Zone1 Are There Prophets Around Today?

A prophet is, as one person said but I can' recall whom, someone who speaks for God

So there are prophets if that is the true and best defintion of the word. the problem is, many APPEAR to speak for God and people listen to.. appearances.. too much.. way too much

so yeh.. there may appear to be prophets but who knows how many of them are REALLY speaking for God?

Jesus addresses this problem.. Do ya think?

He established a CHURCH to speak for God.. do God's will

(in a world that does not do His will.. )

Prophets being sent to speak G-d's word - is a Hebrew innovation.

A prophecy can be for an individual prophet, only for the prophet.
That is why I suggest discussing what is Prophecy before
addressing any specific attributes of a prophet.
I think Trump speaks for God a lot of the time.. I really don't think God wants illegals entering into a once Christian country to do who knows what therein to its people..

I mean, you know.. In Israel long ago, the Temple had a wall around it and not just anyone could enter the Holy of Holies..
I think Trump speaks for God a lot of the time.. I really don't think God wants illegals entering into a once Christian country to do who knows what therein to its people..

I mean, you know.. In Israel long ago, the Temple had a wall around it and not just anyone could enter the Holy of Holies..

The Jews were refugees seeking sanctuary. Have you forgotten? Trump doesn't speak for God. That's ridiculous. Most of the illegals are Catholics, stupid.
The Jews were refugees seeking sanctuary. Have you forgotten? Trump doesn't speak for God. That's ridiculous. Most of the illegals are Catholics, stupid.

More precisely self determination.

Trump doesn't speak for G-d,

but does G-d speak through Trump?
Or better, does G-d speak through politics and history?
The Jews were refugees seeking sanctuary. Have you forgotten? Trump doesn't speak for God. That's ridiculous. Most of the illegals are Catholics, stupid.
They wear crosses.
They also murder anyone who doesn't join a gang.
More precisely self determination.

Trump doesn't speak for G-d,

but does G-d speak through Trump?
Or better, does G-d speak through politics and history?
I've heard theologians say that no matter who is in power, it is God who put him/her there..

If that is true and I often doubt it.. well, the only thing we have to worryt about.. is the same thing we always had to worry about: being OK with God.. giving up sins.. praying for conversions of those in mortal sin (just think: White House... The Squad..)
"Most illegals don't break the law"...

In what language is that?
What's really bs about that dumb statement is that they are ALL violating immigration law. The fake pres does that also.. but hey... laws are only for the little people (and potential D voters)
I've heard theologians say that no matter who is in power, it is God who put him/her there..

If that is true and I often doubt it.. well, the only thing we have to worryt about.. is the same thing we always had to worry about: being OK with God.. giving up sins.. praying for conversions of those in mortal sin (just think: White House... The Squad..)
What's really bs about that dumb statement is that they are ALL violating immigration law. The fake pres does that also.. but hey... laws are only for the little people (and potential D voters)

Yet, the form of the government is too up to a collective choice.

Also, it is curious that despite the "give Ceasar...",
a discussion about Prophecy with Christians
quickly turning political.

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You can be a prophet if your money and who you affiliate with is completely clean.
Also, I am in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We have prophets and apostles.
Because someone claims to be a prophet does not a prophet make them. A prophet is authorized to speak as God has inspired him/her to speak and what is spoken is tested for truth..........anyone can claim to be a prophet. There is a source to calibrate or measure the words of a prophet. If a prophets speaks something that contradicts that which has already been revealed by the Holy Spirit inspired word of God.......that person is not a true prophet, but a lying prophet.

What does the word of God declare about the supernatural gifts provided by the Holy Spirit such as the gift of prophecy? The Word of God teaches us that there are 2 methods to receive these supernatural gifts of the Spirit. 1. Baptism of the Holy Spirit as happened on the day of Pentecost following the ascension of the Lord into heaven. There were only 2 instances in the entire N.T. record of anyone receiving such a Baptism of the Holy Spirit........the 1st was on the day of Pentecost and its stated that such was the fulfillment of a prophecy made by the prophet Joel (Joel 2:28) -- Acts 2

The 2nd instance of someone receiving a Baptism of the Holy Spirit was 10 years later at the house of Cornelius........and this instance is clearly revealed to be a sign from God that Gentiles were to be accepted into the N.T. church as Peter declared, the Spirit fell on them as it did on us on the day of Pentecost. (Acts 10) There is no other record of anyone being Baptized by the Holy Spirit of God......anywhere in N.T. scripture.

2. The only other record of any receiving any supernatural gift from the Holy Spirit came as a result of the Laying on of the Hands from an Apostle of Christ. Example: (Acts 8:14-18) Peter clearly stated that no one other than an Apostle had "part nor lot" in the matter of receving a gift by the laying on of hands. Philip was already at Samaria.........Philip had received supernatural gifts (Acts 6) from an Apostle but could not pass on these gifts because he was not authorized by God as an Apostle of Christ. The Spirit had fell on none of the newly converted disciples at Samaria.........thus, An Apostle was called upon to bestow these gifts of the Spirit.

