Biden - Mr. Magoo - blows off young black girl at campaign rally.

VERY EFFECTIVE RNC needs to run this as a commercial it's money well spent.

This video shows the real "RACIST" Joe Biden exposed. Black people on that democrat slave plantation cannot name one thing Biden has ever done for them-not one!
Yep, that needs to be a campaign ad for sure.
And if he had stopped to shake this girl's hand, you asshole's would be all about how he was perving out on her. It was a political rally, not everybody get's to shake the candidate's hand. Your MAGA MAGGOT brand of racism is showing.
lol, deflecting from the fact that if trump had done that, it would be front page news for a week.

Own it, Biden brushed her off.
It's about policies.

Biden isn't telling black people that they connect with him because his son is undergong a sham conviction.
Not, it wouldn't because Trump doesn't go anywhere there are black people.

Is that a fact?

I know you don’t want it to be because it looks really bad for the dems, but yes, it does.
This is not about what I want it to be clown, it simply is not racist. You guys look for anything to make Biden a racist but he isn't. And I think I can say that since I actually have faced racism for 63 years and am not some white person trying to created absolution for my racism.. Biden skipped past whites in that same place. Biden has actually gone to black churches full of black people and has spoken. Biden has gone to the conventions of black organizations and spoke. Trump has not, so then Biden passing by one black person doesn't show he is a racist.

You guys don't want to make this into a commercial after Trump made claims about black jobs and says that blacks love him because he is a convict.
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What all those older white people wearing, "Blacks For Trump", I mean for fuck sake. That is clearly racist.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and if so, this one may say it all. Biden is the scum of the earth - and if I'm Donald J Trump I am turning this video into a campaign commercial to be blasted at all of the big blue cities. Is Biden a racist? You tell me.

As for the girl -- welcome to the world, young lady. People only seem to like you when they want something, and Biden knows he's already got her vote.

Is that black girl IM2 in the video? Ouch!
This is not about what I want it to be clown, it simply is not racist. You guys look for anything to make Biden a racist but he isn't. And I think I can say that since I actually have faced racism for 63 years and am not some white person trying to created absolution for my racism.. Biden skipped past whites in that same place. Biden has actually gone to black churches full of black people and has spoken. Biden has gone to the conventions of black organizations and spoke. Trump has not, so then Biden passing by one black person doesn't show he is a racist.

You guys don't want to make this into a commercial after Trump made claims about black jobs and says that blacks love him because he is a convict.
This video is going to be played a lot between now and election day

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