Are conservatives smarter than liberals?

Every day on this board we seem to have threads about 'how stupid are libs?', 'dimbocrats', 'typical liberal stupidity' know the drill.

The strange thing is, I don't see a lot of posts claiming the opposite. Some comments, sure, but I think most people will agree that there are far, far more posts labelling liberalism as being in some way stupid, a mental illness etc than there are posts about conservatism claiming the same superiority.

I don't get this at all - I see no link between political views and intelligence. I've met some brilliant socialists, a couple of brilliant fascists, and everything in between. I have met enough painfully stupid liberals and painfully stupid conservatives that I don't think either side are in too great a position to start claiming a monopoly on smarts.

Isn't claiming 'liberalism is a mental illness' the kind of Catch 22 comment that only an intellectual dwarf could assume?

Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?
Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?

What do you expect from people who believe the world is 6,000 years old and God controls the climate? That science is a "faith" and evolution a lie? People they gave us the Iraq fiasco, the deficit, and that think Canadian oil isn't "foreign". They think "supply and demand" is a wild liberal theory. They think ending the minimum wage will give us "prosperity".

Look at conservative states. The wealthy ones are only wealthy because they dig it out of the ground. They create nothing. They don't know anything. For the last 30 years, every one of their policies have hurt the country.

These people are so fucking stupid, they truly believe that white conservative Confederates fought to end slavery.

These people are so fucking ignorant, they believe the credit downgrade, voter suppression, the block to investigating BP after the oil spill, and the government shutdown was the fault of Democrats even though their own leaders tell us they did it and it worked.

Then entire world laughs at them. Even though their party is 90% white, they believe they are the party of diversity.

You simply can't get anymore ignorant than right wing Republicans. When they said they didn't want their children to be taught critical thinking skills, they needn't have worried. That's something they will never learn from other Republicans.
I may not be intellectually superior to a lot of educated liberals, but I am smarter than all liberals combined just because they support obama and his failed policies.
Spits a Bush voter. :lmao:
nothing will ever be worse than a dumb ass obama supporter. even the creators of obamacare think yall are stupid.
That's ok, I don't expect a Bush voter to know they are even dumber than the dumbest Obama voter. That's testament to how ignorant Bush voters are.
pull your back in place with that spin, you're an imbecile you support a lie and fail policies of obama. that's the plain simple fact.
Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?

What do you expect from people who believe the world is 6,000 years old and God controls the climate? That science is a "faith" and evolution a lie? People they gave us the Iraq fiasco, the deficit, and that think Canadian oil isn't "foreign". They think "supply and demand" is a wild liberal theory. They think ending the minimum wage will give us "prosperity".

Look at conservative states. The wealthy ones are only wealthy because they dig it out of the ground. They create nothing. They don't know anything. For the last 30 years, every one of their policies have hurt the country.

These people are so fucking stupid, they truly believe that white conservative Confederates fought to end slavery.

These people are so fucking ignorant, they believe the credit downgrade, voter suppression, the block to investigating BP after the oil spill, and the government shutdown was the fault of Democrats even though their own leaders tell us they did it and it worked.

Then entire world laughs at them. Even though their party is 90% white, they believe they are the party of diversity.

You simply can't get anymore ignorant than right wing Republicans. When they said they didn't want their children to be taught critical thinking skills, they needn't have worried. That's something they will never learn from other Republicans.
I may not be intellectually superior to a lot of educated liberals, but I am smarter than all liberals combined just because they support obama and his failed policies.
Spits a Bush voter. :lmao:
nothing will ever be worse than a dumb ass obama supporter. even the creators of obamacare think yall are stupid.
That's ok, I don't expect a Bush voter to know they are even dumber than the dumbest Obama voter. That's testament to how ignorant Bush voters are.
pull your back in place with that spin, you're an imbecile you support a lie and fail policies of obama. that's the plain simple fact.
Spits a Bush voter. :lmao:
I tend to agree, AntiParty....particularly when someone starts a thread entitled something like 'liberals are this stupid' I wonder if it is arrogance or incredible insecurity that leads them to do it. Or maybe some people just like to get a reaction, I guess.

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)

A possible explanation...

"All people are born alike—except Republicans and Democrats," quipped Groucho Marx, and in fact it turns out that personality differences between liberals and conservatives are evident in early childhood. In 1969, Berkeley professors Jack and Jeanne Block embarked on a study of childhood personality, asking nursery school teachers to rate children's temperaments. They weren't even thinking about political orientation.

