Are people programmable?

Are we not the sum of our upbringing? We are all living prof that "programming" works on people.

We eat,speak and walk.

Do we not?
My parents were both die hard liberals....they still think I was switched at birth...

Took them to get registered republican so they could vote Trump...isn't America great.....
That got me thinking... are people easily programmable? Are they incapable of going against their political programming?
Oh, I have no doubt whatsoever. And that's a great question.

I've done some research into the subconscious, and it can indeed be "programmed" to react in certain ways to particular stimuli, and that "programming" becomes more and more embedded with time - this is because the person hardens it through self-talk, emotional responses and the echo chamber effect.

So using politics as an example, the subconscious becomes so "programmed" that it literally distorts perceptions - so, the political rhetoric of ideologues might very well be absolutely honest and sincere for them, even though, at some level, they know it is not.

That's why they get so angry and defensive, in my opinion. On a surface level, they're being "honest". But at some deeper level, they know they are not.

So, what smells like bacon to you might smell like oranges to them, at least on a surface level.

Who is "they"?
This is a smart guy. Intelligent, reasonable, used logic and did his research. He found the truth and did His Country a service by doing his duty as an American not to trust our politicians. A great statement that needs no answer and asks no question. You boobs arent used to that. But they just dont get it. These thoughts just never occurred to them and it sad. I knew this would fly high over 99.9 percent of all the ppl here.
Someone just a few minutes ago told me "black people aren't easily programmable robots." That got me thinking... are people easily programmable? Are they incapable of going against their political programming?

See our current state of politics and the stark political division between Americans? There are many people who will repeat what they are told in the face of facts and reasoning. Take the die hard liberals and conservatives on this board for example. They will repeat their talking points til' they're blue in the face, it doesn't matter if you confront them with proven facts, they continue on as if they never heard you.

Then, there are some who have the presence of mind to step back and question what they are told. Who determine that it is wiser to examine all the positions and facts before they commit themselves to an ideology or ideologies. Even then, they are wary if they get in too deep, hence free thought. But, alas, those people are few and far between.

So are people programmable? Yes and no. Yes, because there are people out there who give themselves blindly to a cause, disregarding any consequences that come as a result. No, because there are people who consider the consequences beforehand. I consider myself to be the latter, since at one point I was a die hard neo-con. But then I started listening to other points of view and I decided to go a different direction. That leads me to think that process can happen to anyone, to varying degrees. And some are beyond help.

No, people are definitely not programmable, the Democrat party proves that. Democrats all came up with not only the same position on every issue but the same talking points to justify them through extensive independent analysis of each issue subjecting each to ruthless logical analysis leading to the only possible conclusion remaining when all other positions had been rejected.

I mean duh
It is hard to explain how the far right fringe and/or the far left fringe got that way.

My only guess is extreme brainwashing combined with genetically low I/Q's.

Its because people arent swayed by logic or reasoning, they are moved by the skillful manipulation of the facts.
Someone just a few minutes ago told me "black people aren't easily programmable robots." That got me thinking... are people easily programmable? Are they incapable of going against their political programming?

See our current state of politics and the stark political division between Americans? There are many people who will repeat what they are told in the face of facts and reasoning. Take the die hard liberals and conservatives on this board for example. They will repeat their talking points til' they're blue in the face, it doesn't matter if you confront them with proven facts, they continue on as if they never heard you.

Then, there are some who have the presence of mind to step back and question what they are told. Who determine that it is wiser to examine all the positions and facts before they commit themselves to an ideology or ideologies. Even then, they are wary if they get in too deep, hence free thought. But, alas, those people are few and far between.

So are people programmable? Yes and no. Yes, because there are people out there who give themselves blindly to a cause, disregarding any consequences that come as a result. No, because there are people who consider the consequences beforehand. I consider myself to be the latter, since at one point I was a die hard neo-con. But then I started listening to other points of view and I decided to go a different direction. That leads me to think that process can happen to anyone, to varying degrees. And some are beyond help.

No, people are definitely not programmable, the Democrat party proves that. Democrats all came up with not only the same position on every issue but the same talking points to justify them through extensive independent analysis of each issue subjecting each to ruthless logical analysis leading to the only possible conclusion remaining when all other positions had been rejected.

I mean duh
It is hard to explain how the far right fringe and/or the far left fringe got that way.

My only guess is extreme brainwashing combined with genetically low I/Q's.

Its because people arent swayed by logic or reasoning, they are moved by the skillful manipulation of the facts.
I'd think there's an element of emotion in there, as well, like a confirmation bias.

Another thing I've thought about is that, just as some people are more likely to become addicted to cigarettes or booze or drugs, some people are more likely than others to become addicted to an ideology. It's just in their personality makeup.
Democrats all came up with not only the same position on every issue but the same talking points to justify them through extensive independent analysis of each issue subjecting each to ruthless logical analysis leading to the only possible conclusion remaining when all other positions had been rejected.

