Arctic Sea Ice Pack Grew by a Third


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Arctic ice grew by a third after cool summer in 2013 - BBC News

The researchers found the colder temperatures allowed more multi-year ice to persist north-west of Greenland because there were simply fewer days when it could melt. Temperature records indicate that the summer was about 5% cooler than 2012.

The scientists believe that the more accurate measurements that they have now published show that sea ice is more sensitive to changes than previously thought. They argue that while some could see this as a positive, when temperatures are cooler it leads to an increase in sea ice, it could also be a negative when the mercury goes up.

"It would suggest that sea ice is more resilient perhaps - if you get one year of cooler temperatures, we've almost wound the clock back a few years on this gradual decline that's been happening over decades," said Rachel Tilling.
A few days ago, B.O. was up in Alaska talking about the doom and gloom of Global Warming(err I mean Climate Change) and how it was affecting the glaciers and the Earth warming up. But then articles like the freezing of the Great Lakes until the middle of April, or global warming scientists getting trapped in Antarctica ice flows during the summertime down there, goes against those who are pushing the FAUX science on US. So here is another article from REAL science and why Global Warming is a FARCE. A new 'cold war' is emerging between the US and Russia — over icebreakers
President Barack Obama said this week in Alaska that we need more icebreakers and proposed to "accelerate acquisition of a replacement heavy icebreaker to 2020 from 2022."
IF the arctic ocean is melting at an alarming rate, which will have Alaska under water, why would we need icebreakers? Shouldn't we be building Arks to carry the Eskimos to safety? Dumbass liberals have no idea how stupid they are following this IDIOT who has only an agenda to make his LIBERAL ELITE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS VERY RICH, on our tax dollars.
Russia invadin' the Arctic...

Russia to permanently station military unit in the Arctic by 2018
23-OCT-2015 | Russia announced on 22 October 2015 that it will permanently station a military unit in the Arctic by 2018.
The defence minister of Russia Sergey Shoygu also announced that Russia is building several new bases in the Arctic as well as rebuilding six Soviet-era air bases in the Arctic.

It was also declared that the nation already has practically finished building bases on the Novosibirsk Archipelago and on Kotelny Island. The nation relies on modern military technology to guard borders in the Arctic.

On 20 October 2015, Shoigu announced that a base on the Franz Josef Land archipelago is nearly complete. Around 150 troops will be able to live on the base for up to 18 months without outside contact when it opens.

Russia to permanently station military unit in the Arctic by 2018
For the umteenth time, this is sea ice, not land ice as with glaciers. Sea ice fluctuates constantly. Land ice though doesn't nor is it supposed to melt.
For the umteenth time, this is sea ice, not land ice as with glaciers. Sea ice fluctuates constantly. Land ice though doesn't nor is it supposed to melt.
I do see how humorous you are being in your statement about glaciers, but to the liberals, glaciers ONLY melt and never grow. Which is why you keep seeing them point out such glaciers shrinking around the world, but they never show glaciers increasing at the same time. That is because those glaciers aren't listening to the liberals, and must be conservative glaciers, so are lying that they are increasing. God doesn't play politics, he just does what he does, which infuriates those, who don't believe.
For the umteenth time, this is sea ice, not land ice as with glaciers. Sea ice fluctuates constantly. Land ice though doesn't nor is it supposed to melt.
So you think Greenland has always had an ice sheet all over it?
I think you were seeing Sarcasm, not someone spewing liberal talking points. Sarcasm is just another way to make a point
For the umteenth time, this is sea ice, not land ice as with glaciers. Sea ice fluctuates constantly. Land ice though doesn't nor is it supposed to melt.
So you think Greenland has always had an ice sheet all over it?

I assume they named it Green-land for a reason. :)
Maybe it is because the Vikings called Iceland , Iceland before they reached Greenland?

Why was a roachclip called roachclip?

Potholder was already taken...