Twenty years later, they decided to compare the subjects' childhood personalities with their political preferences as adults. They found arresting patterns. As kids, liberals had developed close relationships with peers and were rated by their teachers as self-reliant, energetic, impulsive, and resilient. People who were conservative at age 23 had been described by their teachers as easily victimized, easily offended, indecisive, fearful, rigid, inhibited, and vulnerable at age 3. The reason for the difference, the Blocks hypothesized, was that insecure kids most needed the reassurance of tradition and authority, and they found it in conservative politics.
Psychology Today
So some powdered wig wearing intellectual elitist from 150 years ago had an opinion on people he didn't like....So what?
People described by teachers.....You're joking right? The political ideology of most teachers is...?
Of course those educated by liberals are going to become liberals. Liberals are going to have a negative opinion of anyone who is NOT liberal.
And then you quote two professors from Berkeley.....Now there is a bastion of conservatism....Please.And you can cut the crap about libs being tolerant of other viewpoints.
Because that is a LIE......
I may not be intellectually superior to a lot of educated liberals, but I am smarter than all liberals combined just because they support obama and his failed policies.
Spits a Bush voter. :lmao:
nothing will ever be worse than a dumb ass obama supporter. even the creators of obamacare think yall are stupid.
That's ok, I don't expect a Bush voter to know they are even dumber than the dumbest Obama voter. That's testament to how ignorant Bush voters are.
pull your back in place with that spin, you're an imbecile you support a lie and fail policies of obama. that's the plain simple fact.
Spits a Bush voter. :lmao:
What's so funny? shouldn't you be pissed because the creators of obamacare called you stupid for supporting what they created?
You are so fucking stupid you can't grasp the insult of what was said about you.
Every day on this board we seem to have threads about 'how stupid are libs?', 'dimbocrats', 'typical liberal stupidity' know the drill.

The strange thing is, I don't see a lot of posts claiming the opposite. Some comments, sure, but I think most people will agree that there are far, far more posts labelling liberalism as being in some way stupid, a mental illness etc than there are posts about conservatism claiming the same superiority.

I don't get this at all - I see no link between political views and intelligence. I've met some brilliant socialists, a couple of brilliant fascists, and everything in between. I have met enough painfully stupid liberals and painfully stupid conservatives that I don't think either side are in too great a position to start claiming a monopoly on smarts.

Isn't claiming 'liberalism is a mental illness' the kind of Catch 22 comment that only an intellectual dwarf could assume?

Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?
It's just a manifestation of the inferiority complex white Republican southern evangelicals have had since the 60's revolution...kind of overflowing onto all white conservatives that lack college degrees
I thought you libs abhor the idea of generalizations?
The Chinese people are fed up with a Government that is making them pollute their own atmosphere and work for nothing.

Who told you that?
The OP didn't have anything substantive to add to the discussion, so he used an invective.
A few posts later he goes off on a rant that this thread is about US politics.
One cannot have an intelligent discussion with one who is irrational and emotional
Ask yourself this question - Are we advancing or falling behind?
Has Liberal entitlement programs lifted the poor out of poverty or has it kept them in poverty?
Is our society breaking down or is it becoming better?
The answer is no to all three.

Social Security and Medicare have lifted MILLIONS of Americans out of poverty. Before Medicare, elderly were the most likely group to fall into poverty, after Medicare elderly are the LEAST likely to live in poverty.

Conservatives have NEVER done anything to help the poor. They loathe the poor.

Conservatives give just as much to charities as Liberals do.
They do not hate the poor
We pay into those programs for years before we receive them.

Oh, so terms like 'moochers' is meant to be endearing...

I myself would never use that word.
People that can work for a living but take government assistance programs.
Why should they when the can get more in assistance than working in a low paying job?
Would most work at a job that pays 12,000.00 a year or get government assistance that pays 32,000.00 a year?

We found who the 47% Romney trashed really are...

America's safety net is below almost every other industrialized country in every measure. America more closely resembles the likes of Mexico than a modern First World industrialized nation.

We heard the ignorant rant of Mitt Romney and his 47%...

If there is a citizenry on this planet that does NOT have an entitlement mentality, it is the American people. American workers receive less benefits, paid leave, health care and take less vacation time than any other people. American workers take pride in the quality of their work and their work ethic.

