Are you superstitious?


Gold Member
Jul 12, 2011
I try not to be, but superstition crops up in my mind now and again.

An example. If I brag about something I am concerned that it will come around and bite me. Recently, on this forum I have "bragged" about not taking any medications, not even so much as an aspirin for a headache. I went further to say that I rarely get headaches and when I do I just allow them to go away on their own.

Well, today I had a headache and ended up taking three aspirin to get it to go away. : (

Obviously, my superstition about "bragging" biting you on the true!!! :eek:

Are you superstitious, and what are some of the superstitions that haunt you?
I like that avatar, drifter.

I suppose we all have superstitions. Some have more than others.

I have a pseudo karma superstition. While I don't believe "God'll get 'em" (as one of my ex-girlfriends used to say), I do believe things have a way of balancing out. A person might be a real bastard on the way to becoming rich, but will probably not be happy despite achieving outward "success". A person might be kind to others and never end up wealthy, but will have a peace of mind that no pricetag can be put on.
I know this. I won't open an umbrella indoors, or walk under a ladder. I just won't do it.

But since I was born Halloween Eve, I consider certain other things to be good luck for me that are generally thought to be bad luck. I'm kind of like a witch in that regard.

Such as...if a black cat crosses my path, it's good luck, which is fortunate because I have one and he crosses my path often.

Friday the 13th is a lucky day for me.

Hmmm. What else?
I know this. I won't open an umbrella indoors, or walk under a ladder. I just won't do it.

But since I was born Halloween Eve, I consider certain other things to be good luck for me that are generally thought to be bad luck. I'm kind of like a witch in that regard.

Such as...if a black cat crosses my path, it's good luck, which is fortunate because I have one and he crosses my path often.

Friday the 13th is a lucky day for me.

Hmmm. What else?

I don't have those kind of superstitions. But one of the weirder ones I saw someone freak out over was putting your shoes on a table.

When I lived in the Deep South, it was tradition to eat black-eyed peas and some other stuff (I forget) on New Year's Day for good luck.
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I like that avatar, drifter.

I suppose we all have superstitions. Some have more than others.

I have a pseudo karma superstition. While I don't believe "God'll get 'em" (as one of my ex-girlfriends used to say), I do believe things have a way of balancing out. A person might be a real bastard on the way to becoming rich, but will probably not be happy despite achieving outward "success". A person might be kind to others and never end up wealthy, but will have a peace of mind that no pricetag can be put on.

Yeah, I often hear myself saying "That's good karma!" or "Uh oh! Bad karma!"

Unfortunately, I've known some very good people who had very bad things happen to them. But karma is complex and there may be circumstances at play in their lives that I'm not aware of.'s all just b.s. I don't know.

I have rescued several dogs and cats and currently have five dogs and seven cats living with me. I like to imagine arriving at the Pearly Gates and God and Jesus and St. Peter are there surrounded by happy dogs and cats. Right away I'd get a little more hopeful for my chances of getting in. : )
I try not to be, but superstition crops up in my mind now and again.
This may be how I am.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I am not as bad as most people who really are, but yeah, I will admit that there are some things that I will not get into just to be as safe as I can be. :) :) :)
I know this. I won't open an umbrella indoors, or walk under a ladder. I just won't do it.

But since I was born Halloween Eve, I consider certain other things to be good luck for me that are generally thought to be bad luck. I'm kind of like a witch in that regard.

Such as...if a black cat crosses my path, it's good luck, which is fortunate because I have one and he crosses my path often.

Friday the 13th is a lucky day for me.

Hmmm. What else?

In some cultures.......ANYTIME A CAT crosses their path IT'S GOOD LUCK!

Hey, beats going to the Market.............and Sweet 'n' Sour Ca........uh, er, Pork is really tasty........
your biting you on the ass comment sounds more like judo christian guilt..

i am not superstitious but listen to my instincts....i dont walk under ladders cause its a stupid thing to do....

i have two black cats and two that arent
Is Karma a form of superstition?

Well, it can't be proven any more than some of the superstitions can. So to me it probably is more superstition than anything. A more dignified superstition than some, being a fundamental doctrine of Buddhism and all, but superstition nonetheless.

I guess a definition is in order. Superstition: An irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome.

Some of the most strong and stable people I know don't believe in superstitions, karma, or any of this "mumbo jumbo." My Dad was one. He was just strong and brave and didn't need talismans and false hopes or the various theoretical explanations for our existence to carry him through life.

I admire people like that. But I'm not one of them. I'm kind of a scaredy cat who needs to be comforted and told that everything will work out and I'll live happily ever after. Even though I know it's not true.

One of my gruff old cowboy friends used to say, "Life is a shit sandwich. And then you die." And he did. But he certainly had no delusions.
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