Why are some of the Secret Service personnel females?

I agree. I saw at least two girl agents up there with Trump. I'm like "What the...?" This goes right along with the woke DEI Secret Service head. You need big strong guys up there, covering, protecting the president. Females aren't best equipped for that job.
I couldnā€™t believe it. I think there was at least three female agents who Iā€™ve seen surrounding Trump at different times if not more. Itā€™s like what the hell is going on here. People act like this is normal. Itā€™s not.

Other countries are looking at America, saying what in the world is going on with these people.
it is certainly a fact that women have been involved in military affairs of various countries of history. Think perhaps the greatest example was the Soviet Union when a lot of brave women took up the rifle in ww2 ā€¦Now that is all good and well and actually something to admire my opinion.

But why canā€™t the radical left simply understand the fact that the best option for a bodyguard for the president of the USA is a man. What does the left say in responseā€¦ while they keep rambling on about shooting skills and teamwork?ā€¦. What the hell?

a man can carry more weight, they can move a heavy load faster, why canā€™t the left just acknowledge this. Some really unfortunate stuff going on with todayā€™s left.
it is certainly a fact that women have been involved in military affairs of various countries of history. Think perhaps the greatest example was the Soviet Union when a lot of brave women took up the rifle. Now that is all good and well, and actually something to admire my opinion. But why canā€™t the radical left simply understand the fact that, the best option for a bodyguard for the president of the USA is a man. And that is because a man can carry more weight, they can move a heavy load faster, why canā€™t they just acknowledge this. Some really unfortunate stuff going on with todayā€™s left.

Because she is Biden appointed director and we all have seen what happens with a lot of Bidens people he puts in positions of power.

It's also because the now director said ā€œThat achievement in a male-dominated industry was not lost on me,ā€ so it's obvious she has a focus on getting women in there and on dei which means she is more worried about women being in there than choosing the right person for the job. And it isn't sexist at all to say men are the superior choice for security.

She said a focus was to increase women 30% in the secret service. "clips of a CBS report from 2023 that repeated the Secret Serviceā€™s goal to increase its representation of women to 30% by 2030."

She is a dei pusher is what it is. She cares more about some ridiculous social agenda nonsense than actually performing her job correctly and using the best person for the job.

That's why the women are running around looking unsure and panicked and why this dummy couldn't even calm down enough to holster her weapon.

Agents with true grit and proper training holster a weapon from muscle memory, it isn't even a thought. It's the same as your nose itches and you don't think about it, your hand goes right to the itch without even really noticing or thinking. Gun goes in the holster like you reach in your pocket. But these women had no courage under fire, they hesitated, they panicked a bit and were unsure of themselves.
Itā€™s a sad state of affairs for the country. Remember the president pulled this crap when he appointed Kamala Harris to the vice president after telling everybody, he will appoint a black female. What a horrible thing to say. Why canā€™t the guy just appoint a black female without saying that. Terrible things going on in this country

we get one of those dei people as head of Secret Service??? that is pitiful. The founding fathers are rolling in their graves.

Notice how the left-wing trolls can never Formulate a reasonable response. They will rant and rave about unrelated topics without addressing the core points. And itā€™s causing a lot of pain in this country.

DEI Leads to more danger and makes things worse off altogether.
The best way to evacuate him is crouched. A half decent shooter would not be bothered by the SS heads.
Enough with the excuses, my friend. You cannot win this argument. Men are better athletes compared to women. Men are stronger than women. Thatā€™s it.

This is not Hollywood. This is real life.
I could care less about possible accusations of sexism and wonā€™t respond to such juvenile trolling. God bless the many successful women around the world. I wouldnā€™t be against having a female employer.

You want to have the strongest possible people protecting the president OK nobody can deny that. He is the leader of the USA.

This is a really simple topic,

Sure you have very rare examples of very strong women stronger than the average guy, but strongest woman is not as strong as the strongest man. Men are stronger physically compared to women. They can run faster, jump higher, carry more weightā€¦.Men are stronger. So these are undeniable facts, but obviously when weā€™re dealing with people who believe in 100 genders or that white homeless people are privileged ā€¦well who knows what to expect in response.

So why then are some of Trumpā€˜s closest Secret Service agents females?
1950 called...
Enough with the excuses, my friend. You cannot win this argument. Men are better athletes compared to women. Men are stronger than women. Thatā€™s it.

This is not Hollywood. This is real life.

Men have the predator and protector instinct to instantly jump into action and switch to fight mode faster. They have fighting instincts, women have them but in different way. It goes beyond the superior physical traits, it's goes into the DNA and natural instincts men have over women.

Besides, this isn't someone that should be in charge of hiring agents

Men have the predator and protector instinct to instantly jump into action and switch to fight mode faster. They have fighting instincts, women have them but in different way. It goes beyond the superior physical traits, it's goes into the DNA and natural instincts men have over women.

Besides, this isn't someone that should be in charge of hiring agents

She says - the buck stops with me.

So, you are resigning?
No, silly.

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