What Romney said is a gross insult and reveals a dangerous mindset. He reeks of contempt for middle class working people and the poor.

Who are the 47%?


Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percent of the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

80 percent of the workforce has seen their wages decline in real terms over the last quarter-century, and the average household has seen 40 percent of its wealth disappear during the Great Recession. Through it all, families never asked for a handout from anyone, especially Washington. They were left to go on their own, working harder, squeezing nickels, and taking care of themselves. But their economic boats have been taking on water for years, and now the crisis has swamped millions of middle class families. ref ref

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Maybe you should look at the latest polls to find out about the work ethic in the US.

"Nearly four in 10 Americans, or 92 million, are not in the labor force and now there’s a reason why: They have simply given up and don’t want to work.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the largest group of people not in the labor force are those who don’t want a job, a remarkable statement on the nation’s work ethic. The federal job counter said that 85.9 million adults last month didn’t want a job, or 93 percent of all adults not in the labor force.

APew Research Center analysisout Friday dug a bit deeper to find out who those people are. Many are younger Americans who seem far less interested it landing a job than previous generations, possibly discouraged by the lack of good-paying jobs.

“Women are more likely than men to say they don’t want a job, although the gap has been narrowing — especially since the Great Recession. Last month, 28.5 percent of men said they didn’t want a job, up from 23.9 percent in October 2000 and 25.2 percent in October 2008. For women, the share saying they didn’t want a job hovered around 38 percent throughout the 2000s but began creeping up in 2010, reaching 40.2 percent last month,” said the Pew analysis."

Giving up 40 women 28 men 39 youth don t want a job
Every day on this board we seem to have threads about 'how stupid are libs?', 'dimbocrats', 'typical liberal stupidity' know the drill.

The strange thing is, I don't see a lot of posts claiming the opposite. Some comments, sure, but I think most people will agree that there are far, far more posts labelling liberalism as being in some way stupid, a mental illness etc than there are posts about conservatism claiming the same superiority.

I don't get this at all - I see no link between political views and intelligence. I've met some brilliant socialists, a couple of brilliant fascists, and everything in between. I have met enough painfully stupid liberals and painfully stupid conservatives that I don't think either side are in too great a position to start claiming a monopoly on smarts.

Isn't claiming 'liberalism is a mental illness' the kind of Catch 22 comment that only an intellectual dwarf could assume?

Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?
It's just a manifestation of the inferiority complex white Republican southern evangelicals have had since the 60's revolution...kind of overflowing onto all white conservatives that lack college degrees
I thought you libs abhor the idea of generalizations?
I'm not a liberal and I didn't vote for Obama.

Without generalizations?......what would any of us do for fun around here?
Social Security and Medicare have lifted MILLIONS of Americans out of poverty. Before Medicare, elderly were the most likely group to fall into poverty, after Medicare elderly are the LEAST likely to live in poverty.

Conservatives have NEVER done anything to help the poor. They loathe the poor.

Conservatives give just as much to charities as Liberals do.
They do not hate the poor
We pay into those programs for years before we receive them.

Oh, so terms like 'moochers' is meant to be endearing...

I myself would never use that word.
People that can work for a living but take government assistance programs.
Why should they when the can get more in assistance than working in a low paying job?
Would most work at a job that pays 12,000.00 a year or get government assistance that pays 32,000.00 a year?

We found who the 47% Romney trashed really are...

America's safety net is below almost every other industrialized country in every measure. America more closely resembles the likes of Mexico than a modern First World industrialized nation.

We heard the ignorant rant of Mitt Romney and his 47%...

If there is a citizenry on this planet that does NOT have an entitlement mentality, it is the American people. American workers receive less benefits, paid leave, health care and take less vacation time than any other people. American workers take pride in the quality of their work and their work ethic.

What Romney said is a gross insult and reveals a dangerous mindset. He reeks of contempt for middle class working people and the poor.

Who are the 47%?


Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percent of the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

80 percent of the workforce has seen their wages decline in real terms over the last quarter-century, and the average household has seen 40 percent of its wealth disappear during the Great Recession. Through it all, families never asked for a handout from anyone, especially Washington. They were left to go on their own, working harder, squeezing nickels, and taking care of themselves. But their economic boats have been taking on water for years, and now the crisis has swamped millions of middle class families. ref ref

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Maybe you should look at the latest polls to find out about the work ethic in the US.

