Are rich people more likely to lie, cheat, steal? Science explains the world of Manafort and Gates.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Are rich people more likely to lie, cheat, steal? Science explains the world of Manafort and Gates.

Next, they had a researcher play a pedestrian trying to cross at a crosswalk and tracked which cars stopped as the law requires and which blew right past him. The results were even more stark.

Every one of the cheapest cars stopped, while half of the expensive cars ignored the pedestrian in the crosswalk — many even after making eye contact.

That research has shown the rich cheat more on their taxes. They cheat more on their romantic partners. The wealthy and better-educated are more likely to shoplift. They are more likely to cheat at games of chance. They are often less empathetic. In studies of charitable giving, it is often the lower-income households that donate higher proportionsof their income than middle-class and many upper-income folk.

In one of the more surprising findings from their 2015 paper, Keltner and Piff found the rich are more likely to literally take candy from children. In that experiment, they first asked 129 subjects to compare their finances with people who had either more or less money. Then they gave their subjects a jar of candy and told them the sweets were intended for children in a nearby lab but they could take some if they wanted. Those who felt richer after comparing their finances to poorer people took significantly more candy for themselves.


That pretty much explains why the GOP leadership will cut school lunches for poor children and cut healthcare for the poor and middle class.

But didn't we already know this? Deep down? We already knew.
"You can't get rich in politics unless you're a crook." -- Harry S Truman

"Yeah? And?" - Barack "Born in Kenya" Obama
Are rich people more likely to lie, cheat, steal? Science explains the world of Manafort and Gates.

Next, they had a researcher play a pedestrian trying to cross at a crosswalk and tracked which cars stopped as the law requires and which blew right past him. The results were even more stark.

Every one of the cheapest cars stopped, while half of the expensive cars ignored the pedestrian in the crosswalk — many even after making eye contact.

That research has shown the rich cheat more on their taxes. They cheat more on their romantic partners. The wealthy and better-educated are more likely to shoplift. They are more likely to cheat at games of chance. They are often less empathetic. In studies of charitable giving, it is often the lower-income households that donate higher proportionsof their income than middle-class and many upper-income folk.

In one of the more surprising findings from their 2015 paper, Keltner and Piff found the rich are more likely to literally take candy from children. In that experiment, they first asked 129 subjects to compare their finances with people who had either more or less money. Then they gave their subjects a jar of candy and told them the sweets were intended for children in a nearby lab but they could take some if they wanted. Those who felt richer after comparing their finances to poorer people took significantly more candy for themselves.


That pretty much explains why the GOP leadership will cut school lunches for poor children and cut healthcare for the poor and middle class.

But didn't we already know this? Deep down? We already knew.

Actually, it explains why poor conservatives give more of their income to charity than do rich liberals.
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Thanks!! .... :thup:

That explains the Clintons, Pelosi, Obama, Warren, Sanders, Feinstein, and the rest of the Democrat leadership. ... :cool:
Are you talking about the leadership against tax cuts for billionaires who brought us school lunches for poor children, healthcare and affordable education?
Yea, I guess that does explain them.

Republicans on the other hand. How many members of your family have been fucked by the GOP. Be honest. Tell the truth for once.

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