Are you ready when the cops go on strike?

I'll just hop on a plane to Canada, where people aren't as crazy.
After all of this, you would be considered as worse than the Ebola Virus to the Canadians, and especially after Obama, his second on command Al Charlatan Sharpton, and outdated Holder get done with this nation.
With the media and the politicians and the blacks demonizing the cops, I would not be surprised to see the cops go on a nation wide strike. Then maybe this country will get a taste of what the cops are having to endure, while trying to maintain some law and order in this country. Just 48 hours without police in major cities like New York, L.A., Oakland and Houston, would show why cops do what they do, in their jobs. Better buy your guns, ammo and food now, because when cops go on strike, there won't be any stores open to buy them.
hey.....the guy has a valid point....

Yeah ... and the for the first time.
im sure being a Cop right now is pretty dam stressful.....
I agree, but I don't believe that it has ever been a day at the swimming pool either.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Yeah it wouldn't surprise me if some were to pack up and quit, but the empty slots can always be filled, especially if the pay and benefits are good enough and if cops were to be needed desperately enough, anything could be offered.
With the media and the politicians and the blacks demonizing the cops, I would not be surprised to see the cops go on a nation wide strike. Then maybe this country will get a taste of what the cops are having to endure, while trying to maintain some law and order in this country. Just 48 hours without police in major cities like New York, L.A., Oakland and Houston, would show why cops do what they do, in their jobs. Better buy your guns, ammo and food now, because when cops go on strike, there won't be any stores open to buy them.
Only the crooked cops would go on strike. Let them go strike. Fire them and get some new ones that actually want to serve and protect.
Let's first practice that idea in your locale.
We probably would see very little drop off. The cops in my area are rarely seen except for the 2 times I was stopped and asked what I was doing walking down the street.
They get me walking down the street and riding my bike while your extended family are perpetrating crimes against my property. I wish they would profile more around here. It would be a safer place.
With the media and the politicians and the blacks demonizing the cops, I would not be surprised to see the cops go on a nation wide strike. Then maybe this country will get a taste of what the cops are having to endure, while trying to maintain some law and order in this country. Just 48 hours without police in major cities like New York, L.A., Oakland and Houston, would show why cops do what they do, in their jobs. Better buy your guns, ammo and food now, because when cops go on strike, there won't be any stores open to buy them.
Only the crooked cops would go on strike. Let them go strike. Fire them and get some new ones that actually want to serve and protect.
good cops still have to put up with the backlash.....and they just might be getting to the point where walking off the job sounds good....i can imagine what it must be like where a good many people you encounter during the day think you are an asshole just because you are a Cop.....some might even have an attitude if you need to ask them sure being a Cop right now is pretty dam stressful.....
I know several good cops. That idea has never crossed their minds. They actually cant stand all the crooked cops they work around.
More fictional stories from Asslips. What a treat!
That's exactly what happened in LA a day or two before, and into the riots. The cops sicked out and the democratic party uncivilized animals burned the city down.

Every cop that did that should have been fired, blacklisted for life, and the ringleaders should have been locked up forever. (Say...a year in maximum security's general population.)
With the media and the politicians and the blacks demonizing the cops, I would not be surprised to see the cops go on a nation wide strike. Then maybe this country will get a taste of what the cops are having to endure, while trying to maintain some law and order in this country. Just 48 hours without police in major cities like New York, L.A., Oakland and Houston, would show why cops do what they do, in their jobs. Better buy your guns, ammo and food now, because when cops go on strike, there won't be any stores open to buy them.
Only the crooked cops would go on strike. Let them go strike. Fire them and get some new ones that actually want to serve and protect.
I wonder how long it would take to make the new ones crooked, or for them to get an I don't care attitude in order to stay alive themselves in some of these places they have had to work in ?

5 years. Stats show on average...50% of all newly hired recruits are no longer cops within 5 years.

Which means....most cops are:

A) Disgruntled, but experienced, who have little patience for bullshit.
B) Newbies who wanna save the world, are more proactive, and arrest for more petty crimes.

Both A and B cause problems with citizens who often have unrealistically absurd standars of what they think cops should be like.