"Nearly four in 10 Americans, or 92 million, are not in the labor force and now there’s a reason why: They have simply given up and don’t want to work.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the largest group of people not in the labor force are those who don’t want a job, a remarkable statement on the nation’s work ethic. The federal job counter said that 85.9 million adults last month didn’t want a job, or 93 percent of all adults not in the labor force.

APew Research Center analysisout Friday dug a bit deeper to find out who those people are. Many are younger Americans who seem far less interested it landing a job than previous generations, possibly discouraged by the lack of good-paying jobs.

“Women are more likely than men to say they don’t want a job, although the gap has been narrowing — especially since the Great Recession. Last month, 28.5 percent of men said they didn’t want a job, up from 23.9 percent in October 2000 and 25.2 percent in October 2008. For women, the share saying they didn’t want a job hovered around 38 percent throughout the 2000s but began creeping up in 2010, reaching 40.2 percent last month,” said the Pew analysis."

Giving up 40 women 28 men 39 youth don t want a job
People that have given up, and are not looking for work.....are what's called "retired", and shouldn't be counted.

If you've given up, you're either on disability, found a sugar daddy or sugar mama, or you've just decided to tighhten your belts and let someone sit on the couch all day, or take care of the kids.
Conservatives give just as much to charities as Liberals do.
They do not hate the poor
We pay into those programs for years before we receive them.

Oh, so terms like 'moochers' is meant to be endearing...

I myself would never use that word.
People that can work for a living but take government assistance programs.
Why should they when the can get more in assistance than working in a low paying job?
Would most work at a job that pays 12,000.00 a year or get government assistance that pays 32,000.00 a year?

We found who the 47% Romney trashed really are...

America's safety net is below almost every other industrialized country in every measure. America more closely resembles the likes of Mexico than a modern First World industrialized nation.

We heard the ignorant rant of Mitt Romney and his 47%...

If there is a citizenry on this planet that does NOT have an entitlement mentality, it is the American people. American workers receive less benefits, paid leave, health care and take less vacation time than any other people. American workers take pride in the quality of their work and their work ethic.

What Romney said is a gross insult and reveals a dangerous mindset. He reeks of contempt for middle class working people and the poor.

Who are the 47%?


Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percent of the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

80 percent of the workforce has seen their wages decline in real terms over the last quarter-century, and the average household has seen 40 percent of its wealth disappear during the Great Recession. Through it all, families never asked for a handout from anyone, especially Washington. They were left to go on their own, working harder, squeezing nickels, and taking care of themselves. But their economic boats have been taking on water for years, and now the crisis has swamped millions of middle class families. ref ref

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Maybe you should look at the latest polls to find out about the work ethic in the US.

"Nearly four in 10 Americans, or 92 million, are not in the labor force and now there’s a reason why: They have simply given up and don’t want to work.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the largest group of people not in the labor force are those who don’t want a job, a remarkable statement on the nation’s work ethic. The federal job counter said that 85.9 million adults last month didn’t want a job, or 93 percent of all adults not in the labor force.

APew Research Center analysisout Friday dug a bit deeper to find out who those people are. Many are younger Americans who seem far less interested it landing a job than previous generations, possibly discouraged by the lack of good-paying jobs.

“Women are more likely than men to say they don’t want a job, although the gap has been narrowing — especially since the Great Recession. Last month, 28.5 percent of men said they didn’t want a job, up from 23.9 percent in October 2000 and 25.2 percent in October 2008. For women, the share saying they didn’t want a job hovered around 38 percent throughout the 2000s but began creeping up in 2010, reaching 40.2 percent last month,” said the Pew analysis."

Giving up 40 women 28 men 39 youth don t want a job
People that have given up, and are not looking for work.....are what's called "retired", and shouldn't be counted.