I assume they named it Green-land for a reason. :)
Yeah, at one time the coastline was green during the Mideaval Warming Period when the Vikings first found it for themselves.

But if you go back far enough Greenland was covered in forests as was the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

Land formations change, sea levels change. Everything changes.

To maintain a little order against the chaos is a sweet thing doomed to eventually falter.
I assume they named it Green-land for a reason. :)
Yeah, at one time the coastline was green during the Mideaval Warming Period when the Vikings first found it for themselves.

But if you go back far enough Greenland was covered in forests as was the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

Land formations change, sea levels change. Everything changes.

To maintain a little order against the chaos is a sweet thing doomed to eventually falter.
Land formations change, sea levels change. Everything changes.
I must say that your last statement is not correct. Liberals never change, they morph their label, but never their ideologue. They have always wanted to RULE anyone else but them, and by nook or crook, do what ever it takes, to put everyone into the poor house, even lie about CO2 being the cause of temperature change of the planet. My question is how can 1/400th percent (.04%) of a part(CO2) affect the climate, while the Earth is covered by 75% water vapor and not one iota talked about that? Because liberals cant tax Water Vapor (YET). If they can find a way they will. When Al Gore left the VP he was almost as dead broke as Bill Clinton and his wife. Today he is a billionaire. How did he make that money? Nook and Crook? You bet your sweet bippie, by crook.
Why hurricanes like Patricia are expected on a warmer planet
Why hurricanes like Patricia are expected on a warmer planet
Global warming is 'causing more hurricanes'
The study found that during the 90-year period, when the average global temperature has increased by 0.7C, extreme hurricanes similar to Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005, were nearly twice as likely in warmer years as colder years.

Although scientists were not able to prove that climate change is causing more large hurricanes, they believe the study is consistent with the predictions that global warming and warmer seas could bring about more intense tropical storms.
Since Hurricane Katrina which the "EXPERTS" predicted more intense and more frequent hurricanes found out that God, wouldn't play the liberals game, and ended up with less frequent and less intense hurricanes after Katrina. Why, because liberals have been praying to the global warming god, in the hope that there would be more(which is why they started naming tropical storms and not just hurricanes) to prop up their numbers. Well, finally a major hurricane comes on the scene again, and as usual, the fanatical religious fanatics of Global Warming are banging the pots and pans, and ranting and raving once again about the end up the world. Katrina was 10 years ago, dumbasses forgot what was said before, but conservatives never forget, and the TRUTH will come out again. Climate change has been happening since the beginning of time, when there was no man made CO2 back 10,000 years ago, why did the Earth go into a warming trend?
Why hurricanes like Patricia are expected on a warmer planet
Why hurricanes like Patricia are expected on a warmer planet
Global warming is 'causing more hurricanes'
The study found that during the 90-year period, when the average global temperature has increased by 0.7C, extreme hurricanes similar to Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005, were nearly twice as likely in warmer years as colder years.

Although scientists were not able to prove that climate change is causing more large hurricanes, they believe the study is consistent with the predictions that global warming and warmer seas could bring about more intense tropical storms.
Since Hurricane Katrina which the "EXPERTS" predicted more intense and more frequent hurricanes found out that God, wouldn't play the liberals game, and ended up with less frequent and less intense hurricanes after Katrina. Why, because liberals have been praying to the global warming god, in the hope that there would be more(which is why they started naming tropical storms and not just hurricanes) to prop up their numbers. Well, finally a major hurricane comes on the scene again, and as usual, the fanatical religious fanatics of Global Warming are banging the pots and pans, and ranting and raving once again about the end up the world. Katrina was 10 years ago, dumbasses forgot what was said before, but conservatives never forget, and the TRUTH will come out again. Climate change has been happening since the beginning of time, when there was no man made CO2 back 10,000 years ago, why did the Earth go into a warming trend?

