*Are Guns Bad?*

It's been my observation over the years that the most vigorous anti-gun proponents know nothing about guns, are afraid of guns, are not inclined to defend themselves under any circumstances or, typically, all three.
No, I'm for defense spending. But I think defense spending is bloated, full of corruption and incompetence and should be as vulnerable to cuts as spending for hungry children and unpaved roads.I don't think many Conservatives agree with me on that. They tell me so everyday.

Get back to me when you see spending cut for "hungry children".... in fact get back to me when kids actually DO go hungry here in America. (sure they are there, but its not the gov'ts fault they are, nor is it mine... its their parents fault).

Liberals always want to cut spending for military and first responders but never with entitlements. :eusa_eh:
It's been my observation over the years that the most vigorous anti-gun proponents know nothing about guns, are afraid of guns, are not inclined to defend themselves under any circumstances or, typically, all three.


"you'll shoot your eye out"
Debate. Not coercion by gunpoint.

Once force is accepted as a solution, there is no more freedom.
How do you expect people to accept your version of the common good if you can't get them to agree by debate?

Obamacare was forced on those who disagreed with it by coercion backed up with the threat of force. Therefore, you must agree there is no freedom on that issue.
All laws can be argued thus. And yet law, the rule of law, is what makes civilizations great.

One believable line in the film "Cleopatra" was Julius Caesar directing his general to deliver Caesar's full authority to Mark Antony in Rome while Caesar headed to stave off civil war in Egypt. The general affirmed: "Antony's law shall be Caesar's." Caesar replied: "Tell Antony to keep his legions intact. They make the law legal."

Without ability to impose consequences for violating the law, there is no law. And take away his ability to defend his own constitutional, legal, civil, and unalienable rights, there is no law for the citizen. It is little comfort to the one who has been assaulted, battered, mugged, raped, robbed, injured, or murdered to know that it was done illegally.
Are people bad? The worst shooting rampage in history was only about 3 years ago in western Virginia on the VT campus in Blacksburg. Lefties thought that a person's mental health record should be private even when a nut case filled out the ATF forms to purchase a gun. The shooter has a substantial psychiatric record but a name check failed to disclose it when he purchased weapons. The Vs law has been changed since then.
Are people bad? The worst shooting rampage in history was only about 3 years ago in western Virginia on the VT campus in Blacksburg. Lefties thought that a person's mental health record should be private even when a nut case filled out the ATF forms to purchase a gun. The shooter has a substantial psychiatric record but a name check failed to disclose it when he purchased weapons. The Va law has been changed since then.
Sorry bout that,

1. When your direct family is the ones under attack, by lets say men trying to kick in your front door, could you open fire on some strangers?
2. What if it was an abulance driver who forgot to ring the bell and started kicking in the door by accident?

Sorry bout that,

1. When your direct family is the ones under attack, by lets say men trying to kick in your front door, could you open fire on some strangers?
2. What if it was an abulance driver who forgot to ring the bell and started kicking in the door by accident?


Sorry bout that,

1. When your direct family is the ones under attack, by lets say men trying to kick in your front door, could you open fire on some strangers?
2. What if it was an abulance driver who forgot to ring the bell and started kicking in the door by accident?


One warning shot should stop any honorable person from finishing kicking in the door. If it doesn't, shoot.
I saw on the news about a Texas town banning "Gunworks" on new years.
ie firing ones gun into the air like a bunch of muslim extremists or Sadam :D
Sorry bout that,

1. When your direct family is the ones under attack, by lets say men trying to kick in your front door, could you open fire on some strangers?
2. What if it was an abulance driver who forgot to ring the bell and started kicking in the door by accident?


One warning shot should stop any honorable person from finishing kicking in the door. If it doesn't, shoot.

