Are black women just easy targets for racist whites?

Radio host fired after comparing skin tones of Black women to toast
in a conversation rating Black women according to their skin tone. On the show, Lederman said he "would never go with Serena Williams level, but I'm very comfortable at a Halle Berry level." View attachment 472941
Are white racist just cowards, since our black men have the EXACT SAME TEXTURE AND TONE AS DO THEIR why always take your racism to black women? Could it possibly be, your cowards and no white boy wants to get with a negro like dat?, best to stick with attacking his woman?

No. Black women are just east targets for shiftless black men who live off them, get them knocked up, then dump them for white, blond-haired floozy.

Sad but true.
many unwed mothers out there. they made themselves available. the democlowns want to give them monthly checks
Radio host fired after comparing skin tones of Black women to toast
in a conversation rating Black women according to their skin tone. On the show, Lederman said he "would never go with Serena Williams level, but I'm very comfortable at a Halle Berry level." View attachment 472941
Are white racist just cowards, since our black men have the EXACT SAME TEXTURE AND TONE AS DO THEIR why always take your racism to black women? Could it possibly be, your cowards and no white boy wants to get with a negro like dat?, best to stick with attacking his woman?

No. Black women are just east targets for shiftless black men who live off them, get them knocked up, then dump them for white, blond-haired floozy.

Sad but true.
many unwed mothers out there. they made themselves available. the democlowns want to give them monthly checks
Radio host fired after comparing skin tones of Black women to toast
in a conversation rating Black women according to their skin tone. On the show, Lederman said he "would never go with Serena Williams level, but I'm very comfortable at a Halle Berry level." View attachment 472941
Are white racist just cowards, since our black men have the EXACT SAME TEXTURE AND TONE AS DO THEIR why always take your racism to black women? Could it possibly be, your cowards and no white boy wants to get with a negro like dat?, best to stick with attacking his woman?

No. Black women are just east targets for shiftless black men who live off them, get them knocked up, then dump them for white, blond-haired floozy.

Sad but true.
News Flash hommie, first hand wittness here from the south, black women are not, I repeat are not taking care of black men and having babies, but I'll tell you who is....your white women. When I see interracials pull up, its black dude getting out on the passenger side, her car. When I see white mom's in the stores with their EBT cards, black guy is no where in sight, and I can't tell you how many grannies I see with these bi babies, cause black dude is gone and w mama is dark meat searchin again...if anybody is getting the raw meat in this deal, its ww. Black women have learned, we can do bad by ourselves.
Radio host fired after comparing skin tones of Black women to toast
in a conversation rating Black women according to their skin tone. On the show, Lederman said he "would never go with Serena Williams level, but I'm very comfortable at a Halle Berry level." View attachment 472941
Are white racist just cowards, since our black men have the EXACT SAME TEXTURE AND TONE AS DO THEIR why always take your racism to black women? Could it possibly be, your cowards and no white boy wants to get with a negro like dat?, best to stick with attacking his woman?

No. Black women are just east targets for shiftless black men who live off them, get them knocked up, then dump them for white, blond-haired floozy.

Sad but true.
News Flash hommie, first hand wittness here from the south, black women are not, I repeat are not taking care of black men and having babies, but I'll tell you who is....your white women. When I see interracials pull up, its black dude getting out on the passenger side, her car. When I see white mom's in the stores with their EBT cards, black guy is no where in sight, and I can't tell you how many grannies I see with these bi babies, cause black dude is gone and w mama is dark meat searchin again...if anybody is getting the raw meat in this deal, its ww. Black women have learned, we can do bad by ourselves.

Apparently you and I share the same racist tendencies: It pisses you off to see a black man with a white woman, just as it pisses me off. Just as it pisses off black men to see a black woman with some white guy.

We're all racist under the skin.
Radio host fired after comparing skin tones of Black women to toast
in a conversation rating Black women according to their skin tone. On the show, Lederman said he "would never go with Serena Williams level, but I'm very comfortable at a Halle Berry level." View attachment 472941
Are white racist just cowards, since our black men have the EXACT SAME TEXTURE AND TONE AS DO THEIR why always take your racism to black women? Could it possibly be, your cowards and no white boy wants to get with a negro like dat?, best to stick with attacking his woman?

