Are my kids half oppressor and half oppressed?

My impression is that when identity politics are taken to the extreme, they are rather symptom of the bad blood between the races in America, than they are a path to a solution.
My impression is that when identity politics are taken to the extreme, they are rather symptom of the bad blood between the races in America, than they are a path to a solution.
Over half a century ago, there was real systemic racism in America. Blacks were barred from restaurants, hotels and other venues. They were denied employment at many companies and entrance into colleges. The Left uses America's racist past as a weapon to divide, instill anger and gain power. The bad blood between the races is generated by the Left and their relentless Media.
Let's hear from the race experts from the democrat party. Please explain.

CRT is the type of work you'd see written in the late 1930's, right before a country justified the invasion of another nation. Only now, the invasion appears to be domestic and targetting the youngest demographic.

These people are really creepy. As creepy as the undercovers in Canadian public schools grooming their future target.
My impression is that when identity politics are taken to the extreme, they are rather symptom of the bad blood between the races in America, than they are a path to a solution.
Over half a century ago, there was real systemic racism in America. Blacks were barred from restaurants, hotels and other venues. They were denied employment at many companies and entrance into colleges. The Left uses America's racist past as a weapon to divide, instill anger and gain power. The bad blood between the races is generated by the Left and their relentless Media.

As far as I can see, it's not just one side that contributes to this division.

It's true that angry identity politics, when its proponents are shrill and over the top, don't make it better.

But after all, there are still genuine racists left. You know, old style racists as well as new "alt-right" racists. And Trump deliberately refused to condemn them, but did his best to make sure they keep supporting him.
Let's hear from the race experts from the democrat party. Please explain.
What an excellent post, video, and inspirational message. I'm not a race expert nor a Democrat, btw, but wanted to throw in my nickel's worth.

Quote from the video, wife states: "Education got me to where I am today, not activism". She took initiative, and stated she was never told that because she is black she can't do things.

The couple did not make excuses for English and math scores being lower for black students, and presented a chart reflecting the differences. Their solution is the right one: don't take away middle level math classes in high school because there aren't enough students of color, give all students who need more instruction the help in elementary math classes to achieve the capability. This sound solution doesn't lower the bar like it is when blaming institutional racism.

The couple supports making kids believe in themselves, which is particularly important during the formative years. This is what taking personal responsibility for one's efforts and being responsible for the results is all about.
Let's hear from the race experts from the democrat party. Please explain.
What an excellent post, video, and inspirational message. I'm not a race expert nor a Democrat, btw, but wanted to throw in my nickel's worth.

Quote from the video, wife states: "Education got me to where I am today, not activism". She took initiative, and stated she was never told that because she is black she can't do things.

The couple did not make excuses for English and math scores being lower for black students, and presented a chart reflecting the differences. Their solution is the right one: don't take away middle level math classes in high school because there aren't enough students of color, give all students who need more instruction time in elementary math classes to achieve the capability. This sound solution doesn't lower the bar like it is when blaming institutional racism.

The couple supports making kids believe in themselves, which is particularly important during the formative years. This is what taking personal responsibility for one's efforts and being responsible for the results is all about.
What an opportunity Obama had to bring the country together. All he had to do was say "If you want to know is possible for you being Black in America, just look at me! The past is the past, now there is nothing you can't achieve you can come from a broken home and rise to be President of The United States!!"

Instead Obama used the power he had to fuel racial tension and to attack and vilify the Police. He has set America back 50 years.

Because there are no white people ever born in Spanish speaking countries, everyone knows this.

Language is about as color-blind as can be. You can either speak the language or you can't, language isn't interested in skin color.

Furthermore, just who in the hell is going to learn this language if it is only designed for the "historic people" of creation? Should all the U.S born black and white kids not be allowed to learn this language now too?

What a complete idiot. Probably best that she not teach anything to anyone.
Let's hear from the race experts from the democrat party. Please explain.
What an excellent post, video, and inspirational message. I'm not a race expert nor a Democrat, btw, but wanted to throw in my nickel's worth.

Quote from the video, wife states: "Education got me to where I am today, not activism". She took initiative, and stated she was never told that because she is black she can't do things.

The couple did not make excuses for English and math scores being lower for black students, and presented a chart reflecting the differences. Their solution is the right one: don't take away middle level math classes in high school because there aren't enough students of color, give all students who need more instruction time in elementary math classes to achieve the capability. This sound solution doesn't lower the bar like it is when blaming institutional racism.

The couple supports making kids believe in themselves, which is particularly important during the formative years. This is what taking personal responsibility for one's efforts and being responsible for the results is all about.
What an opportunity Obama had to bring the country together. All he had to do was say "If you want to know is possible for you being Black in America, just look at me! The past is the past, now there is nothing you can't achieve you can come from a broken home and rise to be President of The United States!!"

Instead Obama used the power he had to fuel racial tension and to attack and vilify the Police. He has set America back 50 years.
Political hacks know that the key to keeping power is division. A house divided cannot stand. If the people come together, the political hacks are finished.
straight jacket.gif

^ where they need to be.

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