Are you ready when the cops go on strike?

With the media and the politicians and the blacks demonizing the cops, I would not be surprised to see the cops go on a nation wide strike. Then maybe this country will get a taste of what the cops are having to endure, while trying to maintain some law and order in this country. Just 48 hours without police in major cities like New York, L.A., Oakland and Houston, would show why cops do what they do, in their jobs. Better buy your guns, ammo and food now, because when cops go on strike, there won't be any stores open to buy them.
Interesting idea.
Wouldn't bother me if they went on strike. Most neighborhoods are quite capable of maintaining the peace without outside influence. I'll admit that some neighborhoods would go into full meltdown mode though.
With the media and the politicians and the blacks demonizing the cops, I would not be surprised to see the cops go on a nation wide strike. Then maybe this country will get a taste of what the cops are having to endure, while trying to maintain some law and order in this country. Just 48 hours without police in major cities like New York, L.A., Oakland and Houston, would show why cops do what they do, in their jobs. Better buy your guns, ammo and food now, because when cops go on strike, there won't be any stores open to buy them.
Only the crooked cops would go on strike. Let them go strike. Fire them and get some new ones that actually want to serve and protect.
Let's first practice that idea in your locale.
With the media and the politicians and the blacks demonizing the cops, I would not be surprised to see the cops go on a nation wide strike. Then maybe this country will get a taste of what the cops are having to endure, while trying to maintain some law and order in this country. Just 48 hours without police in major cities like New York, L.A., Oakland and Houston, would show why cops do what they do, in their jobs. Better buy your guns, ammo and food now, because when cops go on strike, there won't be any stores open to buy them.
Only the crooked cops would go on strike. Let them go strike. Fire them and get some new ones that actually want to serve and protect.
Let's first practice that idea in your locale.
We probably would see very little drop off. The cops in my area are rarely seen except for the 2 times I was stopped and asked what I was doing walking down the street.
NLRB will step in to end a public employee ie police or fire dept. strike....the cops can always try a "blue flu" day or two, but their union officers end up in deep shit if it isn't stopped.
With the media and the politicians and the blacks demonizing the cops, I would not be surprised to see the cops go on a nation wide strike. Then maybe this country will get a taste of what the cops are having to endure, while trying to maintain some law and order in this country. Just 48 hours without police in major cities like New York, L.A., Oakland and Houston, would show why cops do what they do, in their jobs. Better buy your guns, ammo and food now, because when cops go on strike, there won't be any stores open to buy them.

Oh Hell Yeah ... I will stock up on beer, fire up the grill and break in a new deck of cards. It will be nice to start taking their money again.

If the police go on strike ....hello looters !!!!!!!

It will all be a big happy looting family, all over the nation..... with those savages getting their Christmas presents for freeeeee!!!! like in Ferguson, remember????YAYYYYY

Oh The JOY! :rolleyes:
With the media and the politicians and the blacks demonizing the cops, I would not be surprised to see the cops go on a nation wide strike. Then maybe this country will get a taste of what the cops are having to endure, while trying to maintain some law and order in this country. Just 48 hours without police in major cities like New York, L.A., Oakland and Houston, would show why cops do what they do, in their jobs. Better buy your guns, ammo and food now, because when cops go on strike, there won't be any stores open to buy them.
Only the crooked cops would go on strike. Let them go strike. Fire them and get some new ones that actually want to serve and protect.
Let's first practice that idea in your locale.
We probably would see very little drop off. The cops in my area are rarely seen except for the 2 times I was stopped and asked what I was doing walking down the street.
Tell them the rest, it's because you were in the middle of the street weren't you ? :)
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With the media and the politicians and the blacks demonizing the cops, I would not be surprised to see the cops go on a nation wide strike. Then maybe this country will get a taste of what the cops are having to endure, while trying to maintain some law and order in this country. Just 48 hours without police in major cities like New York, L.A., Oakland and Houston, would show why cops do what they do, in their jobs. Better buy your guns, ammo and food now, because when cops go on strike, there won't be any stores open to buy them.
Only the crooked cops would go on strike. Let them go strike. Fire them and get some new ones that actually want to serve and protect.
I wonder how long it would take to make the new ones crooked, or for them to get an I don't care attitude in order to stay alive themselves, and especially in some of these places they would have to work in ?
With the media and the politicians and the blacks demonizing the cops, I would not be surprised to see the cops go on a nation wide strike. Then maybe this country will get a taste of what the cops are having to endure, while trying to maintain some law and order in this country. Just 48 hours without police in major cities like New York, L.A., Oakland and Houston, would show why cops do what they do, in their jobs. Better buy your guns, ammo and food now, because when cops go on strike, there won't be any stores open to buy them.
Only the crooked cops would go on strike. Let them go strike. Fire them and get some new ones that actually want to serve and protect.
I wonder how long it would take to make the new ones crooked, or for them to get an I don't care attitude in order to stay alive themselves in some of these places they have had to work in ?

