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Are you really sure Zimmerman was not guilty? ...no, i mean really.

Here's my problem with this case.
If i shot Martin, i have no doubt that i would be sitting in a jail cell no matter what the facts are, because the people who run our society don't approve of guns.

Conservatives don't realize they were herded into a corral by the media.
The media started talking about Florida's stand-your-ground laws, but this case had nothing to do with that.
Florida was just re-affirming the rights that every American has under the Constitution.
If someone attacks you, you have a right to defend yourself.
A corrupt system can ignore that right, but it stands regardless.
The media brought up the topic of Stand-Your-Ground, because the left wants to ignore that state and federal right.
In the process, the media emotionalized the case and immediately threw the conservatives into the Zimmerman corral.

I don't follow trends that easily.

My suspicion was raised when i heard that tape of that scream, then a few second later the gun shot went off.
I instantly recognized that scream as coming from a black person.
I think every big-wig in the country, including members of the media, know that was Martin.
They are under orders to stay silent, but i'm not.

If that is Martin screaming on the tape, then there is no way he was the aggressor.

I've followed several high profile cases and the thing that i found odd was how flimsy Zimmerman's story was.
Witnesses that saw the beginning but didn't see the end...witnesses that weren't sure what they saw, a complex with windows over-looking, but little identification even though people were yelling.
Obviously Zimmerman was told to stop giving information, but the problem is, his story was weird.

It's possible Zimmerman told the truth about Martin appearing out of the shadows , not noticing he was approached, and Martin sucker punching him to the ground, then Martin seeing he had a gun in the dark and trying to grab it.
...but in my opinion, this has more in common with a made up story.

I think the paranoid left-wing might have been closer to the truth on this case.

Zimmerman got sick of all the crime in the neighborhood, ...he might have had a run-in with Martin in the past, and when he found a thief he decided to execute him.
Maybe Martin took a swing at Zimmerman, but shooting him was probably excessive, even if Martin wanted to be a bad-ass.

As far as Martin bashing Zimmerman's head into the concrete...once again, that has the symptoms of a made-up story.

I also thought it was odd that Gloria Alred wasn't shrill about this case.
In her interview she was calm and quiet.
That is not like her other interviews.
That told me that she already knew the outcome of the case.

I knew this trial was a sham and i thought Zimmerman would be found guilty of lesser charges.
I miscalculated because i didn't think Zimmerman's connection to a judge would help him much, i was wrong.

The REAL evidence in the case came in today.
Before i left for dinner i saw the news and the media was showing Zimmerman shaking everyone's hand long before the verdict came in.
Yes, that could mean nothing, but i thought it was odd.
( I always tell you people, don't just listen to the news caster, always watch what the camera man shows you)
They said on the news that the verdict might take a few days.
By the time i got home from dinner, Zimmerman was found "not guilty" . I sure though that was odd as well.

It wasn't until i sat down at my computer that i realized today is the 13th.
I don't care what you call these people, Freemasons, Illuminati, Marxists, Monkey-Overlords, ...it doesn't matter.
What does matter is, they follow occult numbers. (5 -12- 13 -32- 33)

By the jury making their decision on the 13th, what that tells us is, powerful people placed their fingerprint on the trial...it's a sham.
13 is a negative number, ...bad luck.
What the people in power are telling us is, it would have been positive , to the public, for Zimmerman to be found guilty, but by choosing the 13th day of the month, there will be a negativity. (Zimmerman found not guilty)
They are telling us that Zimmerman is guilty.

Zimmerman had a connection to his judge father, who had connection to the judges and lawyers, and if you follow the chain, it goes all the way up to Obama.
all these people are on the same side.

Unfortunately, the only connection Martin had was with angry, powerless, black people.

IF Zimmerman executed this kid when he didn't have to, he ain't getting away with nothing.
God will sort this all out.

First, I don't think you are privy to the facts of the case.. here's one (a bit bias IMHO) from CNN. It may be liberally bias to some extent but it does give a pretty fair assessment..

Trayvon Martin Shooting Fast Facts - CNN.com

Read it and then decide again.. Remember,the fact Zimmerman was attacked was pretty obvious. The man had lacerations on his head and his nose was fractured and both eyes blackened the next day. And that was confirmed by two doctors,one right after the incident, and then his family doctor the next day.

Secondly, how can you decide the scream was from a black person from the sound on a recording? It's not exactly studio quality and I think a persons race is uncertain by the sound of a scream..

Third. It wasn't tried based on the stand your ground laws, he waived that in favor of a self-defense plea. Because, for one thing, his wounds showed some form of altercation, and that would be a more reliable plea.. If he had used the "stand your ground" plea, he couldn't use the altercation as cause, further helping the media and activist groups to try and convict him in public opinion.

Fourth. The fact that martin's previous violence and crimes were not allowed to be mentioned in court. The kid may have been 17,but he had quite a record already, having been expelled from his school just prior to the event due to drug residue in his bookbag.

My only real issues with the case, and only true logical problems I found, are the fact when Zimmerman called 911 to report a "suspicious person" in the gated community,he was told to stay in his SUV and he ignored that order from the dispatcher.Why on earth do that? The mans head of that local neighborhood watch he should have known better.

My second issue is with Martin, what was he doing in a gated community after dark? He didn't live there, didn't belong there, and certainly had to have seen the gate and fences as well as neighborhood watch signs..

IMHO, they were both at fault here. Zimmerman, shouldn't have gotten out of the car, and Martin shouldn't have chosen a gated community with armed neighborhood watch to walk through, while having a chit-chat on the phone with his girlfriend after dark..

Two stupid decisions that came to a head, resulting in a death. Unfortunate, should have and easily could have been avoided by either one or both of them. Zimmerman at worst could have been tried for involuntary manslaughter, but again thats just my opinion.

He was never told to stay in his SUV. Upon learning GZ was following TM the dispatcher said "we don't need you doing that", and GZ said "ok". There is no evidence that GZ kept following, and remember this was at this point where GZ lost sight of TM and had no idea where he went.

