Are sleep apnea a demonic attack?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Move'em North
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, at night and whenever I sleep but especially at night. I suffocate, it turns even in dreams that im suffocating and dying. I wake up because of it and I feel tired, and dizzy. Could that be a demonic attack or it is a legit illness? And can it be removed with prayer or it is a legit illness?
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I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, at night and whenever I sleep but especially at night. I suffocate, it turns even in dreams that im suffocating and dying. I wake up because of it and I feel tired, and dizzy. Could that be a a demonic attack or is a legit illness? And can it be removed with prayer or it is a legit illness?
It's NOT a demonic attack, by ANY means, Mort. It's a health problem that can be alleviated by losing weight, among other things. And it IS a legit illness.
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, at night and whenever I sleep but especially at night. I suffocate, it turns even in dreams that im suffocating and dying. I wake up because of it and I feel tired, and dizzy. Could that be a a demonic attack or is a legit illness? And can it be removed with prayer or it is a legit illness?
It's NOT a demonic attack, by ANY means, Mort. It's a health problem that can be alleviated by losing weight, among other things. And it IS a legit illness.
It is interesting that it gets the worst around 2-4am where I usually wake up. And I learned 3am is time of spiritual warfare where the devil mocks the Trinity, and the Holy Eucharist. If you wake up at that time you should pray. I pray only a short Jesus prayer when I wake up. I say Herr Jesus Christus erbarme dich unser und der ganzen Welt. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us and the whole world. Then I cross myself. And thats it.
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, at night and whenever I sleep but especially at night. I suffocate, it turns even in dreams that im suffocating and dying. I wake up because of it and I feel tired, and dizzy. Could that be a demonic attack or it is a legit illness? And can it be removed with prayer or it is a legit illness?
Could that be a demonic attack or it is a legit illness?
try another book if there were any about the events of the 1st century to broaden your outlook than what is offered by the one you dwell in, the christian bible - might have fewer nightmares.
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, at night and whenever I sleep but especially at night. I suffocate, it turns even in dreams that im suffocating and dying. I wake up because of it and I feel tired, and dizzy. Could that be a demonic attack or it is a legit illness? And can it be removed with prayer or it is a legit illness?
when you get a sleep test and they get you a C-Pap you will be just fine....
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, at night and whenever I sleep but especially at night. I suffocate, it turns even in dreams that im suffocating and dying. I wake up because of it and I feel tired, and dizzy. Could that be a demonic attack or it is a legit illness? And can it be removed with prayer or it is a legit illness?
when you get a sleep test and they get you a C-Pap you will be just fine....

I did and I do have a c-pap but it doesnt help me much. I still suffocate and I feel as if Im dying, thats why I wonder if it could be demons suffocating me though.
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, at night and whenever I sleep but especially at night. I suffocate, it turns even in dreams that im suffocating and dying. I wake up because of it and I feel tired, and dizzy. Could that be a demonic attack or it is a legit illness? And can it be removed with prayer or it is a legit illness?
when you get a sleep test and they get you a C-Pap you will be just fine....

I did and I do have a c-pap but it doesnt help me much. I still suffocate and I feel as if Im dying, thats why I wonder if it could be demons suffocating me though.
did you report this to your doctor?...
Sleep apnea is a bona fide medical issue, and you should not take it lightly. Get tested and get help.

There are no demons. It is a medical condition where your breathing stops and starts. It is easily treated.
In most states it is illegal for a person with untreated sleep apnea to drive a motor vehicle.

If you won't get works for some....or an appropriate device (C-Pap/Bi-Pap) then the greatest hope is that you die in your sleep before you kill some innocent kid on the road.

Yes, I've used a C-pap for over 20 years and will not allow myself to go to sleep without one.
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, at night and whenever I sleep but especially at night. I suffocate, it turns even in dreams that im suffocating and dying. I wake up because of it and I feel tired, and dizzy. Could that be a demonic attack or it is a legit illness? And can it be removed with prayer or it is a legit illness?

Lose weight, see a doctor for it and see a good head doctor and not a Priest and if you must see one do not get upset when they tell you the demon you have is not from Sleep Apnea but just mental illness...
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, at night and whenever I sleep but especially at night. I suffocate, it turns even in dreams that im suffocating and dying. I wake up because of it and I feel tired, and dizzy. Could that be a demonic attack or it is a legit illness? And can it be removed with prayer or it is a legit illness?
when you get a sleep test and they get you a C-Pap you will be just fine....

I did and I do have a c-pap but it doesnt help me much. I still suffocate and I feel as if Im dying, thats why I wonder if it could be demons suffocating me though.
sounds like her headed to hell.
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, at night and whenever I sleep but especially at night. I suffocate, it turns even in dreams that im suffocating and dying. I wake up because of it and I feel tired, and dizzy. Could that be a demonic attack or it is a legit illness? And can it be removed with prayer or it is a legit illness?

WTF! Seriously?


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