Black guys are the biggest "colorists" out there. It took YT man to marry Serena Williams because black guys don't want a dark skinned black woman wife.
Oh I agree 100000000%, nobody hates on black women more than black sellout Uncle Tommies who get bullets to the back, knee's on the neck from you white mf's, agree. But again, my question is, if you're a white racist and he was and you hate DARK MOTHERFUCKERS AND HE DOES....why take it just to black our black men not have the same skin tones, etc? Or could it be, as I suggested, that white ppl as a whole, unless your a unarmed black man alone by yourself, you punk motherfuckers do not get wit dat shit at all, cause you whores are nothing but cowards, plain and simple and love fucking with the greasy easy shit...LOLOLOL
You're really losing your shit, ain't you?
Radio host fired after comparing skin tones of Black women to toast
in a conversation rating Black women according to their skin tone. On the show, Lederman said he "would never go with Serena Williams level, but I'm very comfortable at a Halle Berry level." View attachment 472941
Are white racist just cowards, since our black men have the EXACT SAME TEXTURE AND TONE AS DO THEIR why always take your racism to black women? Could it possibly be, your cowards and no white boy wants to get with a negro like dat?, best to stick with attacking his woman?

No. Black women are just east targets for shiftless black men who live off them, get them knocked up, then dump them for white, blond-haired floozy.

Sad but true.
News Flash hommie, first hand wittness here from the south, black women are not, I repeat are not taking care of black men and having babies, but I'll tell you who is....your white women. When I see interracials pull up, its black dude getting out on the passenger side, her car. When I see white mom's in the stores with their EBT cards, black guy is no where in sight, and I can't tell you how many grannies I see with these bi babies, cause black dude is gone and w mama is dark meat searchin again...if anybody is getting the raw meat in this deal, its ww. Black women have learned, we can do bad by ourselves.

Apparently you and I share the same racist tendencies: It pisses you off to see a black man with a white woman, just as it pisses me off. Just as it pisses off black men to see a black woman with some white guy.

We're all racist under the skin.
When my wife took up with me, her grandmother told the rest of the family to let me be, and not fuck with me, because she said I had "good hair".
Radio host fired after comparing skin tones of Black women to toast
in a conversation rating Black women according to their skin tone. On the show, Lederman said he "would never go with Serena Williams level, but I'm very comfortable at a Halle Berry level." View attachment 472941
Are white racist just cowards, since our black men have the EXACT SAME TEXTURE AND TONE AS DO THEIR why always take your racism to black women? Could it possibly be, your cowards and no white boy wants to get with a negro like dat?, best to stick with attacking his woman?

No. Black women are just east targets for shiftless black men who live off them, get them knocked up, then dump them for white, blond-haired floozy.

Sad but true.
News Flash hommie, first hand wittness here from the south, black women are not, I repeat are not taking care of black men and having babies, but I'll tell you who is....your white women. When I see interracials pull up, its black dude getting out on the passenger side, her car. When I see white mom's in the stores with their EBT cards, black guy is no where in sight, and I can't tell you how many grannies I see with these bi babies, cause black dude is gone and w mama is dark meat searchin again...if anybody is getting the raw meat in this deal, its ww. Black women have learned, we can do bad by ourselves.

Apparently you and I share the same racist tendencies: It pisses you off to see a black man with a white woman, just as it pisses me off. Just as it pisses off black men to see a black woman with some white guy.

We're all racist under the skin.
When my wife took up with me, her grandmother told the rest of the family to let me be, and not fuck with me, because she said I had "good hair".

Better watch out. Hair will probably be the next thing to be deemed "racist."
Personally I don't believe it's skin tones as much as it is facial features.

IMO Halle Berry is much more attractive than Serena Williams because she has European facial features, as opposed to William's more African features.
Halley Berry is white but identifies as black

If there's 1% black genes, they'll claim they are AA today, because they know they have special societal and legal privileges as a person of color that most of the rest of us do not have.
Personally I don't believe it's skin tones as much as it is facial features.

IMO Halle Berry is much more attractive than Serena Williams because she has European facial features, as opposed to William's more African features.
Halley Berry is white but identifies as black

If there's 1% black genes, they'll claim they are AA today, because they know they have special societal and legal privileges as a person of color that most of the rest of us do not have.