GZ had every right to get out of his car and every right to follow behind someone, neither one of those actions is criminal.

The criminal act began with TM attacking GZ.

Look at it logically, if you can. Had GZ wanted a confrontation he would have done so when TM approached his car and GZ was on the phone with dispatch. After TM ran and GZ lost sight of him TM was less than 400 feet to his home, he had four minutes to go that distance, yet he decided to wait until GZ was off the phone and then he confronted GZ.

Well CNN says otherwise... And even IF you are right about the SUV, you said he was told they didn't need him doing that. In other words he should have stopped.. The evidence he continued is the fact there was an altercation.. MArtin was on the phone with his Girlfriend when the altercation occurred, hence the testimony of martins girlfriend regarding the thing..

Look, as I said two bad decisions made led to a death. The kid made bad choices in his activity and behavior, and ZImmerman made bad choices in his..

Had he stopped following or stayed in his car,no problem. Had Martin, decided NOT to case the house he was spotted sitting in front of, no problem. Had either of them decided to simply do what is expected of them no problem.

IMHO,it was two assholes being assholes and it came to a head. I feel bad for the kid, because he's a kid obviously with shitty parents and issues. Kid's make mistakes, sometimes bad ones. But does a busted nose and a punch deserve a death sentence? No.. I've had an ass-whuppin before,and I've given some as well. At no point did anybody deserve to die over it. A neighborhood watch isn't a cop, and a kid didn't deserve to die over a perceived potential robbery or an unarmed attack.

GZ deserved something for at least poor judgement.. And Martin deserved to be questioned by the police, or even detained if cause was established, but he certainly didn't deserve death...
First, I don't think you are privy to the facts of the case.. here's one (a bit bias IMHO) from CNN. It may be liberally bias to some extent but it does give a pretty fair assessment..

Trayvon Martin Shooting Fast Facts - CNN.com

Read it and then decide again.. Remember,the fact Zimmerman was attacked was pretty obvious. The man had lacerations on his head and his nose was fractured and both eyes blackened the next day. And that was confirmed by two doctors,one right after the incident, and then his family doctor the next day.

Secondly, how can you decide the scream was from a black person from the sound on a recording? It's not exactly studio quality and I think a persons race is uncertain by the sound of a scream..

Third. It wasn't tried based on the stand your ground laws, he waived that in favor of a self-defense plea. Because, for one thing, his wounds showed some form of altercation, and that would be a more reliable plea.. If he had used the "stand your ground" plea, he couldn't use the altercation as cause, further helping the media and activist groups to try and convict him in public opinion.

Fourth. The fact that martin's previous violence and crimes were not allowed to be mentioned in court. The kid may have been 17,but he had quite a record already, having been expelled from his school just prior to the event due to drug residue in his bookbag.

My only real issues with the case, and only true logical problems I found, are the fact when Zimmerman called 911 to report a "suspicious person" in the gated community,he was told to stay in his SUV and he ignored that order from the dispatcher.Why on earth do that? The mans head of that local neighborhood watch he should have known better.

My second issue is with Martin, what was he doing in a gated community after dark? He didn't live there, didn't belong there, and certainly had to have seen the gate and fences as well as neighborhood watch signs..

IMHO, they were both at fault here. Zimmerman, shouldn't have gotten out of the car, and Martin shouldn't have chosen a gated community with armed neighborhood watch to walk through, while having a chit-chat on the phone with his girlfriend after dark..

Two stupid decisions that came to a head, resulting in a death. Unfortunate, should have and easily could have been avoided by either one or both of them. Zimmerman at worst could have been tried for involuntary manslaughter, but again thats just my opinion.

He was never told to stay in his SUV. Upon learning GZ was following TM the dispatcher said "we don't need you doing that", and GZ said "ok". There is no evidence that GZ kept following, and remember this was at this point where GZ lost sight of TM and had no idea where he went.

GZ had every right to get out of his car and every right to follow behind someone, neither one of those actions is criminal.

The criminal act began with TM attacking GZ.

Look at it logically, if you can. Had GZ wanted a confrontation he would have done so when TM approached his car and GZ was on the phone with dispatch. After TM ran and GZ lost sight of him TM was less than 400 feet to his home, he had four minutes to go that distance, yet he decided to wait until GZ was off the phone and then he confronted GZ.

Well CNN says otherwise... And even IF you are right about the SUV, you said he was told they didn't need him doing that. In other words he should have stopped.. The evidence he continued is the fact there was an altercation.. MArtin was on the phone with his Girlfriend when the altercation occurred, hence the testimony of martins girlfriend regarding the thing..

Look, as I said two bad decisions made led to a death. The kid made bad choices in his activity and behavior, and ZImmerman made bad choices in his..

Had he stopped following or stayed in his car,no problem. Had Martin, decided NOT to case the house he was spotted sitting in front of, no problem. Had either of them decided to simply do what is expected of them no problem.

IMHO,it was two assholes being assholes and it came to a head. I feel bad for the kid, because he's a kid obviously with shitty parents and issues. Kid's make mistakes, sometimes bad ones. But does a busted nose and a punch deserve a death sentence? No.. I've had an ass-whuppin before,and I've given some as well. At no point did anybody deserve to die over it. A neighborhood watch isn't a cop, and a kid didn't deserve to die over a perceived potential robbery or an unarmed attack.

GZ deserved something for at least poor judgement.. And Martin deserved to be questioned by the police, or even detained if cause was established, but he certainly didn't deserve death...

Your first mistake is listening to CNN.

Listen to the 911 tape and stop relying on the liberal news outlet to be honest.

There is no evidence that GZ continued to follow TM after he was advised not to. NONE, NADA, ZILCH!!

The evidence support GZ's statement that he was on his way back to his vehicle when he was attacked. Oh and Rachael was NOT his girlfriend, CNN got it wrong again.

Yes a busted nose coupled with your head being slammed into concrete is enough to cause someone to fear for their safety which justifies using deadly force.

