Are All Women "Prostitutes"? @MegaMcQueen Thinks So!

Is paying someone to perform a service the same as having someone do it out of personal pleasure? Is it the same to pay a garage to repair a car as for a friendly, willing neighbor who has often eaten at one's cookouts do it free? Which is more satisfying for the car's owner, not just financially?

I don’t think so, but it was an interesting conversation. The idea from this MegaMcQueen is that a man is going to be paying for sexual encounters whether it’s with an actual prostitute or with a lady that he takes out on a date, dinner and drinks. In both cases you could be spending hundreds of dollars.

Taking a lady out to a fine restaurant and then out to a club after to get a bottle of champagne could be very costly. Could cost just as much for an actual prostitute.

One lady on the panel was saying she was brought up to believe that the man pays for everything on the first date and all of the subsequent dates, the man pays for everything. I guess the question is how many women in America think like this and is that the proper way to approach Dating here in 2023?

It's not quite so bad, franklinRoosevelt_FTW, that a date does not remotely invite a sexual liason. If he expects her to take care of his house in a relationship or marriage, she would be wise to discover whether he pays the bills while she works hard around the house for no pay whatever. If he resents paying for the date, he will resent her contribution in a relationship and can break it off early on. Scrubbing floors, laundering and ironing work shirts, and avoiding his closet full of pornographic male magazines can get old in a hurry if he is spending his paycheck on another woman or group of guys in smoke-filled rooms with card tables and bets galore. Giving hard work for zero appreciation breaks up a lot of partnerships. Why would a woman give up her peaceful, predictable single life for a stingy, calculating creep who has his eye on anyone else but her?

I don’t think so, but it was an interesting conversation. The idea from this MegaMcQueen is that a man is going to be paying for sexual encounters whether it’s with an actual prostitute or with a lady that he takes out on a date, dinner and drinks. In both cases you could be spending hundreds of dollars.

Taking a lady out to a fine restaurant and then out to a club after to get a bottle of champagne could be very costly. Could cost just as much for an actual prostitute.

One lady on the panel was saying she was brought up to believe that the man pays for everything on the first date and all of the subsequent dates, the man pays for everything. I guess the question is how many women in America think like this and is that the proper way to approach Dating here in 2023?

9 times out of 10, you either pay up front. Or you pay on the back end. The dirty little secret "decent" folk like to gloss over is that by, and large all sexual relationships, are transactional.
How can anyone watch bullshit like that?! I'd rather pluck my ball hairs than watch another minute of that mindless garbage!

How can anyone watch bullshit like that?! I'd rather pluck my ball hairs than watch another minute of that mindless garbage!

I feel that. We live in a different day and age is a generational thing probably

I don’t watch that program much

I’m not on Instagram or Facebook. This is about the only social media I have. But this is the world we live in.
Eat at McDonald's get a jar of Vaseline and think of all the money you are not spending on a woman.
It's not quite so bad, franklinRoosevelt_FTW, that a date does not remotely invite a sexual liason. If he expects her to take care of his house in a relationship or marriage, she would be wise to discover whether he pays the bills while she works hard around the house for no pay whatever. If he resents paying for the date, he will resent her contribution in a relationship and can break it off early on. Scrubbing floors, laundering and ironing work shirts, and avoiding his closet full of pornographic male magazines can get old in a hurry if he is spending his paycheck on another woman or group of guys in smoke-filled rooms with card tables and bets galore. Giving hard work for zero appreciation breaks up a lot of partnerships. Why would a woman give up her peaceful, predictable single life for a stingy, calculating creep who has his eye on anyone else but her?
To your point I think it’s very interesting to look at the “stay at home dad “ phenomenon. A lot of people think that that is very irresponsible. Not the way forward.

I think a hard-working lady should have a great life for sure.

Now there are other statistics to look at. One in six women under the age of 30 have not had sex in the past year. One in three men under the age of 30 have not had sex in the past year.

I would be willing to bet those numbers could not have possibly been the same for men even 10 years ago. It’s the age of Instagram it’s affecting everything.
I feel that. We live in a different day and age is a generational thing probably

I don’t watch that program much

I’m not on Instagram or Facebook. This is about the only social media I have. But this is the world we live in.
No, it isn’t.
One of the Mexican comedians had it right. If a young woman has a first date with a millionaire, she's guaranteed to be on her back before the night is over.
I don’t understand brother can you expand on what you’re saying?

Of course, dating is 100% different today. For example, we have Internet dating.
Didn’t y’all have computer dating, set ups, blind dates & so on?

You need to stop gobbling up this ridiculous angry clickbait crap you find on the internet.

Take a walk.

And dating isn’t about sex; it’s about finding a mate.

Tinder and bars and etc. are for sex.

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