If you've given up, you're either on disability, found a sugar daddy or sugar mama, or you've just decided to tighhten your belts and let someone sit on the couch all day, or take care of the kids. I

I don't know anyone who's so uselss, they can't find at least some job after 2 years of looking
Truth is not a friend to some people, it seems to be an insult.
Many Americans have come to view government as the solution to their problems rather than the cause of them. The principles of limited government by our Founders, to an ever larger government is a dangerously misguided trend that promotes an entitlement mentality in a country that has long been known for its positive work ethic. The entitlement mentality, in turn, encourages the growth of government and the cycle continues, creating a downward spiral toward disaster.
After decades of prosperity, America’s economy is being undermined by a rapidly mutating government that devours initiative, drive, innovation, and the capital needed to seed an economic recovery. Too many Americans have bought into the increasingly discredited philosophy of the left that the government is the answer to all problems.
Some government does help but not all. There needs to be a delicate balance between the two.

Thank you for proving my don't use the 'word', instead you describe 'moocher'...

I just PROVED to you that there is no entitlement gone wild in America. But don't let FACTS dent your dogmatic parroting.

You have just described the right wing world view, not the view of our founders. Another 'word' for that is ignorance.

There is no "rapid mutation' going on except for the right being completely brainwashed by plutocrats and talking heads. The only 'entitlement mentality' in this country is from the wealthy, not the poor.

Did you see the resent video on the news with those women who had a hissy fit because they got there too late to get their egg Mcmuffin?

There you go...forget the FACTS, anecdotal evidence is all you need to reinforce your dogma...

A vast amount of people in this country has the attitude of give me, give me, give and I want it and I want it now.
An entitlement mentality is a state of mind in which an individual comes to believe that privileges are instead rights.
Lack of personal responsibility. Just as those with an entitlement mentality typically expect others to solve their problems, they also refuse to accept that the problems are of their own making.
Just like the women at McDonalds.
They arrived late after the breakfast served under the hours of......... and expected to still be able to order from the breakfast menu. It was their own fault for not getting there on time.

AGAIN...double down on your anecdotal evidence that supports your CAN'T be wrong...

"Entitlement mentality" is a manufactured term used by the people who have brainwashed you...

The term "entitlement" originally referred to aristocrats. Aristocrats had titles, and they thought that they were thereby entitled to various things, particularly the deference of the common people. Everyone else, by contrast, was dependent on the aristocrats. This is conservatism. Yet in the 1990's, conservative rhetors decided that the people who actually claim entitlement are people on welfare. They furthermore created an empirically false association between welfare and dependency. But, as I have mentioned, welfare is precisely a way of eliminating dependency on the aristocracy and the cultural authorities that serve it. I do not recall anyone ever noting this inversion of meaning.

Oh Brother !
Talk about brainwashed
Spits a Bush voter. :lmao:
nothing will ever be worse than a dumb ass obama supporter. even the creators of obamacare think yall are stupid.
That's ok, I don't expect a Bush voter to know they are even dumber than the dumbest Obama voter. That's testament to how ignorant Bush voters are.
pull your back in place with that spin, you're an imbecile you support a lie and fail policies of obama. that's the plain simple fact.
Spits a Bush voter. :lmao:
What's so funny? shouldn't you be pissed because the creators of obamacare called you stupid for supporting what they created?
You are so fucking stupid you can't grasp the insult of what was said about you.
Who knows what you're rambling about now, Bush voter? I didn't vote for Obama because of healthcare. I voted for him due to the likelihood that the president elected in 2008 would be the one nominating a Supreme Court justice. And Obama exceeded my expectations by nominating not one, but two Liberal justices.
nothing will ever be worse than a dumb ass obama supporter. even the creators of obamacare think yall are stupid.
That's ok, I don't expect a Bush voter to know they are even dumber than the dumbest Obama voter. That's testament to how ignorant Bush voters are.
pull your back in place with that spin, you're an imbecile you support a lie and fail policies of obama. that's the plain simple fact.
Spits a Bush voter. :lmao:
What's so funny? shouldn't you be pissed because the creators of obamacare called you stupid for supporting what they created?
You are so fucking stupid you can't grasp the insult of what was said about you.
Who knows what you're rambling about now, Bush voter? I didn't vote for Obama because of healthcare. I voted for him due to the likelihood that the president elected in 2008 would be the one nominating a Supreme Court justice. And Obama exceeded my expectations by nominating not one, but two Liberal justices.

You voted for Obama because you are a far left drone..
One question:

When Obama said that people would be able to keep their plan.....did he believe that to be the case at the time?
If he didn't, then according to Saigon, he might have been the only liberal who didn't.

I'm sure both Obama and most liberals understood that conservatives would kick, scream, lie and cheat in order to compromise the bill whenever and wherever they could - as they still doing through the courts, of course.