Moral of this story, when you attack someone make sure they are unarmed.
Here's my problem with this case.
If i shot Martin, i have no doubt that i would be sitting in a jail cell no matter what the facts are, because the people who run our society don't approve of guns.

Conservatives don't realize they were herded into a corral by the media.
The media started talking about Florida's stand-your-ground laws, but this case had nothing to do with that.
Florida was just re-affirming the rights that every American has under the Constitution.
If someone attacks you, you have a right to defend yourself.
A corrupt system can ignore that right, but it stands regardless.
The media brought up the topic of Stand-Your-Ground, because the left wants to ignore that state and federal right.
In the process, the media emotionalized the case and immediately threw the conservatives into the Zimmerman corral.

I don't follow trends that easily.

My suspicion was raised when i heard that tape of that scream, then a few second later the gun shot went off.
I instantly recognized that scream as coming from a black person.
I think every big-wig in the country, including members of the media, know that was Martin.
They are under orders to stay silent, but i'm not.

If that is Martin screaming on the tape, then there is no way he was the aggressor.

I've followed several high profile cases and the thing that i found odd was how flimsy Zimmerman's story was.
Witnesses that saw the beginning but didn't see the end...witnesses that weren't sure what they saw, a complex with windows over-looking, but little identification even though people were yelling.
Obviously Zimmerman was told to stop giving information, but the problem is, his story was weird.

It's possible Zimmerman told the truth about Martin appearing out of the shadows , not noticing he was approached, and Martin sucker punching him to the ground, then Martin seeing he had a gun in the dark and trying to grab it.
...but in my opinion, this has more in common with a made up story.

I think the paranoid left-wing might have been closer to the truth on this case.

Zimmerman got sick of all the crime in the neighborhood, ...he might have had a run-in with Martin in the past, and when he found a thief he decided to execute him.
Maybe Martin took a swing at Zimmerman, but shooting him was probably excessive, even if Martin wanted to be a bad-ass.

As far as Martin bashing Zimmerman's head into the concrete...once again, that has the symptoms of a made-up story.

I also thought it was odd that Gloria Alred wasn't shrill about this case.
In her interview she was calm and quiet.
That is not like her other interviews.
That told me that she already knew the outcome of the case.

I knew this trial was a sham and i thought Zimmerman would be found guilty of lesser charges.
I miscalculated because i didn't think Zimmerman's connection to a judge would help him much, i was wrong.

The REAL evidence in the case came in today.
Before i left for dinner i saw the news and the media was showing Zimmerman shaking everyone's hand long before the verdict came in.
Yes, that could mean nothing, but i thought it was odd.
( I always tell you people, don't just listen to the news caster, always watch what the camera man shows you)
They said on the news that the verdict might take a few days.
By the time i got home from dinner, Zimmerman was found "not guilty" . I sure though that was odd as well.

It wasn't until i sat down at my computer that i realized today is the 13th.
I don't care what you call these people, Freemasons, Illuminati, Marxists, Monkey-Overlords, ...it doesn't matter.
What does matter is, they follow occult numbers. (5 -12- 13 -32- 33)

By the jury making their decision on the 13th, what that tells us is, powerful people placed their fingerprint on the trial...it's a sham.
13 is a negative number, ...bad luck.
What the people in power are telling us is, it would have been positive , to the public, for Zimmerman to be found guilty, but by choosing the 13th day of the month, there will be a negativity. (Zimmerman found not guilty)
They are telling us that Zimmerman is guilty.

Zimmerman had a connection to his judge father, who had connection to the judges and lawyers, and if you follow the chain, it goes all the way up to Obama.
all these people are on the same side.

Unfortunately, the only connection Martin had was with angry, powerless, black people.

IF Zimmerman executed this kid when he didn't have to, he ain't getting away with nothing.
God will sort this all out.

First, I don't think you are privy to the facts of the case.. here's one (a bit bias IMHO) from CNN. It may be liberally bias to some extent but it does give a pretty fair assessment..

Trayvon Martin Shooting Fast Facts - CNN.com

Read it and then decide again.. Remember,the fact Zimmerman was attacked was pretty obvious. The man had lacerations on his head and his nose was fractured and both eyes blackened the next day. And that was confirmed by two doctors,one right after the incident, and then his family doctor the next day.

Secondly, how can you decide the scream was from a black person from the sound on a recording? It's not exactly studio quality and I think a persons race is uncertain by the sound of a scream..

Third. It wasn't tried based on the stand your ground laws, he waived that in favor of a self-defense plea. Because, for one thing, his wounds showed some form of altercation, and that would be a more reliable plea.. If he had used the "stand your ground" plea, he couldn't use the altercation as cause, further helping the media and activist groups to try and convict him in public opinion.

Fourth. The fact that martin's previous violence and crimes were not allowed to be mentioned in court. The kid may have been 17,but he had quite a record already, having been expelled from his school just prior to the event due to drug residue in his bookbag.

My only real issues with the case, and only true logical problems I found, are the fact when Zimmerman called 911 to report a "suspicious person" in the gated community,he was told to stay in his SUV and he ignored that order from the dispatcher.Why on earth do that? The mans head of that local neighborhood watch he should have known better.

My second issue is with Martin, what was he doing in a gated community after dark? He didn't live there, didn't belong there, and certainly had to have seen the gate and fences as well as neighborhood watch signs..

IMHO, they were both at fault here. Zimmerman, shouldn't have gotten out of the car, and Martin shouldn't have chosen a gated community with armed neighborhood watch to walk through, while having a chit-chat on the phone with his girlfriend after dark..

Two stupid decisions that came to a head, resulting in a death. Unfortunate, should have and easily could have been avoided by either one or both of them. Zimmerman at worst could have been tried for involuntary manslaughter, but again thats just my opinion.

911 operators have no authority to order someone on the other end to do or not do anything.
Fourth. The fact that martin's previous violence and crimes were not allowed to be mentioned in court. The kid may have been 17,but he had quite a record already, having been expelled from his school just prior to the event due to drug residue in his bookbag.

