unbannable non-troll
Rocks, you still have not provided an answer to my question, again, you are avoiding all other facts.
What is the purpose of large bodies of ice in nature?
Are you trying to get into theology or philosophy here? Large masses of ice are the result of the climate that we have experianced and enjoyed over the last 10,000 years. If that ice melts, it is the result of a major change in that climate, a change that will have major effects on the places where mankind lives, and the amount of food that we can raise.
Nature has no purpose. It exists. If, through our own actions, or an accident of nature, a major portion of mankind ceases to exist, it matters not at all to nature. Nature has certain rules, rules we have discovered through the study of sciences such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Geology. When we change one value in those rules, other values change. Nature cares not one whit about those changes.
In other words, nature has no purpose for the large bodies of ice. They are the result of the configuration of the continents, the height of the Himalayas, and the eccentricies in the orbit of the Earth. Purpose is for sentient beings. Nature is neither a being, nor sentient. It simply is.
and this spambot KittenKoder is still riding her "serious question".