And the frequency, and power of hurricanes is dropping. They peaked waaaaay back in the 1950's so thanks for proving OUR point. The world is cooling and the hurricanes say it's so!
Why hurricanes like Patricia are expected on a warmer planet
Why hurricanes like Patricia are expected on a warmer planet
Global warming is 'causing more hurricanes'
The study found that during the 90-year period, when the average global temperature has increased by 0.7C, extreme hurricanes similar to Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005, were nearly twice as likely in warmer years as colder years.

Although scientists were not able to prove that climate change is causing more large hurricanes, they believe the study is consistent with the predictions that global warming and warmer seas could bring about more intense tropical storms.
Since Hurricane Katrina which the "EXPERTS" predicted more intense and more frequent hurricanes found out that God, wouldn't play the liberals game, and ended up with less frequent and less intense hurricanes after Katrina. Why, because liberals have been praying to the global warming god, in the hope that there would be more(which is why they started naming tropical storms and not just hurricanes) to prop up their numbers. Well, finally a major hurricane comes on the scene again, and as usual, the fanatical religious fanatics of Global Warming are banging the pots and pans, and ranting and raving once again about the end up the world. Katrina was 10 years ago, dumbasses forgot what was said before, but conservatives never forget, and the TRUTH will come out again. Climate change has been happening since the beginning of time, when there was no man made CO2 back 10,000 years ago, why did the Earth go into a warming trend?
The Cataclysm That Wasn’t: Hurricane Patricia Largely Spares Mexico, Texas | Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog | Weather Underground
The Cataclysm That Wasn’t: Hurricane Patricia Largely Spares Mexico, Texas
Mother Nature not play by the liberals rules. Funny how that works, and liberals who predict the weather 50 years down the road, and they cant get shit straight, even 7 days before it happens.
Why hurricanes like Patricia are expected on a warmer planet
Why hurricanes like Patricia are expected on a warmer planet
Global warming is 'causing more hurricanes'
The study found that during the 90-year period, when the average global temperature has increased by 0.7C, extreme hurricanes similar to Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005, were nearly twice as likely in warmer years as colder years.

Although scientists were not able to prove that climate change is causing more large hurricanes, they believe the study is consistent with the predictions that global warming and warmer seas could bring about more intense tropical storms.
Since Hurricane Katrina which the "EXPERTS" predicted more intense and more frequent hurricanes found out that God, wouldn't play the liberals game, and ended up with less frequent and less intense hurricanes after Katrina. Why, because liberals have been praying to the global warming god, in the hope that there would be more(which is why they started naming tropical storms and not just hurricanes) to prop up their numbers. Well, finally a major hurricane comes on the scene again, and as usual, the fanatical religious fanatics of Global Warming are banging the pots and pans, and ranting and raving once again about the end up the world. Katrina was 10 years ago, dumbasses forgot what was said before, but conservatives never forget, and the TRUTH will come out again. Climate change has been happening since the beginning of time, when there was no man made CO2 back 10,000 years ago, why did the Earth go into a warming trend?

And the frequency, and power of hurricanes is dropping. They peaked waaaaay back in the 1950's so thanks for proving OUR point. The world is cooling and the hurricanes say it's so!
Of course it is cooling. That is why 9 of the warmest 10 years have been since 2000. The is why the majority of the alpine glaciers in the world are in rapid retreat. That is why 1998, 2005, 2010, and 2014 were all warmer by far than the any years prior to 2000. And why 2015 looks like it will eclipse those years. It really is cooling, everything points that way, Right, Mr. Westwall.

And the sun rose in the West this morning.
Why hurricanes like Patricia are expected on a warmer planet
Why hurricanes like Patricia are expected on a warmer planet
Global warming is 'causing more hurricanes'
The study found that during the 90-year period, when the average global temperature has increased by 0.7C, extreme hurricanes similar to Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005, were nearly twice as likely in warmer years as colder years.