Smoking pot is no indication of violent behavior.

My second issue is with Martin, what was he doing in a gated community after dark? He didn't live there, didn't belong there, and certainly had to have seen the gate and fences as well as neighborhood watch signs...

Trayvon's dad lived there, right at the end of the walkway, just a few yards away from the crime scene. Trayvon was staying with his dad.

Surely residents are allowed to have family members visit without fear for their lives.

His dad did NOT live there

this needs to go to the conspiracy zone
I am 100% positive that Zimmerman acted in self-defense. And all the evidence and testimony supports me.

If you instigate a fight, you are not acting in self defense. Zimmerman started the confrontation, he knew he would lose the fight, so he shot and killed Trayvon.
He was never told to stay in his SUV. Upon learning GZ was following TM the dispatcher said "we don't need you doing that", and GZ said "ok". There is no evidence that GZ kept following, and remember this was at this point where GZ lost sight of TM and had no idea where he went.

GZ had every right to get out of his car and every right to follow behind someone, neither one of those actions is criminal.

The criminal act began with TM attacking GZ.

Look at it logically, if you can. Had GZ wanted a confrontation he would have done so when TM approached his car and GZ was on the phone with dispatch. After TM ran and GZ lost sight of him TM was less than 400 feet to his home, he had four minutes to go that distance, yet he decided to wait until GZ was off the phone and then he confronted GZ.

Well CNN says otherwise... And even IF you are right about the SUV, you said he was told they didn't need him doing that. In other words he should have stopped.. The evidence he continued is the fact there was an altercation.. MArtin was on the phone with his Girlfriend when the altercation occurred, hence the testimony of martins girlfriend regarding the thing..

Look, as I said two bad decisions made led to a death. The kid made bad choices in his activity and behavior, and ZImmerman made bad choices in his..

Had he stopped following or stayed in his car,no problem. Had Martin, decided NOT to case the house he was spotted sitting in front of, no problem. Had either of them decided to simply do what is expected of them no problem.

IMHO,it was two assholes being assholes and it came to a head. I feel bad for the kid, because he's a kid obviously with shitty parents and issues. Kid's make mistakes, sometimes bad ones. But does a busted nose and a punch deserve a death sentence? No.. I've had an ass-whuppin before,and I've given some as well. At no point did anybody deserve to die over it. A neighborhood watch isn't a cop, and a kid didn't deserve to die over a perceived potential robbery or an unarmed attack.

GZ deserved something for at least poor judgement.. And Martin deserved to be questioned by the police, or even detained if cause was established, but he certainly didn't deserve death...

Your first mistake is listening to CNN.

Listen to the 911 tape and stop relying on the liberal news outlet to be honest.

There is no evidence that GZ continued to follow TM after he was advised not to. NONE, NADA, ZILCH!!

The evidence support GZ's statement that he was on his way back to his vehicle when he was attacked. Oh and Rachael was NOT his girlfriend, CNN got it wrong again.

Yes a busted nose coupled with your head being slammed into concrete is enough to cause someone to fear for their safety which justifies using deadly force.

Moral of this story, when you attack someone make sure they are unarmed.

LOL, dude had he not followed him he wouldn't have been in the fight...

I'm no fan of CNN, nor am I a liberal. I just know that both of them screwed up. As I said a few times now. He should have listened to the 911 dispatcher, he chose not to and this happened.. Does a fist fight deserve death for the attacker? Was martin some massive NFL linebacker or lineman type who projected fear for ones life from a punch on the nose? Kid didn't look that scary to me, and had he simply pulled the gun and threatened, the situation could have been different. But he did neither..

Face it, dude went trying to prove his masculinity and authority, and got it tested, and he panicked, resulting in a death. If it were a real cop involved, he wouldn't be a cop afterwards, and he certainly wouldn't have gotten away with nothing for it. No warning, no stop or I'll shoot, just some screams and then a shot.. Dude panicked, and shot him.. Shouldn't have happened... They take cops guns for shooting an unarmed assailant unless proven their lives were in danger. I don't think a bloody nose qualifies, especially with no warning at all..
Here's my problem with this case.
If i shot Martin, i have no doubt that i would be sitting in a jail cell no matter what the facts are, because the people who run our society don't approve of guns.

Conservatives don't realize they were herded into a corral by the media.
The media started talking about Florida's stand-your-ground laws, but this case had nothing to do with that.
Florida was just re-affirming the rights that every American has under the Constitution.
If someone attacks you, you have a right to defend yourself.
A corrupt system can ignore that right, but it stands regardless.
The media brought up the topic of Stand-Your-Ground, because the left wants to ignore that state and federal right.
In the process, the media emotionalized the case and immediately threw the conservatives into the Zimmerman corral.

I don't follow trends that easily.

My suspicion was raised when i heard that tape of that scream, then a few second later the gun shot went off.
I instantly recognized that scream as coming from a black person.
I think every big-wig in the country, including members of the media, know that was Martin.
They are under orders to stay silent, but i'm not.

If that is Martin screaming on the tape, then there is no way he was the aggressor.

I've followed several high profile cases and the thing that i found odd was how flimsy Zimmerman's story was.
Witnesses that saw the beginning but didn't see the end...witnesses that weren't sure what they saw, a complex with windows over-looking, but little identification even though people were yelling.
Obviously Zimmerman was told to stop giving information, but the problem is, his story was weird.

It's possible Zimmerman told the truth about Martin appearing out of the shadows , not noticing he was approached, and Martin sucker punching him to the ground, then Martin seeing he had a gun in the dark and trying to grab it.
...but in my opinion, this has more in common with a made up story.

I think the paranoid left-wing might have been closer to the truth on this case.

Zimmerman got sick of all the crime in the neighborhood, ...he might have had a run-in with Martin in the past, and when he found a thief he decided to execute him.
Maybe Martin took a swing at Zimmerman, but shooting him was probably excessive, even if Martin wanted to be a bad-ass.

