Are you ok with the Biden administration giving illegal aliens over 2 billion dollars in cash pay outs?

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They sued our government under our laws.

They won.

The lawyers did it, and they're going to get lots of money.

The Courts do stupid things all the time.

Illegal Aliens should never be given any rights.

You can't depend upon the Judicial Branch to protect our Liberties any more than you can depend upon the Executive of Legislative Branches.

Funny thing, our Founding Fathers knew that and that is why we have the Second Amendment.
Here's my problem with "children separated at the border..." If you come here illegally, and the uniformed people at the border say, "If you want to stay, we will have to send your kids someplace else to keep them safe..." you have a choice to make. You can either go back where you came from, if you don't want to be separated from your kids, or you can "roll the dice" and assume that your kids will be treated OK, and eventually you will get back with them.

All of these people made that second choice, right?

What's their complaint? They could have - if they were determined not to be separated from their kids - gone back home. They chose to be separated.

And this is not the result of a lawsuit. This is the result of the THREAT of a loss in a lawsuit, which is very speculative.

They have no legitimate complaint.

Wrong - Operation Zero Tolerance in many if not most cases did NOT give them a "choice". Cut it with the revisionist history.
The Courts do stupid things all the time.

Illegal Aliens should never be given any rights.

You can't depend upon the Judicial Branch to protect our Liberties any more than you can depend upon the Executive of Legislative Branches.

Funny thing, our Founding Fathers knew that and that is why we have the Second Amendment.
the rights in this country are human rights not american rights,,

that said they should have been given due process and deported as fast as possible,,
the rights in this country are human rights not american rights,,

that said they should have been given due process and deported as fast as possible,,

Sorry but you can fuck the Libtard definition of "human rights". Liberals have no idea what human rights are.

This is the US and we don't owe those Illegal fuckers anything.
Sorry but you can fuck the Libtard definition of "human rights". Liberals have no idea what human rights are.

This is the US and we don't owe those Illegal fuckers anything.
dont you think we need to make sure theyre illegal through due process?? or are you saying that if they are brown deport them??

you need check your emotions,,
You worked hard for the money the government took from you via taxation. Are you OK with them giving it to illegal aliens?

You were dumb enough to vote for Trump, you get to pay the consequences. Did you think that the government wouldn't be sued for separating these children from their families? Did you think that there would be no consequences for Trump's illegal, immoral and unConstitutional behaviour.

If you worked hard for that money, you should put more thought into how you vote. In addition to the money paid out to these families, Andrew McCabe also received millions for his persecution by the Trump Administration.

The Biden Administration is settling all of the lawsuits for Trump's illegal behaviour. You broke it, you bought it.
what about it?? doesnt apply if they never get here,,

I know its a complicated thing when emotions are high,, but you need to set aside emotions and follow the law or we are no better than any other 3rd world country,,
what crowd were you talking about above.....dont you think we need to make sure theyre illegal through due process??

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