If I feel I have to shoot there will be no warning shots.
I have just shot (nowhere near) to run off tresspassers, ie 4 wheelers chasing my cattle and such.
Basically it is like any tool, it is the use it is put to.
However one thing to consider is that many guns are only designed for shooting people.
No quite like killing someone with a hammer which has several other useful purposes.
The right to arms is all about killing people, as it is sometimes necessary to do so.
Given that, the "many guns are only designed for shooting people" are -exactly- those protected by the Constitution.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

I'm still thinkin'.....the fact, we now have a standing-Army, makes this Amendment a mere antiquity.​
The second amendment refers to a private citizen to bear weapons, not the U.S. Military. And it is NOT outdated.
Fire a "warning shot" in your own home? Where? If they are kicking your door in you shouldn't waste a shot at the ceiling. Center mass should be your target.
Sorry bout that,

1. Okay lets say the context goes thusly, you have the front and the back door being kicked in at the same time.
2. Neither doors front or back is within eye sight of the other, this can't be nothing but a bad situation.
3. You wake up from your slumbering, tell the wife to hide under the bed, and grab your pistol from under your pillow, you had a feeling about tonight, so you put the pistol there, for the first time.
4. You are aware that both front and back doors are being kicked in at the same time.
5. You clip on the silencer, so those about to get a cap shot up in thier arses at the back door, don't know you are about to take the guys at the front door out first.
6. While walking down the hall you quickly open the doors of your two children and tell them to hide in the closets.
7. While you turn the corner in the hall that leads to the front door, you squeeze the trigger, popping the two thugs *shoooing* ~ *shoooing*, two dead and gone.
8. Then you crouch down, and make your way towards the back door, they are just about through the back door, when you stand up ten feet away from the door, they still don't even know shots have been fired, because you had a silencer, but thier two buds are dead on the front porch already.
9. Then the door swings wide open, and you like freakin *Rambo* are standing right there with your pistol trained right at them.
10. *Shooing* ~ *Shooing*, two more dead thugs fall on the back patio.
11. Well done, or did you just break the law using a silencer?
12. Stay thirsty my friends.

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Sorry bout that,

1. So when using stealth in taking out those who plan to do you harm, or even kill you and your whole family, then *Guns Are Bad*?
2. But if stealth wasn't used in this context, then those at the back door would of heard the shots at the front door, and perhaps then pulled thier guns and shot you before you could of shot them.
3. Does that make the *Stealth* aircraft bad too then?
4. Is it only fair that even the *bad guy* knows it coming?

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Fire a "warning shot" in your own home? Where? If they are kicking your door in you shouldn't waste a shot at the ceiling. Center mass should be your target.

It would be difficult enough for me to use lethal violence against another human in any case without at least making an honest attempt to avert it when a threat wasn't instantly imminent. So the guy kicking my door gets a warning. He darn well better take it though because if he then continues, I could and would target center mass.
Sorry bout that,

Fire a "warning shot" in your own home? Where? If they are kicking your door in you shouldn't waste a shot at the ceiling. Center mass should be your target.

It would be difficult enough for me to use lethal violence against another human in any case without at least making an honest attempt to avert it when a threat wasn't instantly imminent. So the guy kicking my door gets a warning. He darn well better take it though because if he then continues, I could and would target center mass.

1. Okay you fired a warning shot, then all four opened fire on you and killed you.
2. Your a fair kinda guy there dude.
3. Then they made it in and killed your whole family, just because you were so fair, thats fair!
4. I guess, for you.:eek:

Sorry bout that,

Fire a "warning shot" in your own home? Where? If they are kicking your door in you shouldn't waste a shot at the ceiling. Center mass should be your target.

It would be difficult enough for me to use lethal violence against another human in any case without at least making an honest attempt to avert it when a threat wasn't instantly imminent. So the guy kicking my door gets a warning. He darn well better take it though because if he then continues, I could and would target center mass.