As far as Martin bashing Zimmerman's head into the concrete...once again, that has the symptoms of a made-up story.

I also thought it was odd that Gloria Alred wasn't shrill about this case.
In her interview she was calm and quiet.
That is not like her other interviews.
That told me that she already knew the outcome of the case.

I knew this trial was a sham and i thought Zimmerman would be found guilty of lesser charges.
I miscalculated because i didn't think Zimmerman's connection to a judge would help him much, i was wrong.

The REAL evidence in the case came in today.
Before i left for dinner i saw the news and the media was showing Zimmerman shaking everyone's hand long before the verdict came in.
Yes, that could mean nothing, but i thought it was odd.
( I always tell you people, don't just listen to the news caster, always watch what the camera man shows you)
They said on the news that the verdict might take a few days.
By the time i got home from dinner, Zimmerman was found "not guilty" . I sure though that was odd as well.

It wasn't until i sat down at my computer that i realized today is the 13th.
I don't care what you call these people, Freemasons, Illuminati, Marxists, Monkey-Overlords, ...it doesn't matter.
What does matter is, they follow occult numbers. (5 -12- 13 -32- 33)

By the jury making their decision on the 13th, what that tells us is, powerful people placed their fingerprint on the trial...it's a sham.
13 is a negative number, ...bad luck.
What the people in power are telling us is, it would have been positive , to the public, for Zimmerman to be found guilty, but by choosing the 13th day of the month, there will be a negativity. (Zimmerman found not guilty)
They are telling us that Zimmerman is guilty.

Zimmerman had a connection to his judge father, who had connection to the judges and lawyers, and if you follow the chain, it goes all the way up to Obama.
all these people are on the same side.

Unfortunately, the only connection Martin had was with angry, powerless, black people.

IF Zimmerman executed this kid when he didn't have to, he ain't getting away with nothing.
God will sort this all out.

^ Liberal Intellectual Elite
I am 100% positive that Zimmerman acted in self-defense. And all the evidence and testimony supports me.

If you instigate a fight, you are not acting in self defense. Zimmerman started the confrontation, he knew he would lose the fight, so he shot and killed Trayvon.

You really shouldn't offer an opinion on something you clearly know none of the facts about. Trayvon assaulted Zimmerman with a sucker punch, threw him to the ground and proceeded to pummel his face and pound his head into the pvaement. I'd dare say that if that happened to you, you'd probably use any means at your disposal to make it stop. It's known as self defense by the way.
I am 100% positive that Zimmerman acted in self-defense. And all the evidence and testimony supports me.

If you instigate a fight, you are not acting in self defense. Zimmerman started the confrontation, he knew he would lose the fight, so he shot and killed Trayvon.

You really shouldn't offer an opinion on something you clearly know none of the facts about. Trayvon assaulted Zimmerman with a sucker punch, threw him to the ground and proceeded to pummel his face and pound his head into the pvaement. I'd dare say that if that happened to you, you'd probably use any means at your disposal to make it stop. It's known as self defense by the way.

Her ignorance is only matched by her baffling willingness to put it on display.
Well CNN says otherwise... And even IF you are right about the SUV, you said he was told they didn't need him doing that. In other words he should have stopped.. The evidence he continued is the fact there was an altercation.. MArtin was on the phone with his Girlfriend when the altercation occurred, hence the testimony of martins girlfriend regarding the thing..

Look, as I said two bad decisions made led to a death. The kid made bad choices in his activity and behavior, and ZImmerman made bad choices in his..

Had he stopped following or stayed in his car,no problem. Had Martin, decided NOT to case the house he was spotted sitting in front of, no problem. Had either of them decided to simply do what is expected of them no problem.

IMHO,it was two assholes being assholes and it came to a head. I feel bad for the kid, because he's a kid obviously with shitty parents and issues. Kid's make mistakes, sometimes bad ones. But does a busted nose and a punch deserve a death sentence? No.. I've had an ass-whuppin before,and I've given some as well. At no point did anybody deserve to die over it. A neighborhood watch isn't a cop, and a kid didn't deserve to die over a perceived potential robbery or an unarmed attack.

GZ deserved something for at least poor judgement.. And Martin deserved to be questioned by the police, or even detained if cause was established, but he certainly didn't deserve death...

Your first mistake is listening to CNN.

Listen to the 911 tape and stop relying on the liberal news outlet to be honest.

There is no evidence that GZ continued to follow TM after he was advised not to. NONE, NADA, ZILCH!!

The evidence support GZ's statement that he was on his way back to his vehicle when he was attacked. Oh and Rachael was NOT his girlfriend, CNN got it wrong again.

Yes a busted nose coupled with your head being slammed into concrete is enough to cause someone to fear for their safety which justifies using deadly force.

Moral of this story, when you attack someone make sure they are unarmed.

LOL, dude had he not followed him he wouldn't have been in the fight...

I'm no fan of CNN, nor am I a liberal. I just know that both of them screwed up. As I said a few times now. He should have listened to the 911 dispatcher, he chose not to and this happened.. Does a fist fight deserve death for the attacker? Was martin some massive NFL linebacker or lineman type who projected fear for ones life from a punch on the nose? Kid didn't look that scary to me, and had he simply pulled the gun and threatened, the situation could have been different. But he did neither..

Face it, dude went trying to prove his masculinity and authority, and got it tested, and he panicked, resulting in a death. If it were a real cop involved, he wouldn't be a cop afterwards, and he certainly wouldn't have gotten away with nothing for it. No warning, no stop or I'll shoot, just some screams and then a shot.. Dude panicked, and shot him.. Shouldn't have happened... They take cops guns for shooting an unarmed assailant unless proven their lives were in danger. I don't think a bloody nose qualifies, especially with no warning at all..

There was no fist fight. There was a sucker punch and then a ground and pound. How long would you allow your head to be slammed into the concrete before you take action to stop it? Are you going to let it happen 2 times, 3 times, 10 times or until you go unconcious in the hopes his anger will subside and he'll quit and let you up? At what point do you decide it's him or me and do what it takes to stop it.