I would argue future Democrats are programmed to believe as their progenitors did. Impression, indoctrination, or in this sense, programming. That static position has to be passed on to future generations to instill that seemingly unchanging position.

Hmmm...maybe I mistook you. This can happen to only democrats?
What would anyone say about a blue collar worker manipulated into believing that unions were bad for them?
What would anyone say about a blue collar worker manipulated into believing that unions were bad for them?

"Manipulated" into believing some organization that takes part of their paycheck each week for no discernible benefits and uses their money to support political views and candidates whether a given worker agrees with it or not is bad for them? How could you possibly "manipulate" someone into believing that?
Just watch this old psychological experiment. It is an old film. Just bear with it.

The Asch Experiment

Shows how we are programmed to go with the group. If not to feel normal. Such is how political correctness works on the masses and why political correctness is just conformity of the masses.

That is the way it is and bandwagon reasoning dominates the dopes on the left.

Somehow, they all agree that we should not use the right PREFERRED pronoun and the word waitress is offensive and businesses ought to be fined thousands of dollars.

See how it works?
Someone just a few minutes ago told me "black people aren't easily programmable robots." That got me thinking... are people easily programmable? Are they incapable of going against their political programming?

See our current state of politics and the stark political division between Americans? There are many people who will repeat what they are told in the face of facts and reasoning. Take the die hard liberals and conservatives on this board for example. They will repeat their talking points til' they're blue in the face, it doesn't matter if you confront them with proven facts, they continue on as if they never heard you.

Then, there are some who have the presence of mind to step back and question what they are told. Who determine that it is wiser to examine all the positions and facts before they commit themselves to an ideology or ideologies. Even then, they are wary if they get in too deep, hence free thought. But, alas, those people are few and far between.

So are people programmable? Yes and no. Yes, because there are people out there who give themselves blindly over to a cause, disregarding any consequences that come as a result. No, because there are people who consider the consequences beforehand. I consider myself to be the latter, since at one point I was a die hard neo-con. But then I started listening to other points of view and I decided to go a different direction. That leads me to think that process can happen to anyone, to varying degrees. And some are beyond help.

Like all mammals, humans can become conditioned with certain responses to certain stimuli under the right circumstances. Take psych 101 to learn more and not sound like such an ignorant moron asking stupid questions.

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters." - Donald Trump

I think Trump is somewhat correct. There are folks' whose partisanship blinds them in ways that may be perceived as being programmed.

We see it on the political left with voters excusing the Clintons' activities from WACO and sexual misconduct against an intern to Hillary's lack of judgement in use of a private e-mail server. We see it on he political right with acceptance of statements that go against what those that served with John Kerry and John McCain claim. Then there are my those in both parties that childishly justify their actions by pointing their finger to similar actions of the other party .
What would anyone say about a blue collar worker manipulated into believing that unions were bad for them?

"Manipulated" into believing some organization that takes part of their paycheck each week for no discernible benefits and uses their money to support political views and candidates whether a given worker agrees with it or not is bad for them? How could you possibly "manipulate" someone into believing that?
Oh my God uncle. How unbelevably, remarkably stupid you are.
We dont need these silly things.
  • Weekends without work
  • All breaks at work, including your lunch breaks
  • Paid vacation
  • Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  • Sick leave
  • Social Security
  • Minimum wage
  • Civil Rights Act/Title VII - prohibits employer discrimination
  • 8-hour work day
  • Overtime pay
  • Child labor laws
  • Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
  • 40-hour work week
  • Workers' compensation (workers' comp)
  • Unemployment insurance
  • Pensions
  • Workplace safety standards and regulations
  • Employer health care insurance
  • Collective bargaining rights for employees
  • Wrongful termination laws
  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
  • Whistleblower protection laws
  • Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) - prohibits employers from using a lie detector test on an employee
  • Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
  • Compensation increases and evaluations (i.e. raises)
  • Sexual harassment laws
  • Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Holiday pay
  • Employer dental, life, and vision insurance
  • Privacy rights
  • Pregnancy and parental leave
  • Military leave
  • The right to strike
  • Public education for children
  • Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 - requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work
  • Laws ending sweatshops in the United States

Every one of these benefits were delivered to working ppl by unions.
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What would anyone say about a blue collar worker manipulated into believing that unions were bad for them?