You would have to be at least 1/8 Native American blood to be qualified for government entitlements like TITLE IV, and you'd have to prove your tribal affiliation by having a relative in a tribal roll call census document. That would be a single full blooded great grand parent or half blooded grand parent.

I don't have a clue how African Americans are measured. I couldn't tell you what is the percentage of African blood or what documents are required to verify their ethnicity. It could be that they may have less than 1/8 blood and have no need of documentation to be "black" under government guidelines, I don't know, it may even be arbitrary.
Radio host fired after comparing skin tones of Black women to toast
in a conversation rating Black women according to their skin tone. On the show, Lederman said he "would never go with Serena Williams level, but I'm very comfortable at a Halle Berry level." View attachment 472941
Are white racist just cowards, since our black men have the EXACT SAME TEXTURE AND TONE AS DO THEIR why always take your racism to black women? Could it possibly be, your cowards and no white boy wants to get with a negro like dat?, best to stick with attacking his woman?
How many times have we listened to you fucking lefties say that Trump is orange? Now skin color is suddenly off limits? Shut the fuck up.
Radio host fired after comparing skin tones of Black women to toast
in a conversation rating Black women according to their skin tone. On the show, Lederman said he "would never go with Serena Williams level, but I'm very comfortable at a Halle Berry level." View attachment 472941
Are white racist just cowards, since our black men have the EXACT SAME TEXTURE AND TONE AS DO THEIR why always take your racism to black women? Could it possibly be, your cowards and no white boy wants to get with a negro like dat?, best to stick with attacking his woman?
How in the hell is this racist

Why are you a complete moron is wrong with you kill yourself now
Radio host fired after comparing skin tones of Black women to toast
in a conversation rating Black women according to their skin tone. On the show, Lederman said he "would never go with Serena Williams level, but I'm very comfortable at a Halle Berry level." View attachment 472941
Are white racist just cowards, since our black men have the EXACT SAME TEXTURE AND TONE AS DO THEIR why always take your racism to black women? Could it possibly be, your cowards and no white boy wants to get with a negro like dat?, best to stick with attacking his woman?
I was about to ask what is wrong with men talking about what kind of women they are attracted to?

Then I realized who the OP is, and was like “oooh shit she be slighted.”
Radio host fired after comparing skin tones of Black women to toast
in a conversation rating Black women according to their skin tone. On the show, Lederman said he "would never go with Serena Williams level, but I'm very comfortable at a Halle Berry level." View attachment 472941
Are white racist just cowards, since our black men have the EXACT SAME TEXTURE AND TONE AS DO THEIR why always take your racism to black women? Could it possibly be, your cowards and no white boy wants to get with a negro like dat?, best to stick with attacking his woman?
Both my friends are married and have children. Both men married black women and have stayed with them over 30 years while living the American dream of home ownership, full time jobs, providing for their families. Shame uneducated blacks cant do the same. But then the Prog party wouldnt have any black voters either.
Where do you ignorant racist come from?
Personally I don't believe it's skin tones as much as it is facial features.

IMO Halle Berry is much more attractive than Serena Williams because she has European facial features, as opposed to William's more African features.
These racist morons are like rats on USMB.
Radio host fired after comparing skin tones of Black women to toast
in a conversation rating Black women according to their skin tone. On the show, Lederman said he "would never go with Serena Williams level, but I'm very comfortable at a Halle Berry level." View attachment 472941
Are white racist just cowards, since our black men have the EXACT SAME TEXTURE AND TONE AS DO THEIR why always take your racism to black women? Could it possibly be, your cowards and no white boy wants to get with a negro like dat?, best to stick with attacking his woman?
Are you fucking kidding me?
White guys avoid black women for the same damn reason black guys do...... about 80% of them are fucking batshit crazy and violent.

Ask Tommy Sotomayor if you don't want to take my word for it.
How many black women do you know, fool?
Personally I don't believe it's skin tones as much as it is facial features.

IMO Halle Berry is much more attractive than Serena Williams because she has European facial features, as opposed to William's more African features.
Halle Berry is slender with a good figure. Serena Williams looks like a water buffalo.
What do you look like Tipsy Hag? Probably a sloppy drunk.

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