Look, I agree that he should have never gotten out of the car. But once out of the car, Trayvon shouldn't have attacked him. There is fault on both sides and it was a situation gone bad that ended up costing a life. But smart move or dumb move, Zimmerman broke no laws. Trayvon did when he assualted Zimmerman. He made a serious miscalculation in his actions.
The jury has spoken.
If the Libs want to do an end run around our judicial
system there has to be some push back.Otherwise what's the point.

We were told to accept the OJ verdict in his murder trial
but now the jury verdict is bullshit in the Zimmerman trial.
Your first mistake is listening to CNN.

Listen to the 911 tape and stop relying on the liberal news outlet to be honest.

There is no evidence that GZ continued to follow TM after he was advised not to. NONE, NADA, ZILCH!!

The evidence support GZ's statement that he was on his way back to his vehicle when he was attacked. Oh and Rachael was NOT his girlfriend, CNN got it wrong again.

Yes a busted nose coupled with your head being slammed into concrete is enough to cause someone to fear for their safety which justifies using deadly force.

Moral of this story, when you attack someone make sure they are unarmed.

LOL, dude had he not followed him he wouldn't have been in the fight...

I'm no fan of CNN, nor am I a liberal. I just know that both of them screwed up. As I said a few times now. He should have listened to the 911 dispatcher, he chose not to and this happened.. Does a fist fight deserve death for the attacker? Was martin some massive NFL linebacker or lineman type who projected fear for ones life from a punch on the nose? Kid didn't look that scary to me, and had he simply pulled the gun and threatened, the situation could have been different. But he did neither..

Face it, dude went trying to prove his masculinity and authority, and got it tested, and he panicked, resulting in a death. If it were a real cop involved, he wouldn't be a cop afterwards, and he certainly wouldn't have gotten away with nothing for it. No warning, no stop or I'll shoot, just some screams and then a shot.. Dude panicked, and shot him.. Shouldn't have happened... They take cops guns for shooting an unarmed assailant unless proven their lives were in danger. I don't think a bloody nose qualifies, especially with no warning at all..

There was no fist fight. There was a sucker punch and then a ground and pound. How long would you allow your head to be slammed into the concrete before you take action to stop it? Are you going to let it happen 2 times, 3 times, 10 times or until you go unconcious in the hopes his anger will subside and he'll quit and let you up? At what point do you decide it's him or me and do what it takes to stop it.

Look, I agree that he should have never gotten out of the car. But once out of the car, Trayvon shouldn't have attacked him. There is fault on both sides and it was a situation gone bad that ended up costing a life. But smart move or dumb move, Zimmerman broke no laws. Trayvon did when he assualted Zimmerman. He made a serious miscalculation in his actions.

DUDE! He had a gun.. A simple pulling of the gun and pointing, no more getting beaten up. OR a simple shot in the air, or even a wounding of the attacker, anything.. How about stating "I'm armed" before the altercation? A lot of things could have been handled better by him..

According to the phone recording used in court, they exchanged words BEFORE the attack ensued. AT that point a simple"I'm with neighborhood watch, and I'm armed" could have stopped everything..

The biggest issue I have with Zimmerman is, he is a fine example of a person who shouldn't carry a gun, and that casts a bad light on people who do. He just put the defense of gun carry laws and gun laws in general back years.. Seriously, he just killed a 17 year old boy with a gun he was carrying over a busted nose from a punch.

He panicked and did so with a gun.. BADLY.. We tell assholes coming after our guns or trying to pass new restrictive laws that WE are careful, responsible, and trustworthy with them. And then we have a panicky asshole like this, who panics and shoots a 17 year old and kills him and why? Because he got punched and his nose broken.. How does that make gun carriers look now? Well it's a gun-grabbing liberals wet dream is what it is..

Watch.. You will see. His acquittal did far more damage than any punishment or conviction could have.. If he was found guilty, what happens to the war on guns? Nothing, dude gets punished, gun taken away and then nothing, we all move on.. Dude gets aquitted of all charges and what happens? We get celebrities with a cause and a martyr..Guys like Stevie Wonder now refuse to play in states with "stand your ground" or similar legislation. WHat's next?

This isn't the last of it mark my words, he just made gun carrying harder for everyone...
LOL, dude had he not followed him he wouldn't have been in the fight...

I'm no fan of CNN, nor am I a liberal. I just know that both of them screwed up. As I said a few times now. He should have listened to the 911 dispatcher, he chose not to and this happened.. Does a fist fight deserve death for the attacker? Was martin some massive NFL linebacker or lineman type who projected fear for ones life from a punch on the nose? Kid didn't look that scary to me, and had he simply pulled the gun and threatened, the situation could have been different. But he did neither..

Face it, dude went trying to prove his masculinity and authority, and got it tested, and he panicked, resulting in a death. If it were a real cop involved, he wouldn't be a cop afterwards, and he certainly wouldn't have gotten away with nothing for it. No warning, no stop or I'll shoot, just some screams and then a shot.. Dude panicked, and shot him.. Shouldn't have happened... They take cops guns for shooting an unarmed assailant unless proven their lives were in danger. I don't think a bloody nose qualifies, especially with no warning at all..

There was no fist fight. There was a sucker punch and then a ground and pound. How long would you allow your head to be slammed into the concrete before you take action to stop it? Are you going to let it happen 2 times, 3 times, 10 times or until you go unconcious in the hopes his anger will subside and he'll quit and let you up? At what point do you decide it's him or me and do what it takes to stop it.

Look, I agree that he should have never gotten out of the car. But once out of the car, Trayvon shouldn't have attacked him. There is fault on both sides and it was a situation gone bad that ended up costing a life. But smart move or dumb move, Zimmerman broke no laws. Trayvon did when he assualted Zimmerman. He made a serious miscalculation in his actions.

