Are We Alone?

You pose a wide question. Is there life beyond Earth and I think there is no doubt there is life out there. Look at the where life has been found here on earth at the bottom of the oceans in extreme heat and other bizarre places. The vastness of the universe would imply that the same conditions that existed here occurred elsewhere.

Intelligent life? I would also say yes. Why have we not been contacted? Distance is one factor. According to science it is impossible to go faster than light (and stay in this dimension), therefore space travel is not a real probable event. Of course science has been proved wrong before and if there are wormholes or other methods and Aliens have visited us before they may have the attitude that we are to evolve by ourselves. The old Star Trek policy.

Does the Bible specifically eliminate other life? No I do not believe so. The Bible is for the human race (Hispanics too guys) and not for aliens. God may have created other worlds, other races, Lord knows he probably was not proud of the human race. Or he may have created other Earths with human beings since we are made in his likeness.

Is it useless to speculate? No! We are an inquisitive species, always asking why, or what happened. this is what makes the human race the evolving species we are. When we stop asking questions then we become a dying race.

Evolving into what ? Something better than we were a couple of hundred years ago ?
Because the are elephants one in place DOES NOT prove or even give credence to the possibilty there are elephants elsewhere.

What you are saying is relative. The Earth is finite, the universe is for this example, infinite.
I think there is def. life elsewhere. Intelligent, also.

Back to Earth, though, I think we're headed towards appearing Alien, ourselves.

The brain is electromagnetic impulses. That means, that one day, we could all be hooked into some sort of incubators ala The Matrix and living in a purely virtual fantasy world, all the while machines feed and nurture our bodies in the physical world.

It sounds far fetched but we're so close to the possibility now, that it's easy to comprehend it actually occuring.
I guess what we are discussing is sentient beings. All life forms on earth have a life spark that gives them animation, a language and to degree intelligence but they are not sentient, this list is not exhaustive. My puppy is loyal, protective, affectionate but it's only because I feed and care for it.

We can't generate the life spark, when we die we no longer can reproduce, hence species extinction.
Science cannot duplicate a live being of any kind without live components.

So, what is it in nature that imparts the life spark? Where does it originate?

Is that life spark the same throughout the universe?

My head is starting to hurt, LOL.
I guess what we are discussing is sentient beings. All life forms on earth have a life spark that gives them animation, a language and to degree intelligence but they are not sentient, this list is not exhaustive. My puppy is loyal, protective, affectionate but it's only because I feed and care for it.

We can't generate the life spark, when we die we no longer can reproduce, hence species extinction.
Science cannot duplicate a live being of any kind without live components.

So, what is it in nature that imparts the life spark? Where does it originate?

Is that life spark the same throughout the universe?

My head is starting to hurt, LOL.

There's no reason to believe that life spark, as you call it, would be either the same or different. Or any reason to believe extraterrestrial life forms would be remotely similar to those we are familiar with, either. That they would be DNA or RNA based, for example. Or have the same senses, or respirate, or need water to survive, or communicate using verbal or nonverbal "language" as we know it, or really have any similarities.

Which means when we're looking, we have no idea what we're looking for - we may have seen it a million times and missed it simply because it doesn't fit our paradigm. The same could hold true for any beings out there looking for us. Which is a little mind-blowing, sure. But also exciting to think about the possibilities.
Some smart people here. I dunno what I think. Like most of you, I laugh at the aliens-probed-my-anus stories and the Area 51 freaks (especially 52nd Street). I think much of that is just free-floating anxiety over the A-bomb. On the other hand, every time I watch a NOVA show about the universe, my brain itches.

I can certainly believe there are things beyond my limited imagination.
Considering the vastness of the universe, there's probably a pretty good chance that we're not alone.

On the other hand, if we are alone as the only intelligent life form in the entire universe, it's pretty sad the way we humanoids conduct ourselves.
Considering the vastness of the universe, there's probably a pretty good chance that we're not alone.

On the other hand, if we are alone as the only intelligent life form in the entire universe, it's pretty sad the way we humanoids conduct ourselves.

If we are or aren't alone has nothing to do with how sad it is that we conduct ourselves. It just "is."
What's your thought on life on other planets? Intelligent life?

I think there are forms of life on other planets but you need the right environmental conditions. To get the right conditions is extremely rare in the universe

To get intelligent life is even rarer

Due to the extreme distances between Solar Systems and the limitations on how fast you can travel, I find it unlikely contact has ever been made or will be made
I bet there's some Carl Sagan fans in this thread.

Look at us. We're not a peaceful species. We kill each other over the most meaningless, trivial shit. I think this aggression in human nature is a byproduct of natural selection. At the same point in our history where we figured out how to get to our own moon, we had already developed the capability to destroy ourselves several times over.

Assume that we're not unique in being subject to natural selection. Where there's life, there's competition to survive. And competition breeds aggression.

I think the odds of a species destroying itself is greater than the odds of lasting long enough to develop the technology of long-distance space travel and communication.
Yes, I believe that intelligent life exists beyond the confines of our planet Earth. Given, however, the laws of physics and NASA's revised mission to promote Muslim Self Esteem, it's highly unlikely we will meet them of our own volition any time soon
I think the odds of a species destroying itself is greater than the odds of lasting long enough to develop the technology of long-distance space travel and communication.

especially with "billions and billions" of stars separated by hundreds of light years
What's your thought on life on other planets? Intelligent life?

I've been looking for first-hand experience all my adult life for evidence of ET visitation here- I think it's possible, maybe even probable, based on historical drawings and paintings, and personal accounts by a good number of credible witnesses, but I've only ever seen one unexplainable (to me) phenomenon in the sky.
What's your thought on life on other planets? Intelligent life?

Well, we've spent lots of money on SETI but have found nothing yet.

A common formula for the likely possibility of live on other planets is the Green Bank Formula

[FONT=TimesNewRoman,Bold]Green Bank Formula: [/FONT]N = R * fp * ne * fl * fc * L

When you play around with it you realize how improbable it really is.

And as far as Biblically speaking goes, no.

It's fun but essentially useless. The equation can yield millions of planets supporting technologically-advance civilizations... or just one.

[ame=""]YouTube - Carl Sagan - Cosmos - Drake Equation[/ame]
Well, we've spent lots of money on SETI but have found nothing yet.

A common formula for the likely possibility of live on other planets is the Green Bank Formula

[FONT=TimesNewRoman,Bold]Green Bank Formula: [/FONT]N = R * fp * ne * fl * fc * L

When you play around with it you realize how improbable it really is.

And as far as Biblically speaking goes, no.

Do you mean the Bible excludes the possibility of life on other planets, The Light?
personally, i think his position is rather arrogant
to assume that a creative God would suddenly stop being creative after creating us

I'm not assuming. I am going off of G-d's word. You are assuming that he did.

If truth is arrogance to you then so be it.
Do you mean the Bible excludes the possibility of life on other planets, The Light?
personally, i think his position is rather arrogant
to assume that a creative God would suddenly stop being creative after creating us

I'm not assuming. I am going off of G-d's word. You are assuming that he did.

If truth is arrogance to you then so be it.
please give the scripture that backs up this claim
I must sayyes to both. This galaxy alone contains up to 400 bilion stars. There are at least 125 billion more galaxies out there. There was a excellent book written back in the 1970's I believe called "Habitable Planets For Man by UCLA (I believe) professor Stephen Dole and he approached the problem from a purely mathematical POV and it makes for interesting reading.
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