Therapist EXPOSES 7 out of 10 Ukrainian Women Ditch Their Men fighting Russia


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
We know that there are men who cheat. Donald Trump possibly did this with Melania. I think itā€™s wrong for a married person to do that. Bill Clinton cheated on Hillary Clinton.

I donā€™t know if this type of issue means anything to left-wing fanatics anymore the types who support abortion, support BLM, support the idea that the white man is evil. This topic might not mean much to them as it does it say a conservative or traditional democrat man or woman. I think a lot of the old school men and woman in this country who have been married for over 30 years well it means a lot to them. But for a lot of young people it means nothing. In fact, they often troll these topics. Biden blm supporters will say ā€œ you hate women. youā€™re a Russian trollā€ thatā€™s what you get from the far left probably drugged out of there mind with their Ukrainian flag or LGBT flag at home.

The allegation is that seven out of 10 Ukrainian women who leave Ukraine end up cheating on or leaving their husbands with some guy in Germany or Spain or America.

Now, one of the men in the video above claims that this has been going on for all of human history. But I think that that can be challenged in Partā€¦ simply look at the World War II generation. Look at black Americans who from 1890 to 1920 had a lower divorce rate compared to white men. But again, according to the left wing fanatics, they believe that black men beat the shit out of their wives in those years which is why there was a lower divorce rate back in those days because ā€œwomen couldnā€™t get out of the marriageā€.. Thatā€™s actually what they said right here on the US message board ā€¦. I donā€™t believe that to be true. I think that most black men and white men of American history were Honorable.

Could the same phenomenon be happening in Russia. Possibly I donā€™t know.

But we have here the video. I imagine that feeling for a Ukrainian man, brave enough to fight on the front lines, while all of the young far left wing men in America claim to support Ukraine, but wonā€™t go and fight for Ukraine. And imagine these brave young Ukrainian men, whose wives and children have fled the country there in Spain, theyā€™re in Germany there in America and theyā€™re wives on cheating on them. ā€¦. just throwing them away like garbage. Itā€™s deplorable. My heart goes out to those Ukrainian men in the trenches whose wives have left them and or are cheating on them.
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Think you misread the news which is that 7 out of 10 Ukey women find their husbands dead and lying in a ditch .

Which is the nub of the likely nonsense story --- Ukeys have over a million dead , mutilated or AWOL whereas Russia has about 50 000 .

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