Arizona GOP senator: "I just don't see how I can" back Donald Trump


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Marc you're a born again right? You ever check out Mormons? I freaked out when I started to check them out.
I know some Mormons and my wife went to school with a devout Mormon that played in the NBA. There are good Mormons and bad Mormons just like in every religion.

Oh heavens I am not judging Mormons as a people of faith. I am only oh boy oh boy how do I put it nicely.....I'm talking about what their faith is based on.

Simply put, it's pretty whacked out. Ouch. But true. Look even as a born again when I can look at Castaneda and Journey to Ixtlan and can and have embraced the Yaqui way of knowledge and I'm going that this Mormon shit is far out that's saying something hmmmmmmmm? Mkay?

And you have Glenn Beck out there going that Ted Cruz is the anointed one and is going to fulfill the White Horse Prophecy?

Here's where I started to look around and go.....did all these Cruz supporters do the purple double domes we were warned against at Woodstock?
Thats interesting. What is whacked out about their religion as opposed to other religions?

Boy oh by. Where to start. First off I should explain that I believe in faith. Not religion. I do not want to come off ever as disparaging any ones faith. Sunni Man and me have a bet on that when we cross that finish line together we'll know which one of us was right :lol:

Psssst he's going to owe me big time....:)

Their prophet is a mortal who lived in our time in the Americas. His journeys are well recorded. Christianity is like a bit player in Mormonism although the elders cloak themselves in Christianity to make themselves acceptable and palatable to outsiders aka you and me.

They are very very different from others.
Another Republican Senator won't back Trump, this time Jeff Flake. Arizona has voted Republican in every presidential election since 1952 except for one and Trump has now made it a competitive state.

Arizona GOP senator: "I just don't see how I can" back Donald Trump
How any Republican of good faith and good conscience could support the likes of Trump is indeed a mystery.

As compared to supporting who else on the R side of life?
Flake runs with Mike Lee and the Utah Compact. They are all Mormon all the time. Open borders. And all for their colonies to be able to move freely back and forth from Mexico and open the doors for polygamy to be legal in America.

ETA: Mormons and CAIR have been tag teaming on polygamy

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Marc you're a born again right? You ever check out Mormons? I freaked out when I started to check them out.
I know some Mormons and my wife went to school with a devout Mormon that played in the NBA. There are good Mormons and bad Mormons just like in every religion.

Oh heavens I am not judging Mormons as a people of faith. I am only oh boy oh boy how do I put it nicely.....I'm talking about what their faith is based on.

Simply put, it's pretty whacked out. Ouch. But true. Look even as a born again when I can look at Castaneda and Journey to Ixtlan and can and have embraced the Yaqui way of knowledge and I'm going that this Mormon shit is far out that's saying something hmmmmmmmm? Mkay?

And you have Glenn Beck out there going that Ted Cruz is the anointed one and is going to fulfill the White Horse Prophecy?

Here's where I started to look around and go.....did all these Cruz supporters do the purple double domes we were warned against at Woodstock?
Thats interesting. What is whacked out about their religion as opposed to other religions?

Boy oh by. Where to start. First off I should explain that I believe in faith. Not religion. I do not want to come off ever as disparaging any ones faith. Sunni Man and me have a bet on that when we cross that finish line together we'll know which one of us was right :lol:

Psssst he's going to owe me big time....:)

Their prophet is a mortal who lived in our time in the Americas. His journeys are well recorded. Christianity is like a bit player in Mormonism although the elders cloak themselves in Christianity to make themselves acceptable and palatable to outsiders aka you and me.

They are very very different from others.
Yeah I know a lot about them already. I was wondering why what they believed was any stranger that what others believed.
Mormons in general seem to have a problem with Trump. Not sure why, perhaps it relates to religious persecution and also their historical tie to their establishing colonies in Mexico.

Trivia: Snowflake, Arizona: Snowflake was named by early Mormon leaders, Erastus Snow and William Jordan Flake.
Snow flake is also one of the most drug infested towns in Arizona.
Marc you're a born again right? You ever check out Mormons? I freaked out when I started to check them out.
I know some Mormons and my wife went to school with a devout Mormon that played in the NBA. There are good Mormons and bad Mormons just like in every religion.

Oh heavens I am not judging Mormons as a people of faith. I am only oh boy oh boy how do I put it nicely.....I'm talking about what their faith is based on.

Simply put, it's pretty whacked out. Ouch. But true. Look even as a born again when I can look at Castaneda and Journey to Ixtlan and can and have embraced the Yaqui way of knowledge and I'm going that this Mormon shit is far out that's saying something hmmmmmmmm? Mkay?

And you have Glenn Beck out there going that Ted Cruz is the anointed one and is going to fulfill the White Horse Prophecy?

