, do you understand what the different colors mean? Do you know what part of the world you're looking at here?
The image below compares the Arctic sea ice thickness on July 14, 2012 (left panel) and on July 14, 2015 (right panel), using Naval Research Laboratory images.

The Naval Research Laboratory's 30-day animation below shows how this situation developed, ending with a forecast for July 17, 2015, run on July 9, 2015.

Arctic News

Pretty dramatic thinning compared to last year.
so I'm curious, you show a comparison between 2012 and 2015 and make a comment about last year. Huh? How can you make that without posting any evidence to support your statement. The picture says 2012 not 2014 you fool.
The image below compares the Arctic sea ice thickness on July 14, 2012 (left panel) and on July 14, 2015 (right panel), using Naval Research Laboratory images.

The Naval Research Laboratory's 30-day animation below shows how this situation developed, ending with a forecast for July 17, 2015, run on July 9, 2015.

Arctic News

Pretty dramatic thinning compared to last year.

I bring this back up since the deniers didn't want to address actual measurements showing them to be wrong. JC, do you understand what the different colors mean? Do you know what part of the world you're looking at here?

Why? Because you've eliminate all variables except for the 3 PPM of CO2 that was added to the atmosphere between 2012 and now?
As far as I can tell there still is no definitive, irrefutable, conclusive, verifiable, laboratory proven evidence of why the climate is modifying itself of late.

Certainly not to the point where the human race must sacrifice itself in order to reduce global mean temperatures by a degree or two at the cost of tens of trillions of dollars and hundreds of millions of jobs.
No one has credibly made the case that, should the first world adopt every single measure proposed to reduce man-caused global warming (that's what we're really talking about, not vague 'climate change'), the global temperature would drop appreciably (it's not going up right now, and hasn't been for years). There is no way, let's be honest, that the developing third world is going to throttle back their growth. I see a lot of finger pointing and blaming, but few substantive plans to deal with possible future warming.
Well darn!

Were inside two standard deviations and the rate of melt has declined so rapidly that we may even be within one standard deviation within a month (opp's we already are). Air temps are below average in the arctic and the polar low is intensifying rapidly.

Where do these alarmists get their info? Huffington puffington post?

Well darn!

Were inside two standard deviations and the rate of melt has declined so rapidly that we may even be within one standard deviation within a month (opp's we already are). Air temps are below average in the arctic and the polar low is intensifying rapidly.

Where do these alarmists get their info? Huffington puffington post?

N_timeseries.png, just as predicted by the AGW models
The image below compares the Arctic sea ice thickness on July 14, 2012 (left panel) and on July 14, 2015 (right panel), using Naval Research Laboratory images.

The Naval Research Laboratory's 30-day animation below shows how this situation developed, ending with a forecast for July 17, 2015, run on July 9, 2015.

Arctic News

Pretty dramatic thinning compared to last year.

I bring this back up since the deniers didn't want to address actual measurements showing them to be wrong. JC, do you understand what the different colors mean? Do you know what part of the world you're looking at here?

Why? Because you've eliminate all variables except for the 3 PPM of CO2 that was added to the atmosphere between 2012 and now?
hey Frank, thanks for this post. I never thought about it, but what you just posted is sensational information. 3 PPM of CO2 must be a devastating amount added to the atmosphere, what is that about 1 million humans breathing? Amazing it has such an affect on the ice extent. I say that tongue in cheek.

NOAA data is 1.2 deg C positive adjustment (upwards). Actual temps are below freezing according to the four US-CRN stations i just checked. Hmmmmm disparity in data... No problem here!

I am finding that we must check all data supplied by the US government. It appears they are lying their asses off in most things they are reporting.
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I am finding that we must check all data supplied by the poster Billy Bob. It appears he's not capable of correctly judging even simple issues.
I always assume anything Billy posts is faked, given his past history of faking everything.

Billy, if you're not making it all up, show us those four US_CRN stations you claim to have just checked, and show us how you concluded a 1.2C adjustment was added.

Arctic Ice is melting sort of on-schedule. Warm temps in the high arctic mean continuing melt. The melt is behind schedule is Hudson Bay and Baffin Bay, due to lower than average temps in that area. However, Hudson and Baffin always melt out completely, so that's like ice in the bank for melt purposes. It's just getting withdrawn later this year.

To survey high Arctic temps, this is a good link.

Climate Reanalyzer

Choose the "Northern Hemisphere" region, and the "Air Temperature" parameter. Above freezing temps all week long in the high Arctic. If you look at "Air Temperature Anomaly", you can see it's a little warmer than average all over, and especially toasty in the Canadian archipelago. It's likely that the big Parry channel of the Northwest passage melts open this year, after not opening the previous 2 years. The Northeast passage opening is a given, given the strong melt by Siberia. 2015 can't match the 2012 record, given how much more thicker ice was present at the start of the season, but it will melt more than 2013 and 2014.

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