You forgot...
C) Power-hungry thugs, who need to be the nastiest bully on the block.
D) Corrupt.
With the media and the politicians and the blacks demonizing the cops, I would not be surprised to see the cops go on a nation wide strike. Then maybe this country will get a taste of what the cops are having to endure, while trying to maintain some law and order in this country. Just 48 hours without police in major cities like New York, L.A., Oakland and Houston, would show why cops do what they do, in their jobs. Better buy your guns, ammo and food now, because when cops go on strike, there won't be any stores open to buy them.
Only the crooked cops would go on strike. Let them go strike. Fire them and get some new ones that actually want to serve and protect.
I wonder how long it would take to make the new ones crooked, or for them to get an I don't care attitude in order to stay alive themselves in some of these places they have had to work in ?

5 years. Stats show on average...50% of all newly hired recruits are no longer cops within 5 years.

Which means....most cops are:

A) Disgruntled, but experienced, who have little patience for bullshit.
B) Newbies who wanna save the world, are more proactive, and arrest for more petty crimes.

Both A and B cause problems with citizens who often have unrealistically absurd standars of what they think cops should be like.

You forgot...
C) Power-hungry thugs, who need to be the nastiest bully on the block.
D) Corrupt.

Next time you need help, call your librarian.
I lived most of my life with what boiled down to no police protection. (Response time for 911 could easily top an hour.)
With the media and the politicians and the blacks demonizing the cops, I would not be surprised to see the cops go on a nation wide strike. Then maybe this country will get a taste of what the cops are having to endure, while trying to maintain some law and order in this country. Just 48 hours without police in major cities like New York, L.A., Oakland and Houston, would show why cops do what they do, in their jobs. Better buy your guns, ammo and food now, because when cops go on strike, there won't be any stores open to buy them.
Only the crooked cops would go on strike. Let them go strike. Fire them and get some new ones that actually want to serve and protect.
I wonder how long it would take to make the new ones crooked, or for them to get an I don't care attitude in order to stay alive themselves in some of these places they have had to work in ?

5 years. Stats show on average...50% of all newly hired recruits are no longer cops within 5 years.

Which means....most cops are:

A) Disgruntled, but experienced, who have little patience for bullshit.
B) Newbies who wanna save the world, are more proactive, and arrest for more petty crimes.

Both A and B cause problems with citizens who often have unrealistically absurd standars of what they think cops should be like.

You forgot...
C) Power-hungry thugs, who need to be the nastiest bully on the block.
D) Corrupt.

Next time you need help, call your librarian.

Next time I need help, I'll let my M1-A do the talking, just like I let my AK speak the last time.

Two hours after I had the perps blocked in on a dead in road, the cops showed, and let them get away.
No, I lived in the middle of nowhere, with a police department that was exactly six people. (Actually, eight, but the other two are not police officers.) Best case response time would probably be half an hour...if nobody called in sick, if the weather wasn't bad, if the guy found the driveway the first time (easy to miss, especially in the rain, snow, or fog), and if he wasn't at the other end of town when he got the call. Bad weather, could easily top an snow, it could easily be NO response, because he simply could not get to my house! (It wasn't a coincidence that my wife and I both owned 4x4's.)
No, I lived in the middle of nowhere, with a police department that was exactly six people. (Actually, eight, but the other two are not police officers.) Best case response time would probably be half an hour...if nobody called in sick, if the weather wasn't bad, if the guy found the driveway the first time (easy to miss, especially in the rain, snow, or fog), and if he wasn't at the other end of town when he got the call. Bad weather, could easily top an snow, it could easily be NO response, because he simply could not get to my house! (It wasn't a coincidence that my wife and I both owned 4x4's.)
I am in the boonies too.

Sheriff knows he cannot be all over the parish with the force he has, and suggested getting an "assault rifle".

I already had three.
That's exactly what happened in LA a day or two before, and into the riots. The cops sicked out and the democratic party uncivilized animals burned the city down.
I hate to burst your little snot bubble but looters and rioters don`t vote. How stupid are you?
I do t frankly know why anyone would be a cop considering the little pittance pay they get for the amount of stress they go through. They are public employees (enemy number 1) in some very warped people's eyes.

Little pittance pay they get? :lol: Where do you live? The cost of the police force in my city is jaw dropping.
The cops are only an extension of who they work for, so always look up to who is running this nation when thinking about who the cops are, who they work for, and why things are so bad in certain areas of the country. What's sad is that so many of the cops hands were tied over the years, and the good cops got out, therefore leaving the force always in transition or training new recruits to do what others couldn't do or needed to do but was held back on. Welcome to the new states of confusion across this country.
I doubt this would ever happen but with all the B.S. cops are having to put up with it would not surprise me if it did. If you think you have police brutality now imagine what you would get with a bunch second rate rent a cops trying to do the job.

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