DUDE! He had a gun.. A simple pulling of the gun and pointing, no more getting beaten up. OR a simple shot in the air, or even a wounding of the attacker, anything.. How about stating "I'm armed" before the altercation? A lot of things could have been handled better by him..

According to the phone recording used in court, they exchanged words BEFORE the attack ensued. AT that point a simple"I'm with neighborhood watch, and I'm armed" could have stopped everything..

The biggest issue I have with Zimmerman is, he is a fine example of a person who shouldn't carry a gun, and that casts a bad light on people who do. He just put the defense of gun carry laws and gun laws in general back years.. Seriously, he just killed a 17 year old boy with a gun he was carrying over a busted nose from a punch.

He panicked and did so with a gun.. BADLY.. We tell assholes coming after our guns or trying to pass new restrictive laws that WE are careful, responsible, and trustworthy with them. And then we have a panicky asshole like this, who panics and shoots a 17 year old and kills him and why? Because he got punched and his nose broken.. How does that make gun carriers look now? Well it's a gun-grabbing liberals wet dream is what it is..

Watch.. You will see. His acquittal did far more damage than any punishment or conviction could have.. If he was found guilty, what happens to the war on guns? Nothing, dude gets punished, gun taken away and then nothing, we all move on.. Dude gets aquitted of all charges and what happens? We get celebrities with a cause and a martyr..Guys like Stevie Wonder now refuse to play in states with "stand your ground" or similar legislation. WHat's next?

This isn't the last of it mark my words, he just made gun carrying harder for everyone...

Well we can second guess "what ifs" and armchair quarterrback all day long, but prosecutors brought a case on weak evidence and lost on weak evidence. A jury decided and the case is closed except for the race baiters and race pimps who want to turn it into a civil rights hate crime.......even though the FBI concluded that race had nothing to do with it. Trayvo could have done a lot of things differently too that would have resulted in him still being alive. It's a two way street. Why should Zimmerman have to proclaim he had a gun? To what end? I doubt he ever expected he would need to pull it until Trayvon assaulted him with a punch to the face, throwing him to the ground and pounding his head into the pavement. At the point of having your head hammered into the ground, shouting I have a gun or firing a shot in the air is a bit silly. He pulled it and ended the threat to his life. It's what is taught in gun self defense classes. This was a self defense casde, top to bottom, end to end. It isn't about race and it isn't about stand your ground, no matter how much the race baiters and media tries to make it about that. It was a bad situation all the way around that could have gone 10 different directions if either one of them had taken different options. Should Zimmerman have stayed in his car? Yes. Should Trayvon have walked straight to the house and in the door? Yes. Did they? No. Did Trayvon have to assault Zimmerman? No. Did he? Yes. Did Zimmerman have to shoot Trayvon? No. Is it possible he feared for his life as Trayvon straddled him and beat his head into the pavement? Yes. Did it give him justification for defending his life with a gun? Yes.
There was no fist fight. There was a sucker punch and then a ground and pound. How long would you allow your head to be slammed into the concrete before you take action to stop it? Are you going to let it happen 2 times, 3 times, 10 times or until you go unconcious in the hopes his anger will subside and he'll quit and let you up? At what point do you decide it's him or me and do what it takes to stop it.

Look, I agree that he should have never gotten out of the car. But once out of the car, Trayvon shouldn't have attacked him. There is fault on both sides and it was a situation gone bad that ended up costing a life. But smart move or dumb move, Zimmerman broke no laws. Trayvon did when he assualted Zimmerman. He made a serious miscalculation in his actions.

DUDE! He had a gun.. A simple pulling of the gun and pointing, no more getting beaten up. OR a simple shot in the air, or even a wounding of the attacker, anything.. How about stating "I'm armed" before the altercation? A lot of things could have been handled better by him..

According to the phone recording used in court, they exchanged words BEFORE the attack ensued. AT that point a simple"I'm with neighborhood watch, and I'm armed" could have stopped everything..

The biggest issue I have with Zimmerman is, he is a fine example of a person who shouldn't carry a gun, and that casts a bad light on people who do. He just put the defense of gun carry laws and gun laws in general back years.. Seriously, he just killed a 17 year old boy with a gun he was carrying over a busted nose from a punch.

He panicked and did so with a gun.. BADLY.. We tell assholes coming after our guns or trying to pass new restrictive laws that WE are careful, responsible, and trustworthy with them. And then we have a panicky asshole like this, who panics and shoots a 17 year old and kills him and why? Because he got punched and his nose broken.. How does that make gun carriers look now? Well it's a gun-grabbing liberals wet dream is what it is..

Watch.. You will see. His acquittal did far more damage than any punishment or conviction could have.. If he was found guilty, what happens to the war on guns? Nothing, dude gets punished, gun taken away and then nothing, we all move on.. Dude gets aquitted of all charges and what happens? We get celebrities with a cause and a martyr..Guys like Stevie Wonder now refuse to play in states with "stand your ground" or similar legislation. WHat's next?

This isn't the last of it mark my words, he just made gun carrying harder for everyone...

Well we can second guess "what ifs" and armchair quarterrback all day long, but prosecutors brought a case on weak evidence and lost on weak evidence. A jury decided and the case is closed except for the race baiters and race pimps who want to turn it into a civil rights hate crime.......even though the FBI concluded that race had nothing to do with it. Trayvo could have done a lot of things differently too that would have resulted in him still being alive. It's a two way street. Why should Zimmerman have to proclaim he had a gun? To what end? I doubt he ever expected he would need to pull it until Trayvon assaulted him with a punch to the face, throwing him to the ground and pounding his head into the pavement. At the point of having your head hammered into the ground, shouting I have a gun or firing a shot in the air is a bit silly. He pulled it and ended the threat to his life. It's what is taught in gun self defense classes. This was a self defense casde, top to bottom, end to end. It isn't about race and it isn't about stand your ground, no matter how much the race baiters and media tries to make it about that. It was a bad situation all the way around that could have gone 10 different directions if either one of them had taken different options. Should Zimmerman have stayed in his car? Yes. Should Trayvon have walked straight to the house and in the door? Yes. Did they? No. Did Trayvon have to assault Zimmerman? No. Did he? Yes. Did Zimmerman have to shoot Trayvon? No. Is it possible he feared for his life as Trayvon straddled him and beat his head into the pavement? Yes. Did it give him justification for defending his life with a gun? Yes.