1. Okay you fired a warning shot, then all four opened fire on you and killed you.
2. Your a fair kinda guy there dude.
3. Then they made it in and killed your whole family, just because you were so fair, thats fair!
4. I guess, for you.:eek:


They don't know where you are so the odds of them choosing the exact spot to hit you when they can't see you would make it worth the risk to ensure that I wasn't inadvertently firing on firefighters or the police, Many decisions we make in our lifetime involve some risk. And it all has to be balanced against the risk I am willing to assume.

I value my life, the lives of my loved ones, and all innocent people more than I value the lives of those who would presume to harm the innocent. And that is why I believe I could shoot if I had to do that to prevent that harm. But I sure want to feel secure in my own heart that it was necessary.

And because I believe most people share my convictions about that, I feel more secure and more safe knowing that some people around me are legally carrying concealed weapons. And I feel affirmed that so far NONE of those legally carrying concealed weapons in our state have ever use those weapons inappropriately or illegally.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

It would be difficult enough for me to use lethal violence against another human in any case without at least making an honest attempt to avert it when a threat wasn't instantly imminent. So the guy kicking my door gets a warning. He darn well better take it though because if he then continues, I could and would target center mass.

1. Okay you fired a warning shot, then all four opened fire on you and killed you.
2. Your a fair kinda guy there dude.
3. Then they made it in and killed your whole family, just because you were so fair, thats fair!
4. I guess, for you.:eek:


They don't know where you are so the odds of them choosing the exact spot to hit you when they can't see you would make it worth the risk to ensure that I wasn't inadvertently firing on firefighters or the police, Many decisions we make in our lifetime involve some risk. And it all has to be balanced against the risk I am willing to assume.

I value my life, the lives of my loved ones, and all innocent people more than I value the lives of those who would presume to harm the innocent. And that is why I believe I could shoot if I had to do that to prevent that harm. But I sure want to feel secure in my own heart that it was necessary.

And because I believe most people share my convictions about that, I feel more secure and more safe knowing that some people around me are legally carrying concealed weapons. And I feel affirmed that so far NONE of those legally carrying concealed weapons in our state have ever use those weapons inappropriately or illegally.

1. Who's says they don't know where you are, they have night vision goggles, and your front door has all clear glass in it, so its very easy for anyone to see you, also the back door is a fullview door.
2. Your only chance is *stealth* and surprise, so you don't use your advantage, you just stand there out in the open shooting at the ceiling???
3. As you shoot your humanitys sake warning shot?

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Okay you fired a warning shot, then all four opened fire on you and killed you.
2. Your a fair kinda guy there dude.
3. Then they made it in and killed your whole family, just because you were so fair, thats fair!
4. I guess, for you.:eek:


They don't know where you are so the odds of them choosing the exact spot to hit you when they can't see you would make it worth the risk to ensure that I wasn't inadvertently firing on firefighters or the police, Many decisions we make in our lifetime involve some risk. And it all has to be balanced against the risk I am willing to assume.

I value my life, the lives of my loved ones, and all innocent people more than I value the lives of those who would presume to harm the innocent. And that is why I believe I could shoot if I had to do that to prevent that harm. But I sure want to feel secure in my own heart that it was necessary.

And because I believe most people share my convictions about that, I feel more secure and more safe knowing that some people around me are legally carrying concealed weapons. And I feel affirmed that so far NONE of those legally carrying concealed weapons in our state have ever use those weapons inappropriately or illegally.

1. Who's says they don't know where you are, they have night vision goggles, and your front door has all clear glass in it, so its very easy for anyone to see you, also the back door is a fullview door.
2. Your only chance is *stealth* and surprise, so you don't use your advantage, you just stand there out in the open shooting at the ceiling???
3. As you shoot your humanitys sake warning shot?


From the ridiculous to the sublime? Surely you jest. Night vision goggles don't see through wood doors. And if the front door is glass, the cops or firefighters won't have to kick it in but can see inside quite easily that there is no need to do so. And I can see them.

But since you seem to be missing my point anyway, that's okay. Happy New Year and have a great day.

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