Conclusion when compared to the actual content of the Word of God: Anyone claiming to be an Apostle or a Prophet today is promoting a "lying spirit".

These supernatural gifts were used to establish doctrine for the N.T. church (as Jesus told Peter, Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven -- Matthew 16:19).......the infant church is being constructed with the Apostles of Christ and their appointed prophets as the foundation of the N.T church (Eph. 2:20)........the Old Law had been nailed to the cross of the Christ (Col. 2:14). The N.T. doctrine was being written on the hearts of the belivers just as prophesied in Jer. 31-31-34.....the Law of God would not longer be written on stone.

The Word of God also tells us that these gifts such as prophecy, speaking in tongues never learned (different eartly languges used to spread the gospel to different natives of other nations)....healing, etc., .........ALL WOULD CEASE OR FAIL when their need was exhausted.......once the infant N.T church was made complete/whole with all the doctrine required to lead one to salvation. That faith has been delivered but ONCE (Jude 3) to the saints of the 1st century. (1 Cor. 13:8-13)

Some argue that the Perfect has not come.....the perfect is Jesus. But the Greek word Perfect as used by Paul is not speaking of a person but a THING...."when THAT which is perfect comes.." The Greek word means to be made whole or complete........the same word is used by James (1:25) in describing the "Perfect Law of Liberty".......the N.T. of Christ Jesus

Today our gifts from the Spirit are Faith, Hope and Charity/Love.......with love being the greatest of the gifts.
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Just wondering because it seems like all the prophecies that I've been having lately have been coming true and I want to know what others around here think.
Yes, there are prophets and apostles today. Amos 3:7 said that the Lord only speaks his mysteries through his servants, the prophets. Apostles can prophecy as well. So, for about 1700 years, the heavens have been closed when it comes to the Lord speaking through prophets and thus having no church either. Then, on a spring morning in New York in 1820, the heavens opened and the Lord called his first prophet in about 1700 years, Joseph Smith Jr. Since then, Prophets and Apostles have again been established by Jesus Christ in our world today. Jesus also restored His church to the world, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Praise the Lord!!!
Yes, there are prophets and apostles today. Amos 3:7 said that the Lord only speaks his mysteries through his servants, the prophets. Apostles can prophecy as well. So, for about 1700 years, the heavens have been closed when it comes to the Lord speaking through prophets and thus having no church either. Then, on a spring morning in New York in 1820, the heavens opened and the Lord called his first prophet in about 1700 years, Joseph Smith Jr. Since then, Prophets and Apostles have again been established by Jesus Christ in our world today. Jesus also restored His church to the world, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Praise the Lord!!!
What do you get when you quote scripture from a FALSE witness such as the Book of Mormon that plagairized its words, typo errors included, from a 1604 translation called the King James translation? You are quoting false doctrine.

There are no human beings or in the early 1800s that meet the quailifications of a true Apostle of Christ, none today or in the 1800s can demonstrate the abilities of a true Apostle of Christ. If so......document all the miracles where the dead has been raised, the blind from birth healed, the lame made to walk with the ability to lay on hands in order pass on the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

1. The most important pre-requisite of being an Apostle of Christ is being a personal Eye Witness. This was the duty of an Apostle, to testify and verify through signs and wonders the things they had witnessed with Jesus Christ. Example: "This Jesus, God raised up again to which we (the apostles) were witness." -- Acts 2. These hand picked men of Jesus testified of the miraculous things they had personally witnessed (1 John 1:1-4) From Peter to Paul.......all Apostles have been appointed by Jesus Christ. What? Did Jesus come down to earth AGAIN for a 2nd time to appoint another Apostle...i.e, Joseph Smith, When Jesus promised that the next time He came it would be to judge the quick and the dead? (2 Tim. 4:1-5) Who are we to believe the Holy Bible or Joesph Smith? Fact......there are no documented cases of A Modern Miracle that is one of the signs of a true Apostle of Christ. Miracles are a sign of a true apostle (2 Cor. 12:11-12). Did Joseph Smith wait 3 years in exile in a foreign land like Paul when Jesus appointed Him, before officially accepting the position as Apostle to the Gentiles by going to Jerusalem to meet with Peter and study with him for 15 days? (Gal. 1:15-19)

Peter confirmed Paul as a true Apostle.........did Peter confirm Joseph Smith and call his writings scriptures also? (2 Peter 3:15-16) Joesph Smith never demonstrated the miraculous signs of a true Apostle, if he did.......document these miracles like the Holy Bible documented the signs and wonders of a True Apostle.

When Judas had to be replaced.........the person taking his place had to have been with Jesus from the beginning......was Joesph Smith with Jesus from the beginning? (Acts 1:21-22) Peter again cofirmed this pre-requisite of an Apostle in stating such at the House of Cornelius....they (the apostles) had been with Jesus from the beginning (Acts 10:39-41)

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