Are you a Survivor?

If any of that kind of stuff happens when I 'm driving I just climb into the back seat for a nap and send the wife out to bring back the Calvary. When they arrive I am well-rested and ready to resume the trip after the emergency is resolved.

What happens if she doesn't return?
I am still here.

I don't get this.

So the answer is yes.

So far.

But in the end, none of us are.
I love you too, until you prove otherwise.

I will always error on the side of humanity.
And I will probably love you even after your prove otherwise.

It is just the way I am, and you too.
I was taught the art of survival in the British Army. Though I've never been in a situation that required me to call on my training.

Though when Lady Swagger and myself were camping the Appalachians two years ago, I demonstrated to her how to light a fire by using the bow and spindle method. After successfully lighting the fire, something rather animal came over Lady Swagger, and we proceeded to make sparks of our own and kept the surrounding wildlife up all night.
bigreb's anthem:


Go on girl!
bigreb's anthem:


Go on girl!

It's people like you that brings a slight smile to my face. When a disaster hits you will wished you had paid attention instead of cracking jokes. No skin offf my teeth.
But heck that would be a lovely island to be stuck on. Three beautiful lady's what else could a man ask for.
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The real suvivors know where the suvivalists live and have planned accordingly.
bigreb's anthem:


Go on girl!

It's people like you that brings a slight smile to my face. When a disaster hits you will wished you had paid attention instead of cracking jokes. No skin offf my teeth.
But heck that would be a lovely island to be stuck on. Three beautiful lady's what else could a man ask for.

Oh come on with the "people like you" crap.

Cracking jokes, and not caring about the subject at hand, don't have to be mutually inclusive.

I made survival preps back in 2006 when I started seeing the economic writing on the wall.

It's already been concluded though, that my family will have to kill me in the event that food needs to be rationed, because I usually eat for two at the very least.
yes, cause as others have said....i am the winter my car has the things needed....if i get stuck i can wait it out....i know my own limits...when everyone is planning the annual walk into the grand canyon and encourages me to go....i decline...when they want to go back country skiing....o hell yes i air ballooning and other stuff...i go....

now its amazing i made it this far....i went over a 35 ft waterfall one time.....i am a non swimmer...what the hell was i drinking?
didnt you say one needed gallows humor....paulie would be that......

sorry paulie but its true....i would take people and all
bigreb's anthem:


Go on girl!

It's people like you that brings a slight smile to my face. When a disaster hits you will wished you had paid attention instead of cracking jokes. No skin offf my teeth.
But heck that would be a lovely island to be stuck on. Three beautiful lady's what else could a man ask for.

Oh come on with the "people like you" crap.

Cracking jokes, and not caring about the subject at hand, don't have to be mutually inclusive.

I made survival preps back in 2006 when I started seeing the economic writing on the wall.

It's already been concluded though, that my family will have to kill me in the event that food needs to be rationed, because I usually eat for two at the very least.

You see paulie the thing is you might be prepared others aren't. I am trying to help others to prepare but you are cracking jokes. Kind of distracts from the purpose of this thread.
Hell if you are prepared maybe you could make a few suggestions on what you did to prepare.
It's people like you that brings a slight smile to my face. When a disaster hits you will wished you had paid attention instead of cracking jokes. No skin offf my teeth.
But heck that would be a lovely island to be stuck on. Three beautiful lady's what else could a man ask for.

Oh come on with the "people like you" crap.

Cracking jokes, and not caring about the subject at hand, don't have to be mutually inclusive.

I made survival preps back in 2006 when I started seeing the economic writing on the wall.

It's already been concluded though, that my family will have to kill me in the event that food needs to be rationed, because I usually eat for two at the very least.

You see paulie the thing is you might be prepared others aren't. I am trying to help others to prepare but you are cracking jokes. Kind of distracts from the purpose of this thread.
Hell if you are prepared maybe you could make a few suggestions on what you did to prepare.

The guilt trip doesn't usually get me, but you got me this time.

I have a couple of those Emergency survival food kits, and I made a bunch of my own as well with cans of beans, packaged rice, etc.

Lighters, matches, lighter fluid, hand tools for cutting, prying, hammering, etc...flashlights, water.

I didn't go real crazy, because I don't expect to be anywhere stuck on a mountain, or in the middle of nowhere in a snowstorm, or anything that crazy. I don't have nuclear attack preparations because I'd rather be dead than try and live through that.
Oh come on with the "people like you" crap.

Cracking jokes, and not caring about the subject at hand, don't have to be mutually inclusive.

I made survival preps back in 2006 when I started seeing the economic writing on the wall.

It's already been concluded though, that my family will have to kill me in the event that food needs to be rationed, because I usually eat for two at the very least.

You see paulie the thing is you might be prepared others aren't. I am trying to help others to prepare but you are cracking jokes. Kind of distracts from the purpose of this thread.
Hell if you are prepared maybe you could make a few suggestions on what you did to prepare.

The guilt trip doesn't usually get me, but you got me this time.

I have a couple of those Emergency survival food kits, and I made a bunch of my own as well with cans of beans, packaged rice, etc.

Lighters, matches, lighter fluid, hand tools for cutting, prying, hammering, etc...flashlights, water.

I didn't go real crazy, because I don't expect to be anywhere stuck on a mountain, or in the middle of nowhere in a snowstorm, or anything that crazy. I don't have nuclear attack preparations because I'd rather be dead than try and live through that.

Thank you, sounds like you have a good set up. People need to have a bare min. of 72 hours supply.
I'll tell ya big reb, I think this advice is mostly for the city slickers that know nothing of how to do something for themselves. Food, they buy off a shelf. Water, comes out of a facet. Heat, comes from their furnace, and etc., etc.. Now us country folk do things a tad different. Take me for instance, my home has it's own well. I will never run out of clean water. I have my own septic system. I have my own generator, I'll never be without electricity, (as long as I can buy gas). I have a huge garden that I grow my own vegetables in. I have hundreds upon thousands of acres of land around me to hunt wild game on. I have fire arms, two four wheel drive trucks, a pantry full of canned goods, firewood if need be, and yes, I could even defend this place.

But I get what you're saying. People should prepare. In a city like L.A. or NYC, if the trucks ever stopped rolling and the food and water ran out, those people would be killing each other inside of three days. There'd be absolute pandemonium. Not here where I'm at. It wasn't that long ago and people were totally self sufficient anyway. We haven't forgotten how.

I'd pity the city slickers, and help who I could IF they were trying to help themselves. But those that have the, "well I'll just lay down and die then" attitude, well do it then, lay down and die... bye. What's that? Can you have a drink of water? No... just die.
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