I stand by what I said earlier - most people who voted for Obama voted for Obamacare understanding the principle of universal healthcare and the basic idea of the plan, if not the details of the plan.

I actually think the GOP should respect that.

The only people that voted for Obamacare were Democrat legislators. You are being extremely naive if you think they all voted on the principle of universal healthcare. Did you hear about the deals made labeled the 'Cornhusker Kickback' and the 'Louisiana Purchase' in order to get the 60 votes needed for cloture?
Here is a link to see a dozen or more back door deals that were made to get the ACA passed.

The list of payoffs that got Reid his cloture vote Hot Air
Social Security and Medicare have lifted MILLIONS of Americans out of poverty. Before Medicare, elderly were the most likely group to fall into poverty, after Medicare elderly are the LEAST likely to live in poverty.

Conservatives have NEVER done anything to help the poor. They loathe the poor.

Conservatives give just as much to charities as Liberals do.
They do not hate the poor
We pay into those programs for years before we receive them.

Oh, so terms like 'moochers' is meant to be endearing...

I myself would never use that word.
People that can work for a living but take government assistance programs.
Why should they when the can get more in assistance than working in a low paying job?
Would most work at a job that pays 12,000.00 a year or get government assistance that pays 32,000.00 a year?

We found who the 47% Romney trashed really are...

America's safety net is below almost every other industrialized country in every measure. America more closely resembles the likes of Mexico than a modern First World industrialized nation.

We heard the ignorant rant of Mitt Romney and his 47%...

If there is a citizenry on this planet that does NOT have an entitlement mentality, it is the American people. American workers receive less benefits, paid leave, health care and take less vacation time than any other people. American workers take pride in the quality of their work and their work ethic.

What Romney said is a gross insult and reveals a dangerous mindset. He reeks of contempt for middle class working people and the poor.

Who are the 47%?


Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percent of the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

80 percent of the workforce has seen their wages decline in real terms over the last quarter-century, and the average household has seen 40 percent of its wealth disappear during the Great Recession. Through it all, families never asked for a handout from anyone, especially Washington. They were left to go on their own, working harder, squeezing nickels, and taking care of themselves. But their economic boats have been taking on water for years, and now the crisis has swamped millions of middle class families. ref ref

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Maybe you should look at the latest polls to find out about the work ethic in the US.

"Nearly four in 10 Americans, or 92 million, are not in the labor force and now there’s a reason why: They have simply given up and don’t want to work.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the largest group of people not in the labor force are those who don’t want a job, a remarkable statement on the nation’s work ethic. The federal job counter said that 85.9 million adults last month didn’t want a job, or 93 percent of all adults not in the labor force.

APew Research Center analysisout Friday dug a bit deeper to find out who those people are. Many are younger Americans who seem far less interested it landing a job than previous generations, possibly discouraged by the lack of good-paying jobs.

“Women are more likely than men to say they don’t want a job, although the gap has been narrowing — especially since the Great Recession. Last month, 28.5 percent of men said they didn’t want a job, up from 23.9 percent in October 2000 and 25.2 percent in October 2008. For women, the share saying they didn’t want a job hovered around 38 percent throughout the 2000s but began creeping up in 2010, reaching 40.2 percent last month,” said the Pew analysis."

Giving up 40 women 28 men 39 youth don t want a job
So? Some 86 million don't want to work. So what? As a percentage of the population, that's not much higher than before Obama became president. And given we're in the age of baby boomers hitting retirement age, where roughly three times as many seniors are retiring than before 2008, that's not exactly a surprise.
That's ok, I don't expect a Bush voter to know they are even dumber than the dumbest Obama voter. That's testament to how ignorant Bush voters are.
pull your back in place with that spin, you're an imbecile you support a lie and fail policies of obama. that's the plain simple fact.
Spits a Bush voter. :lmao:
What's so funny? shouldn't you be pissed because the creators of obamacare called you stupid for supporting what they created?
You are so fucking stupid you can't grasp the insult of what was said about you.
Who knows what you're rambling about now, Bush voter? I didn't vote for Obama because of healthcare. I voted for him due to the likelihood that the president elected in 2008 would be the one nominating a Supreme Court justice. And Obama exceeded my expectations by nominating not one, but two Liberal justices.

You voted for Obama because you are a far left drone..

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