Are Guns Declining?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "News that the share of American homes with guns has been declining for four decades is best seen as a wake-up call to those who believe in the original principles of the American compact.

2. The New York Times is fronting the news based on data from the General Social Survey, which is a data collection operation based at the Chicago University. The Times’ analysis of its data suggests that gun ownership has, as the Times puts it, “fallen across a broad cross section of households since the early 1970s” in cities and rural areas and all regions of the country. What it calls the “household gun ownership rate” has plunged to 34% in 2012 from more than 50% in the 1970s.

3. This plunge is a shocking and dangerous development in a nation whose system of government was framed on an understanding that widespread, private gun ownership was one of the struts of liberty. The dispatch in the Times, a shrewdly crafted scoop, notes that the findings “contrast with the impression left by a flurry of news reports about people rushing to buy guns...

4. Doubt about the General Social Survey’s finding on guns is, the Times reports, being voiced by the National Rifle Association.... But it quotes Thomas Smith of the General Social Survey as saying he is confident of the trend, which the Times quotes Mr. Smith as saying lines up with what the Times calls “the decline of hunting and a sharp drop in violent crime.”

5. ...the Times reports that the trend “raises questions about the future politics of gun control.” The way it poses the question is this: “Will efforts to regulate guns eventually meet with less resistance if they are increasingly concentrated in fewer hands — or more resistance?”

6.’s a good question, one that invites a reconsideration of the strategy being pursued by those of us who believe that the Second Amendment is the “palladium” of our liberty.

7. ...what is suggested is the need for a strategy that focuses not only on the right to keep and bear arms but also the importance, the civic virtue of doing so.

8. It suggests the need for an educational campaign in respect of the logic of gun ownership, the meaning and role of the militia, and the problem of standing armies.

9. What the Times warns of, after all, is the danger that the right to keep and bear arms can be lost because of the failure to exercise it in the first place."
Are Guns Declining? - The New York Sun
The number of guns in American households has risen so dramatically, that gun makers refer to obama as salesman of the year.

Astroturfing to say that gun possession is declining is just propaganda to make gun owners feel like they are some sort of minority. Out of the mainstream. But it's just propaganda. It's not true.

the households have shrunk.

The same households are just buying more guns.

That is how the NRA makes its money
Are guns declining or have people taken steps to hide them from a potential government ban and seizure?

It doesn't look to me that this study included a way to measure the guns that are intentionally hidden.

Every gun owner I know has been the victim of gun thefts.......
In November and December of last year, the FBI processed 3 million background checks for new gun owners. That's in two months. More than 3 million guns were sold because there is only one background check per person when one person might buy multiple guns.
In November and December of last year, the FBI processed 3 million background checks for new gun owners. That's in two months. More than 3 million guns were sold because there is only one background check per person when one person might buy multiple guns.

links to your claims
Yes, guns are declining. You can help the Gov't in it's Peace Efforts by turning in all your guns.

The Police will protect you.
America is declining under Obama's ineptness in general, but IMO interest in owning and collecting guns, and in hunting, target shooting and owning for self-defense has not declined much.

Been in a gun shop lately? Almost all sold out, with orders they can't keep up with.

Been to a gun show lately? I went a few weeks ago, but didn't even go in because the line to enter was so long, and the line inside for ammo had thousands of folks in it.
I think it has little to do with gun violence and everything to do with a decline in gun sports

Not as many people are involved in hunting the way they used to be. Much of the country no longer has convenient hunting locations as suburbs encroach on formerly forested areas

There is also fewer skeet and target shooting ranges near populated areas
Yes, guns are declining. You can help the Gov't in it's Peace Efforts by turning in all your guns.

The Police will protect you.

The deal with you parody posters is that the libs will agree with everything you say LOL!!!

Just nodding away, as they sip their 12 oz Starbucks.

you didnt know he was a hack until I told you he was

I never saw you say anything about him, don't read you much, but did see the day he joined, and knew the routine immediately.

Good parody! He has you libs nailed.
One of the things which is not revealed by these surveys is the basic change in the demographics of an "American home". Beginning with the EXACT same time frame as the initial decline in homes having guns, there was the beginning of a major shift in the very nature of the "American home". Prior to the early 70's, the traditional household of a married couple with chiildren clearly dominated. Beginning in the the 70's the absolute number of households began growing exponentially in relation to the overall population. This growth in the number of household which have a female head of household was primarily responsible for this growth in the overall number of households as compared to the overall population. Single moms became a reality instead of an aberration. Professional women who have intentionally delayed marriage also dramatically increased.

Of course, women are much less likely to have firearms than men (although this is changing). The result is that the percentage of households having guns has declined even though the percentage of people owning guns has remained relatively stable. The decline referred to is based primarily upon this changing demographic concerning American households

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