FIrst I stated before BOTH were at fault..

He should have stated he had a gun because he had one and had he wanted a peaceful result,it would be a good try. AND, stating he had a gun might have prevented being attacked. I wouldn't attack somebody with a gun if I were simply chilling out like he was supposed to be doing. Would you? He should have stated he had a gun and he was part of the neighborhood watch BEFORE he got close enough to him to be attacked.

Dude, he came up to the kid while the kid was on the phone.. At any point before getting into attack range from the kid he should have shouted I am armed and with neighborhood watch. He had plenty of time to do it. You keep acting like he was snuck upon and jumped with no time to react. That's false. he was facing the kid and talking to him when he got punched. He may have been surprised by the punch but he walked into the situation without using the gun to it's advantage..

One of the main reasons people carry a gun is for protection. Not for aggression. The argument most gun owners give is they are wanting to prevent a confrontation by carrying. A gun means they are less likely to get into an altercation. Why didn't Zimm get that concept? Also he claims he forgot he had the gun.. WTH??? If he carries it that much that he can forget he is wearing it, he should have known the fact that it's presence alone can deter all but the most psychotic of people.

Zimm had no business carrying a gun.. IMHO,he's the type of gun carrier that will make it harder for the rest of us.. Some people cannot handle the responsibility. He's one of them..
DUDE! He had a gun.. A simple pulling of the gun and pointing, no more getting beaten up. OR a simple shot in the air, or even a wounding of the attacker, anything.. How about stating "I'm armed" before the altercation? A lot of things could have been handled better by him..

According to the phone recording used in court, they exchanged words BEFORE the attack ensued. AT that point a simple"I'm with neighborhood watch, and I'm armed" could have stopped everything..

The biggest issue I have with Zimmerman is, he is a fine example of a person who shouldn't carry a gun, and that casts a bad light on people who do. He just put the defense of gun carry laws and gun laws in general back years.. Seriously, he just killed a 17 year old boy with a gun he was carrying over a busted nose from a punch.

He panicked and did so with a gun.. BADLY.. We tell assholes coming after our guns or trying to pass new restrictive laws that WE are careful, responsible, and trustworthy with them. And then we have a panicky asshole like this, who panics and shoots a 17 year old and kills him and why? Because he got punched and his nose broken.. How does that make gun carriers look now? Well it's a gun-grabbing liberals wet dream is what it is..

Watch.. You will see. His acquittal did far more damage than any punishment or conviction could have.. If he was found guilty, what happens to the war on guns? Nothing, dude gets punished, gun taken away and then nothing, we all move on.. Dude gets aquitted of all charges and what happens? We get celebrities with a cause and a martyr..Guys like Stevie Wonder now refuse to play in states with "stand your ground" or similar legislation. WHat's next?

This isn't the last of it mark my words, he just made gun carrying harder for everyone...

Well we can second guess "what ifs" and armchair quarterrback all day long, but prosecutors brought a case on weak evidence and lost on weak evidence. A jury decided and the case is closed except for the race baiters and race pimps who want to turn it into a civil rights hate crime.......even though the FBI concluded that race had nothing to do with it. Trayvo could have done a lot of things differently too that would have resulted in him still being alive. It's a two way street. Why should Zimmerman have to proclaim he had a gun? To what end? I doubt he ever expected he would need to pull it until Trayvon assaulted him with a punch to the face, throwing him to the ground and pounding his head into the pavement. At the point of having your head hammered into the ground, shouting I have a gun or firing a shot in the air is a bit silly. He pulled it and ended the threat to his life. It's what is taught in gun self defense classes. This was a self defense casde, top to bottom, end to end. It isn't about race and it isn't about stand your ground, no matter how much the race baiters and media tries to make it about that. It was a bad situation all the way around that could have gone 10 different directions if either one of them had taken different options. Should Zimmerman have stayed in his car? Yes. Should Trayvon have walked straight to the house and in the door? Yes. Did they? No. Did Trayvon have to assault Zimmerman? No. Did he? Yes. Did Zimmerman have to shoot Trayvon? No. Is it possible he feared for his life as Trayvon straddled him and beat his head into the pavement? Yes. Did it give him justification for defending his life with a gun? Yes.

FIrst I stated before BOTH were at fault..

He should have stated he had a gun because he had one and had he wanted a peaceful result,it would be a good try. AND, stating he had a gun might have prevented being attacked. I wouldn't attack somebody with a gun if I were simply chilling out like he was supposed to be doing. Would you? He should have stated he had a gun and he was part of the neighborhood watch BEFORE he got close enough to him to be attacked.

Dude, he came up to the kid while the kid was on the phone.. At any point before getting into attack range from the kid he should have shouted I am armed and with neighborhood watch. He had plenty of time to do it. You keep acting like he was snuck upon and jumped with no time to react. That's false. he was facing the kid and talking to him when he got punched. He may have been surprised by the punch but he walked into the situation without using the gun to it's advantage..

One of the main reasons people carry a gun is for protection. Not for aggression. The argument most gun owners give is they are wanting to prevent a confrontation by carrying. A gun means they are less likely to get into an altercation. Why didn't Zimm get that concept? Also he claims he forgot he had the gun.. WTH??? If he carries it that much that he can forget he is wearing it, he should have known the fact that it's presence alone can deter all but the most psychotic of people.

Zimm had no business carrying a gun.. IMHO,he's the type of gun carrier that will make it harder for the rest of us.. Some people cannot handle the responsibility. He's one of them..

All beside the point. What's done is done. Can't change it. They both displayed extremely poor judgement in the decisions they made. That being said, Zimmerman did nothing unlawful. Trayvon did. It cost him his life.

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