Are White Men Still after Black Women, in America?.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I am a Black male.I seem to notice that I am seeing a lot more White men
selecting Black Women as, wives, and as girl friends. We see it in the media a lot also.They are always pairing up White male news casters, with Black female
Newscasters.In a new movie out now, staring Samuel L. Jackson,"Lakeview Terrace" we see this White male married to a Black female. Is there a conscious ongoing conspiracy, being plotted by the White Race to acquire
Black and Brown women.?
I see more black guys going for white gals as well. So I think its simply nature doing its thing as more people get over the racial thing.
Is there a conscious ongoing conspiracy, being plotted by the White Race to acquire
Black and Brown women.?
I never thought about it being a conspiracy?

I am a white man who is married to a black woman.

Should I have consulted some secret group or organization before I got married?
They are selecting each other ... you could just as easily flip it and ask if black women are after white men.

It's just another sign of racial barriers being broken down in this country. That's a good thing, IMO.

Oh ... and the whole white male and black female newcast team ... I suspect that is big business covering their demographics.
I am a Black male.I seem to notice that I am seeing a lot more White men
selecting Black Women as, wives, and as girl friends. We see it in the media a lot also.They are always pairing up White male news casters, with Black female
Newscasters.In a new movie out now, staring Samuel L. Jackson,"Lakeview Terrace" we see this White male married to a Black female. Is there a conscious ongoing conspiracy, being plotted by the White Race to acquire
Black and Brown women.?

That's funny. I'm seeing a lot black women selecting white men as husbands and boy friends.:D
I know many Black men who are not after white women, so I disagree with your point glockmail.

And I don't agree with your point either Bootneck. I don't think many of these Black women know what the hell they are doing when they enter into a mixed marriage situation, and its implications for the mulatoo off spring.And what about all those White Women who will not have White husbands if they are married to Black Women?, who are those white women to marry?
I know many Black men who are not after white women, so I disagree with your point glockmail.

And I don't agree with your point either Bootneck. I don't think many of these Black women know what the hell they are doing when they enter into a mixed marriage situation, and its implications for the mulatoo off spring.And what about all those White Women who will not have White husbands if they are married to Black Women?, who are those white women to marry?

Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
I know many Black men who are not after white women, so I disagree with your point glockmail.

And I don't agree with your point either Bootneck. I don't think many of these Black women know what the hell they are doing when they enter into a mixed marriage situation, and its implications for the mulatoo off spring.And what about all those White Women who will not have White husbands if they are married to Black Women?, who are those white women to marry?

I never said that black men were "after" white women, so you don't get my point, obviously. It sounds like you're too wrapped up in your own prejudices.

When I was a teen back in the early 70's my Mom got all dicey because I was seeing an Italian girl. Then my older sister got engaged to one, and she told her that they'd have "black" babies. Now that her two handsome grandsons are in their 20's, both in the medical profession, she got over it.

She never found out about my flings with black babes, and I don't think her poor heart would have handled it. She was a little ticked that I married a half-breed Polish girl, until I pointed out that her English mom did the original sin and married a Scots-Irish rouge, and she married a damn Kraut! She's over that as well, because now she has grand kids by us that are, along with all the other, part Russian and Lithuanian.

Blacks and whites have been co-mingling for years, and not just the slave relations that you're going to respond with.

Get over it pal. Someday we'll all be mud-colored.
And I don't agree with your point either Bootneck. I don't think many of these Black women know what the hell they are doing when they enter into a mixed marriage situation, and its implications for the mulatoo off spring.And what about all those White Women who will not have White husbands if they are married to Black Women?, who are those white women to marry?

Like I said, I am a white man who is married to a black woman.

Out in public the white people pay us very little attention.

But black people always give us looks, and some black guys make snide remarks under their breath.
I know many Black men who are not after white women, so I disagree with your point glockmail.

And I don't agree with your point either Bootneck. I don't think many of these Black women know what the hell they are doing when they enter into a mixed marriage situation, and its implications for the mulatoo off spring.And what about all those White Women who will not have White husbands if they are married to Black Women?, who are those white women to marry?

Newsflash: it seems the tolerance train has passed you by. It's not 1950 dude.
Newsflash: it seems the tolerance train has passed you by. It's not 1950 dude.

Careful Gunny, in some parts of this country some people think it's the 1950's or even more into the past. :lol:

I don't think it's some kind of conspiracy.

Though I didn't know Love was a conscious ongoing plot. :rolleyes:

I must of missed the memo on that one.
I know many Black men who are not after white women, so I disagree with your point glockmail.

And I don't agree with your point either Bootneck. I don't think many of these Black women know what the hell they are doing when they enter into a mixed marriage situation, and its implications for the mulatoo off spring.And what about all those White Women who will not have White husbands if they are married to Black Women?, who are those white women to marry?
Black, chinese, japanese, indian, native american men and do you think white women really care if a white man marries a black women. And obviously all this as been going on since the beginning of time since we all come from Africa and some us are not black. It is called evolution.
Like I said, I am a white man who is married to a black woman.

Out in public the white people pay us very little attention.

But black people always give us looks, and some black guys make snide remarks under their breath.
I always felt there was some level of animosity from black men when I was with a black gal. Maybe I was right after all.
I never thought about it being a conspiracy?

I am a white man who is married to a black woman.

Should I have consulted some secret group or organization before I got married?

Black? I thought she was an Arab from the Middle East... oh wait... a Baptist from the U.S....

oh... nevermind.
My dad is black and my mom is white that makes me a Zebra never the less what race should i date?

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