Are you ok with the Biden administration giving illegal aliens over 2 billion dollars in cash pay outs?

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Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
You worked hard for the money the government took from you via taxation. Are you OK with them giving it to illegal aliens?
You worked hard for the money the government took from you via taxation. Are you OK with them giving it to illegal aliens?

Why should this be only towards one group? I have as much problem with this as I did Tom Brady getting a million dollars for "Covid Relief".
No because I am reasonable and sane.

This goes beyond democrat and republican, this is a slap in the face to every single real American. Shit like this will ruin America for all Americans.
You mad

Too scared to vote and expose your stupidity

If you are talking about the 450k to separated families, that's not enough. Many of these kids will require counseling for the rest of their lives.

Next time you do a poll tell us what the hell you're talking about.

The courts are setting the precedent for suing and giving large payments for reparations of past wrongs so long as you're one of the "special groups" they approve and promote.

Can anyone say GREAT RESET?


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If you are talking about the 450k to separated families, that's not enough. Many of these kids will require counseling for the rest of their lives.

Next time you do a poll tell us what the hell you're talking about.
EVERYONE knows exactly what I'm talking about but you. Stop playing stupid. Or is it not an act?
Here's my problem with "children separated at the border..." If you come here illegally, and the uniformed people at the border say, "If you want to stay, we will have to send your kids someplace else to keep them safe..." you have a choice to make. You can either go back where you came from, if you don't want to be separated from your kids, or you can "roll the dice" and assume that your kids will be treated OK, and eventually you will get back with them.

All of these people made that second choice, right?

What's their complaint? They could have - if they were determined not to be separated from their kids - gone back home. They chose to be separated.

And this is not the result of a lawsuit. This is the result of the THREAT of a loss in a lawsuit, which is very speculative.

They have no legitimate complaint.

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