Are people programmable?

Democrats all came up with not only the same position on every issue but the same talking points to justify them through extensive independent analysis of each issue subjecting each to ruthless logical analysis leading to the only possible conclusion remaining when all other positions had been rejected.

I would argue future Democrats are programmed to believe as their progenitors did. Impression, indoctrination, or in this sense, programming. That static position has to be passed on to future generations to instill that seemingly unchanging position.

True. Though the socons on the right are the same. You need to deeply cultivate the idea that government can make better choices over your money and body than you can. It's delusional
Someone just a few minutes ago told me "black people aren't easily programmable robots." That got me thinking... are people easily programmable? Are they incapable of going against their political programming?

See our current state of politics and the stark political division between Americans? There are many people who will repeat what they are told in the face of facts and reasoning. Take the die hard liberals and conservatives on this board for example. They will repeat their talking points til' they're blue in the face, it doesn't matter if you confront them with proven facts, they continue on as if they never heard you.

Then, there are some who have the presence of mind to step back and question what they are told. Who determine that it is wiser to examine all the positions and facts before they commit themselves to an ideology or ideologies. Even then, they are wary if they get in too deep, hence free thought. But, alas, those people are few and far between.

So are people programmable? Yes and no. Yes, because there are people out there who give themselves blindly to a cause, disregarding any consequences that come as a result. No, because there are people who consider the consequences beforehand. I consider myself to be the latter, since at one point I was a die hard neo-con. But then I started listening to other points of view and I decided to go a different direction. That leads me to think that process can happen to anyone, to varying degrees. And some are beyond help.

No, people are definitely not programmable, the Democrat party proves that. Democrats all came up with not only the same position on every issue but the same talking points to justify them through extensive independent analysis of each issue subjecting each to ruthless logical analysis leading to the only possible conclusion remaining when all other positions had been rejected.

I mean duh
It is hard to explain how the far right fringe and/or the far left fringe got that way.

My only guess is extreme brainwashing combined with genetically low I/Q's.

Its because people arent swayed by logic or reasoning, they are moved by the skillful manipulation of the facts.

They are doing it as simpletons though. They chose to be swayed because they want to think what they think.


- If you are worth $5 an hour, a business will pay you $15 an hour, not find someone who is worth $15 an hour
- You can fight terrorism with gun control
- When you tax workers and spend the money as it comes in, you are creating a trust fund
- To say there are Mexicans who are criminals crossing the border is to say all Mexicans are criminals


- That's stupid, governemnt shouldn't make your choices for you and it's YOUR money. Now your body, government should make those choices for you, but only if you make the wrong choices ...
What would anyone say about a blue collar worker manipulated into believing that unions were bad for them?

I would say you're demonstrating the point of being programmed on one side whether you answer that unions are good or bad for the worker based on the lack of facts in the question.

Unions are good for workers if they are based on market power, not government guns. If the one paying the bills is across the table from them. And if they also care about the success of their company.

When unions are given artificial power with government guns, the owners keep doing things like moving your job offshore and taking it away
I know this thread won't get much attention in the wake of the Dallas cop killings, but I feel that also speaks to the point. Was the shooter programmed? I think this would be a great discussion.


I dont think we are programmable in the sense of the Manchurian Candidate type stuff, but I do believe we are highly suggestible. Take black lives matter for instance. What you see there is a combo of two generations of public education, and the outrage put out there by the left leaning media and liberal politicians who need them to stay in power. The right does the same thing, just in our case we have Sean Hannity and the likes of John McCain and his ilk. I may be naive, but i think this tactic is beginning to fail.

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