Although scientists were not able to prove that climate change is causing more large hurricanes, they believe the study is consistent with the predictions that global warming and warmer seas could bring about more intense tropical storms.
Since Hurricane Katrina which the "EXPERTS" predicted more intense and more frequent hurricanes found out that God, wouldn't play the liberals game, and ended up with less frequent and less intense hurricanes after Katrina. Why, because liberals have been praying to the global warming god, in the hope that there would be more(which is why they started naming tropical storms and not just hurricanes) to prop up their numbers. Well, finally a major hurricane comes on the scene again, and as usual, the fanatical religious fanatics of Global Warming are banging the pots and pans, and ranting and raving once again about the end up the world. Katrina was 10 years ago, dumbasses forgot what was said before, but conservatives never forget, and the TRUTH will come out again. Climate change has been happening since the beginning of time, when there was no man made CO2 back 10,000 years ago, why did the Earth go into a warming trend?

And the frequency, and power of hurricanes is dropping. They peaked waaaaay back in the 1950's so thanks for proving OUR point. The world is cooling and the hurricanes say it's so!
Of course it is cooling. That is why 9 of the warmest 10 years have been since 2000. The is why the majority of the alpine glaciers in the world are in rapid retreat. That is why 1998, 2005, 2010, and 2014 were all warmer by far than the any years prior to 2000. And why 2015 looks like it will eclipse those years. It really is cooling, everything points that way, Right, Mr. Westwall.

And the sun rose in the West this morning.

Sure thing olfraud. Global temp "records" that are five times lower than the instrumentation can measure. Only a true paladin of the faith would believe such nonsense. Even the IPCC admits to the pause you twit.
Why hurricanes like Patricia are expected on a warmer planet
Why hurricanes like Patricia are expected on a warmer planet
Global warming is 'causing more hurricanes'
The study found that during the 90-year period, when the average global temperature has increased by 0.7C, extreme hurricanes similar to Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005, were nearly twice as likely in warmer years as colder years.

Although scientists were not able to prove that climate change is causing more large hurricanes, they believe the study is consistent with the predictions that global warming and warmer seas could bring about more intense tropical storms.
Since Hurricane Katrina which the "EXPERTS" predicted more intense and more frequent hurricanes found out that God, wouldn't play the liberals game, and ended up with less frequent and less intense hurricanes after Katrina. Why, because liberals have been praying to the global warming god, in the hope that there would be more(which is why they started naming tropical storms and not just hurricanes) to prop up their numbers. Well, finally a major hurricane comes on the scene again, and as usual, the fanatical religious fanatics of Global Warming are banging the pots and pans, and ranting and raving once again about the end up the world. Katrina was 10 years ago, dumbasses forgot what was said before, but conservatives never forget, and the TRUTH will come out again. Climate change has been happening since the beginning of time, when there was no man made CO2 back 10,000 years ago, why did the Earth go into a warming trend?

And the frequency, and power of hurricanes is dropping. They peaked waaaaay back in the 1950's so thanks for proving OUR point. The world is cooling and the hurricanes say it's so!
Of course it is cooling. That is why 9 of the warmest 10 years have been since 2000. The is why the majority of the alpine glaciers in the world are in rapid retreat. That is why 1998, 2005, 2010, and 2014 were all warmer by far than the any years prior to 2000. And why 2015 looks like it will eclipse those years. It really is cooling, everything points that way, Right, Mr. Westwall.

And the sun rose in the West this morning.
What I find very neat about the Global Warming, err I mean Climate Change argument was the liberals who pointed to the shrinking Antarctic Ice Shelf(which trapped GW Scientists in the middle of summer down there). So here is more good news about this wonderful planet that once again PROVES the global alarmists are full of shit. What global warming? Antarctic ice is INCREASING by 135billion tonnes a year, says NASA
What global warming? Antarctic ice is INCREASING by 135billion tonnes a year, says NASA
Liberals lie all the time, it is sociopathic behavior that makes them lie. They must win at all cost of their argument, because when the lie is exposed then those liberals(Al Gore) who have made hundreds of millions of dollars on that lie, wont get any more money. That is why they are so religiously fanatical on the GW lie.

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