"Manipulated" into believing some organization that takes part of their paycheck each week for no discernible benefits and uses their money to support political views and candidates whether a given worker agrees with it or not is bad for them? How could you possibly "manipulate" someone into believing that?
Oh my God uncle. How unbelevably, remarkably stupid you are.
We dont need these silly things.
  • Weekends without work
  • All breaks at work, including your lunch breaks
  • Paid vacation
  • Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  • Sick leave
  • Social Security
  • Minimum wage
  • Civil Rights Act/Title VII - prohibits employer discrimination
  • 8-hour work day
  • Overtime pay
  • Child labor laws
  • Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
  • 40-hour work week
  • Workers' compensation (workers' comp)
  • Unemployment insurance
  • Pensions
  • Workplace safety standards and regulations
  • Employer health care insurance
  • Collective bargaining rights for employees
  • Wrongful termination laws
  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
  • Whistleblower protection laws
  • Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) - prohibits employers from using a lie detector test on an employee
  • Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
  • Compensation increases and evaluations (i.e. raises)
  • Sexual harassment laws
  • Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Holiday pay
  • Employer dental, life, and vision insurance
  • Privacy rights
  • Pregnancy and parental leave
  • Military leave
  • The right to strike
  • Public education for children
  • Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 - requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work
  • Laws ending sweatshops in the United States
Will all those apply to the new liberal American Dream job of burger flipping?
No fascist state ever survived. And neither did a communist one.
Last edited:
What would anyone say about a blue collar worker manipulated into believing that unions were bad for them?

"Manipulated" into believing some organization that takes part of their paycheck each week for no discernible benefits and uses their money to support political views and candidates whether a given worker agrees with it or not is bad for them? How could you possibly "manipulate" someone into believing that?
Oh my God uncle. How unbelevably, remarkably stupid you are.
We dont need these silly things.
  • Weekends without work
  • All breaks at work, including your lunch breaks
  • Paid vacation
  • Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  • Sick leave
  • Social Security
  • Minimum wage
  • Civil Rights Act/Title VII - prohibits employer discrimination
  • 8-hour work day
  • Overtime pay
  • Child labor laws
  • Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA)
  • 40-hour work week
  • Workers' compensation (workers' comp)
  • Unemployment insurance
  • Pensions
  • Workplace safety standards and regulations
  • Employer health care insurance
  • Collective bargaining rights for employees
  • Wrongful termination laws
  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
  • Whistleblower protection laws
  • Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) - prohibits employers from using a lie detector test on an employee
  • Veteran's Employment and Training Services (VETS)
  • Compensation increases and evaluations (i.e. raises)
  • Sexual harassment laws
  • Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Holiday pay
  • Employer dental, life, and vision insurance
  • Privacy rights
  • Pregnancy and parental leave
  • Military leave
  • The right to strike
  • Public education for children
  • Equal Pay Acts of 1963 & 2011 - requires employers pay men and women equally for the same amount of work
  • Laws ending sweatshops in the United States
Every one of these benefits were delivered to working ppl by unions.

You're sucking the wrong dick, deviant. Congress is thataway.
Someone just a few minutes ago told me "black people aren't easily programmable robots." That got me thinking... are people easily programmable? Are they incapable of going against their political programming?

See our current state of politics and the stark political division between Americans? There are many people who will repeat what they are told in the face of facts and reasoning. Take the die hard liberals and conservatives on this board for example. They will repeat their talking points til' they're blue in the face, it doesn't matter if you confront them with proven facts, they continue on as if they never heard you.

Then, there are some who have the presence of mind to step back and question what they are told. Who determine that it is wiser to examine all the positions and facts before they commit themselves to an ideology or ideologies. Even then, they are wary if they get in too deep, hence free thought. But, alas, those people are few and far between.

So are people programmable? Yes and no. Yes, because there are people out there who give themselves blindly to a cause, disregarding any consequences that come as a result. No, because there are people who consider the consequences beforehand. I consider myself to be the latter, since at one point I was a die hard neo-con. But then I started listening to other points of view and I decided to go a different direction. That leads me to think that process can happen to anyone, to varying degrees. And some are beyond help.

No, people are definitely not programmable, the Democrat party proves that. Democrats all came up with not only the same position on every issue but the same talking points to justify them through extensive independent analysis of each issue subjecting each to ruthless logical analysis leading to the only possible conclusion remaining when all other positions had been rejected.

I mean duh
It is hard to explain how the far right fringe and/or the far left fringe got that way.

My only guess is extreme brainwashing combined with genetically low I/Q's.

True, but you're really referring to one group on the right, the socons, who are like that. The problem is the "far fringe left" is that it's the entire left. Hillary and Obama had no policy differences just like Hillary and Bernie don't. They are only arguing about how fast they want to go, there is no actual disagreement on which direction to go.

Jesse Jackson to Mondale and Hart: You are pulling the same cart and arguing about who's pulling it faster. Let's discuss things we actually disagree on.

The irony being that Jesse was pulling the same cart they were, as is the rest of the Democrat party. The left are all the same, there is one group.

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