Are You Part of the 1 % ?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
I bet most of us here are. I wonder how many that identify with OWS want to give up their "wealth" and join the 99 %?

"The recent Occupy Wall Street protests have aimed their message at the income disparity between the 1% richest Americans and the rest of the country. But what happens when you expand that and look at the 1% richest of the entire world? Some really interesting numbers emerge. If there were a global Occupy Wall Street protest, people as well off as Linda Frakes might actually be the target.

In America, the top 1% earn more than $380,000 per year. We are, however, among the richest nations on Earth. How much do you need to earn to be among the top 1% of the world?


That was the finding World Bank economist Branko Milanovic presented in his 2010 book The Haves and the Have-Nots. Going down the distribution ladder may be just as surprising. To be in the top half of the globe, you need to earn just $1,225 a year. For the top 20%, it's $5,000 per year. Enter the top 10% with $12,000 a year. To be included in the top 0.1% requires an annual income of $70,000."

Attention, Protestors: You're Probably Part of the 1%
Shocking isn't it?

It's really a damning measure of us just how poor about half the world's population really is.

I'm informed that 1 billion people live on less than $1 a day.

That 2 billion live on less than $2 a day.

Small wonder that so many folks in the undeveloped world hate the West and the industrialized world, eh?

They KNOW how wealthy we are by comparison and they know that they don't really stand a chance in hell of getting out of the poverty trap that their lives are, too.
Hey now all those poor have to do is get a college education and pull themselves up by their bootstraps!

Ohh wait too poor for boots?

Must be the liberals fault for not giving you any.

Can't read? Libs again for not providing you with a publicly funded education.
To live in other countries is also cheaper. Prescription drug prices are one area.

In the U.S., a 30-day supply of Diovan (valsartan), a medication used to treat high blood pressure, cost $73.
In Canada, the cost was $40.

In the U.S., a 30-day supply of Lipitor (atorvastatin), a medication used to help lower cholesterol, cost $86.
In Canada, the cost was $51.

In the U.S., a 30-day supply of Flomax (tamsulosin), a medication used to treat an enlarged prostate (BPH), cost $110.
In Canada, the cost was $38.
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Shocking isn't it?

It's really a damning measure of us just how poor about half the world's population really is.

I'm informed that 1 billion people live on less than $1 a day.

That 2 billion live on less than $2 a day.

Small wonder that so many folks in the undeveloped world hate the West and the industrialized world, eh?

They KNOW how wealthy we are by comparison and they know that they don't really stand a chance in hell of getting out of the poverty trap that their lives are, too.

How is it the West and industrialized world's fault that the undeveloped world is poor?
Basically the extreme left and the OWS crowd are egocentric and selfish. But not smart enough to see it.
Would the current "undeveloped" world have benefited had the west and other developed nations not industrialized?
Shocking isn't it?

It's really a damning measure of us just how poor about half the world's population really is.

I'm informed that 1 billion people live on less than $1 a day.

That 2 billion live on less than $2 a day.

Small wonder that so many folks in the undeveloped world hate the West and the industrialized world, eh?

They KNOW how wealthy we are by comparison and they know that they don't really stand a chance in hell of getting out of the poverty trap that their lives are, too.

How is it the West and industrialized world's fault that the undeveloped world is poor?
We Americans have a tendency to support ruthless thugs in under developed countries. that way, the resources that are there can flow unimpeded to the companies buying said resources.
I bet most of us here are. I wonder how many that identify with OWS want to give up their "wealth" and join the 99 %?

"The recent Occupy Wall Street protests have aimed their message at the income disparity between the 1% richest Americans and the rest of the country. But what happens when you expand that and look at the 1% richest of the entire world? Some really interesting numbers emerge. If there were a global Occupy Wall Street protest, people as well off as Linda Frakes might actually be the target.

In America, the top 1% earn more than $380,000 per year. We are, however, among the richest nations on Earth. How much do you need to earn to be among the top 1% of the world?


That was the finding World Bank economist Branko Milanovic presented in his 2010 book The Haves and the Have-Nots. Going down the distribution ladder may be just as surprising. To be in the top half of the globe, you need to earn just $1,225 a year. For the top 20%, it's $5,000 per year. Enter the top 10% with $12,000 a year. To be included in the top 0.1% requires an annual income of $70,000."

You make a good point, you should repost this to the politics forum, there are a lot of liberals running around in there thinking they know it all.
[ame=]South Park "1 Percent" (Funny Moments Part 1) - YouTube[/ame]

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