Marc you're a born again right? You ever check out Mormons? I freaked out when I started to check them out.
I know some Mormons and my wife went to school with a devout Mormon that played in the NBA. There are good Mormons and bad Mormons just like in every religion.
Oh heavens I am not judging Mormons as a people of faith. I am only oh boy oh boy how do I put it nicely.....I'm talking about what their faith is based on.
Simply put, it's pretty whacked out. Ouch. But true. Look even as a born again when I can look at Castaneda and Journey to Ixtlan and can and have embraced the Yaqui way of knowledge and I'm going that this Mormon shit is far out that's saying something hmmmmmmmm? Mkay?
And you have Glenn Beck out there going that Ted Cruz is the anointed one and is going to fulfill the White Horse Prophecy?
Here's where I started to look around and go.....did all these Cruz supporters do the purple double domes we were warned against at Woodstock?