5 years. Stats show on average...50% of all newly hired recruits are no longer cops within 5 years.

Which means....most cops are:

A) Disgruntled, but experienced, who have little patience for bullshit.
B) Newbies who wanna save the world, are more proactive, and arrest for more petty crimes.

Both A and B cause problems with citizens who often have unrealistically absurd standars of what they think cops should be like.
I do t frankly know why anyone would be a cop considering the little pittance pay they get for the amount of stress they go through. They are public employees (enemy number 1) in some very warped people's eyes.
With the media and the politicians and the blacks demonizing the cops, I would not be surprised to see the cops go on a nation wide strike. Then maybe this country will get a taste of what the cops are having to endure, while trying to maintain some law and order in this country. Just 48 hours without police in major cities like New York, L.A., Oakland and Houston, would show why cops do what they do, in their jobs. Better buy your guns, ammo and food now, because when cops go on strike, there won't be any stores open to buy them.

Yup. I and my friends are all set. How about you mr. no one should have guns but police and criminals?
With the media and the politicians and the blacks demonizing the cops, I would not be surprised to see the cops go on a nation wide strike. Then maybe this country will get a taste of what the cops are having to endure, while trying to maintain some law and order in this country. Just 48 hours without police in major cities like New York, L.A., Oakland and Houston, would show why cops do what they do, in their jobs. Better buy your guns, ammo and food now, because when cops go on strike, there won't be any stores open to buy them.

Don't forget to panic about an imaginary scenario.
With the media and the politicians and the blacks demonizing the cops, I would not be surprised to see the cops go on a nation wide strike. Then maybe this country will get a taste of what the cops are having to endure, while trying to maintain some law and order in this country. Just 48 hours without police in major cities like New York, L.A., Oakland and Houston, would show why cops do what they do, in their jobs. Better buy your guns, ammo and food now, because when cops go on strike, there won't be any stores open to buy them.

I'm in total agreement with you. I have a conceal carry permit and I always have 16 rounds handy. I added another magazine to my carry package and now have 31 rounds. Probably won't be enough when that time comes.
I do t frankly know why anyone would be a cop considering the little pittance pay they get for the amount of stress they go through. They are public employees (enemy number 1) in some very warped people's eyes.
Yes, and that is why intervention is needed between the two who are misunderstanding one another, but Holder and the crew are not the ones qualified to do this intervention. They have botched everything that they have touched it seems, and why is this ? It's because they are closeted light weight racist themselves, and they have had a bias or an ax to grind the whole time, and these are people who exhibit racist tendencies while holding high office all at the same time ? This nation is in a jam right now, because we have a people who have been left rudderless under this administration. It is why it has all fallen a part like it has in these situations, and the people have been taking matters into their own hands ever since. Trayvon was botched by this administration, the two cops who didn't realize the man was trying to get into his own home, therefore leading to the beer summit was botched, Ferguson was botched, this latest case is being botched also. I mean these guy's and gal's are batting 100 so far, and it doesn't look as if there is any relief in sight. The top sheriff out of Milwaukee is my choice to handle some of this stuff if asked from a top level, as he seems to have a great head on his shoulders. I have seen him being interviewed by Megan Kelly recently, and he is great.

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