You really have no idea how trials work, do you? You don't just get to stand up in the middle of the room and shout whatever you'd like.
Really? Holy shit!
And there was me thinking they could stand on a table and yell for as long as they liked. Fuck me, I've learned something today. Thank God you were here. Boston Legal makes so much more sense all of a sudden.
Well, the idea that they can stand on a table and shout out all day is the only way this whole "they're just going to grandstand" crap makes any sense. Thanks for admitting you already knew your argument was bullshit.
No. It's just the only way it makes sense to you.
You might want to look it up, but grandstanding is behavior that is meant to impress others. It doesn't mean you have to literally be standing.
Do you know what impress means? It means to significantly affect someone either mentally or emotionally. It doesn't mean you have to shout.
So, "grandstanding" is behaving in a way that is meant to significantly affect the opinions or emotions of those watching, without necessarily either standing or shouting.
And how does one grandstand in court? One gets one's lawyer to ask questions that provide the opportunity to raise emotionally-charged political points.
And (get ready for a surprise) you can do all this in a normal speaking voice while sitting down!
And I had to explain all that to you just because you disappeared up your own ass about a word rather than addressing the issue. Try looking this stuff up yourself next time. Now, either stay on topic or fuck off and hump somebody else's leg.