Another video of Kamala Harris that proves she is unfit to be President

No, the documentation shows that actually white men have been the prime beneficiary of racial preferences. As far as equal opportunity policies, it has been white women. These are the facts, your fellings don't count.
Document your lies, liar.

You know, it's tiring reading yur shit. You are a white female, the number 1 beneficiary of Affirmative Action. You are the picture child for DEI. You are incompetant. Where has Harris said she sides with Hamas. Don't run you mouth, show us whwre she has said it. Then understand that Harris woud run laps around your ignorant racist ass. How many women have been state Attorney Generals woman? Let me answer because your inept ass doesn't know. 41 women in the HISTORY of this country have seved as AG. Only 1 in the history of California.

Its an elected position dumb ass. So she won based on the merits of her ideas, not because she is a bolack woman. She was elected twice to that position. She was elected by the stateof Califrnia to the senate and now she serves as VP. Her credentials are far superior to anything the Republican ticket has to offer, even as Trunp was once president. And it is damn sure far supieror to yours. She is one of the most qualifed candidates in our history. Se is damn sure more quaified than the inheritace baby whose you've been fantasizing about when he decided to run in 2016.

It is apparent that you have never hired anyone in your life because if you did, then you would look at the resumes here and you would not question her competency. But you do and it's because you are a racist that automatically assumes that every black person is dumb and unqualified. But it is YOU who is dumb and unqualified.

According to the Declaration of Independence, white racism is un American. And that means we should do everything to stop Trump anmd his unamerocan white racist agenda. That's what is going to happen. Because we ain't electing a convict for president and we ain't going back to Jim Crow. And you can take that to the bank.
Wow… you’re triggered, racist, and sexist
Most of the delegates after Biden dropped out have pledged to Harris. Duh!

Try to keep up thru the :206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206:
Knee Pads got ZERO votes for President.

But your handlers told you to sit down, STFU, and worship the Cackling Cockholster……..and you dutifully did.
They want to blame Harris because their orange fuckup with his asslicker Johnson's help derailed the border bill.

Someone has to take the blame for Trump's screwups. The guy could fuck up a one car funeral.
Link us up to Trump and Johnson’s vote in the Senate, Simp.

Watch this dodge…….
Wow… you’re triggered, racist, and sexist
Also note that he accuses the Jewish woman who graduated Phi Beta Kappa and top of her class who went on to win numerous awards for the work in her field as only gettimg hired becsuse she’s white.

He’s too much of an antisemite and racist to,realize what a bigoted comment that is - as if the only reason whitey got hired is due to skin color. NOBODY in this forum has ever said that every single black who gets hired was due to his skin color, and if anyone did, IM2 would rightly call that out as racist. Yet he does that very same thing.

To make my position clear, again, two out of three blacks who have been accepted to prestigious colleges and grad programs would have been rejected if they were white, with the same grades and test scores. One out of three blacks would have been accepted under the higher “white” standards.
Knee Pads got ZERO votes for President.

But your handlers told you to sit down, STFU, and worship the Cackling Cockholster……..and you dutifully did.
She's got more integrity then Trump ever dreamed of you woman hating racist POS.

Cockholster? She never posed bareass in a skin mag, lowlife. It really burns your ass that a minority woman is running against your pornstar shagging adulterous felon god doesn't it?

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