Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

I did not say that gay families were perfect or that the children never have problems. The issue is whether children suffer low self esteem because the have same sex parents. You have not been able to show how or why that might be. You're just taking shots in the dark
Of course they do. It's an incremental stigma that children from traditional families don't suffer.
So only men are promiscuous? Really? Sound like you have a problem with women and the fact that they have rejected the little home maker role
That used to be the case, yes. When women became as promiscuous as men that's when all of the things I mentioned got worse for women. Not only does it correlate, it makes sense why it correlates.
What does that mean? Instead of "suspecting" try doing some research
There's a distribution for everything. You aren't disputing that, right?

So assuming you agree with that then it's easy to see with your own eyes people who were born gay versus people who chose to be gay. It's pretty obvious.
Mostly this, but pretty much everything:

". If the former, would support laws and policies to elevate their status"

"Elevate" your status based on your perverted lifestyle? In what way do you expect SPECIAL RIGHTS over everyone else based on a behavior and vile practices a normal person would be ashamed of?
Good fucking grief I am sick of hearing that shit. Not one of you people have ever been able to coherently state how equal rights are special rights. All that you ever do is to condemn gays for their lifestyle but you are unwilling to do anything to alleviate the legal and social barriers that they face that prevents them from fully participating in society.
I recall a stat that said that 40% of all girls in households were abused in one form or another.

You might want to stay away from the emotional harm issue.

All those who promote homophobic and misogynous religions should.

No, I think I will keep pointing out the emotional harm to children of gay marriages. Don't you care about the children?
No, I think I will keep pointing out the emotional harm to children of gay marriages. Don't you care about the children?
You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Where is the literature that shows that gay parenting harms children? And to say that gay marriage is harmful is even stupider because you do not have to be married to have children and gay people have been caring for children for a very long time. Marriage gives those kids the legal and financial benefits and security of having married parents. Don't dare suggest that I don't care about the children
There's a distribution for everything. You aren't disputing that, right?

So assuming you agree with that then it's easy to see with your own eyes people who were born gay versus people who chose to be gay. It's pretty obvious.
More stupid shit!
That used to be the case, yes. When women became as promiscuous as men that's when all of the things I mentioned got worse for women. Not only does it correlate, it makes sense why it correlates.
You're an INCEL aren't you? You have no respect for women, they know it and won't have anything to do with you
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Of course they do. It's an incremental stigma that children from traditional families don't suffer.

Suffering Children
Well, then, since Jesus is 100% perfect and Jesus never said anything one way or another about homosexuality, if it really mattered all that much, don't you think He would have preached about it as much as you do?

Unless you think you know better than Jesus, that is.
I don't remember Jesus ever speaking out against thermonuclear war, either. According to you, that means thermonuclear war is fine with Him.
Apparently you don't understand history. There have been plenty of civilizations that glorified homosexuality over time. How about Sodom? Sodom was a city where they loved butt sex so much that they actually name the city after the act. "Sodom" is derived from the term "sodomy". And looked what happened to them?

Similarly, Germany during the 1940's was permeated with homosexuality. Gay men like Hitler and Rohm ruled, and it was widely recognized. Gen. Patton advised the men of the 3rd Army that the folks they were facing in battle were literally gay- I believe he used the word "c***sucker" to describe the German troops. The WW2 veterans I knew recognized the Germans were part of the LGBTQ community as well.

Germany, BTW, fell in 1945.
Lets not get carried away

Patton was a great general but more than a little bit of a blowhard

any student of WWII should know that the Wehrmacht were not pansies, though some of the leadership may have been homo’s
no that's a scientific fact.

2 humans do not have the genetic variability to populate an entire planet.

God can do whatever he likes, sorry. He is no way bound by your unbelief.
So you don't think that there are real families that look like that?

Not at all. The supposed "same-gender" couple portrayed aren't even dressed like homosexuals.

The pic shows them in ordinary clothes, as opposed to being in full drag as per usual instead of looking like a square.

I hope to God that Secretary Buttplug and his bum buddy did the decent thing and hired a midget actor to portray the role of their "child" instead of subjecting an actual kid to that kind of atrocity. That Tyrion fellow hasn't been doing anything since GOT was cancelled.

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