Here's where I started to look around and go.....did all these Cruz supporters do the purple double domes we were warned against at Woodstock?
Thats interesting. What is whacked out about their religion as opposed to other religions?

Boy oh by. Where to start. First off I should explain that I believe in faith. Not religion. I do not want to come off ever as disparaging any ones faith. Sunni Man and me have a bet on that when we cross that finish line together we'll know which one of us was right :lol:

Psssst he's going to owe me big time....:)

Their prophet is a mortal who lived in our time in the Americas. His journeys are well recorded. Christianity is like a bit player in Mormonism although the elders cloak themselves in Christianity to make themselves acceptable and palatable to outsiders aka you and me.

They are very very different from others.
Yeah I know a lot about them already. I was wondering why what they believed was any stranger that what others believed.

To me they can believe anything they want. I just don't "get" why they have to scam it off as being Christian when in all reality their faith has nothing to do with Christianity whatsoever.

Be Mormon. Be happy.

But don't lay this game down that you even give two shits about Christ. On the other hand Muslims adore Christ as one of the up there on the mega prophet levels who will bring about the whole world turning to Islam.

But Muslims don't try to scam the rest of Christians like the elder Mormons do. Muslims of true faith love and adore Jesus.
Mormons in general seem to have a problem with Trump. Not sure why, perhaps it relates to religious persecution and also their historical tie to their establishing colonies in Mexico.

Trivia: Snowflake, Arizona: Snowflake was named by early Mormon leaders, Erastus Snow and William Jordan Flake.
Snow flake is also one of the most drug infested towns in Arizona.
Makes sense. Its 87% white.
Another Republican Senator won't back Trump, this time Jeff Flake. Arizona has voted Republican in every presidential election since 1952 except for one and Trump has now made it a competitive state.

Arizona GOP senator: "I just don't see how I can" back Donald Trump

One of the few halfway smart Republicans out there.

Ha! He backs the Utah Compact for open borders. It's a Mormon kinda policy that would allow for the free flow of Mormon Mexican colonies back and forth. Throw in some legalization of polygamy and voila ! You have Senator Mike Lee on board big time too.
Middle east derived cults are so fucking stupid. Sorry Jews! Mormons! Blacks who think they are Jews, and other retards like "judeo/christian" end time douchebags who believe the gay Yahweh was real. You have been butt raped mentally. No offense.
Mormons in general seem to have a problem with Trump. Not sure why, perhaps it relates to religious persecution and also their historical tie to their establishing colonies in Mexico.

Trivia: Snowflake, Arizona: Snowflake was named by early Mormon leaders, Erastus Snow and William Jordan Flake.
Snow flake is also one of the most drug infested towns in Arizona.
Makes sense. Its 87% white.

Hey hey hey! What kind of white? We come in all different shades you know from all different backgrounds. Just like being black isn't just black. You got your continentals, your islands, your Americas north and south. Right now I've got orders in to my kids in Toronto to get me some decent jerk seasoning. Sometimes it is hard to live in the middle of nowhere with no decent seasonings.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh no Mr. Gouda's for the longest time. Sobey's stocks some now but only the lamest.
Middle east derived cults are so fucking stupid. Sorry Jews! Mormons! Blacks who think they are Jews, and other retards like "judeo/christian" end time douchebags who believe the gay Yahweh was real. You have been butt raped mentally. No offense.

For me I don't have a problem with anyone having faith in something. I went thru my Don Juan phase and it lingers to this day as to how I look at the world, my Aleister Crowley phase thank heavens I grew out of pentangle bullshit :lol: I was going broke on candles.

I'm just down to faith. I see a hummingbird in action on my nicotianas and I bloody know well that there's a higher force at work out there. I name him Jesus. Or God. But you see those are just names. The beauty behind the hummingbird is the force that counts.

And that faith you can believe in.
Middle east derived cults are so fucking stupid. Sorry Jews! Mormons! Blacks who think they are Jews, and other retards like "judeo/christian" end time douchebags who believe the gay Yahweh was real. You have been butt raped mentally. No offense.
The original Hebrews were indeed Black. All you have to do is read the OT to figure that one out.
Another Republican Senator won't back Trump, this time Jeff Flake. Arizona has voted Republican in every presidential election since 1952 except for one and Trump has now made it a competitive state.

Arizona GOP senator: "I just don't see how I can" back Donald Trump

Governor Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire has a stroke every time she gets asked a question about Crooked Hillary cos she desperately wants to win her race for senate!

it's on both sides. it's on both sides.
Another Republican Senator won't back Trump, this time Jeff Flake. Arizona has voted Republican in every presidential election since 1952 except for one and Trump has now made it a competitive state.

Arizona GOP senator: "I just don't see how I can" back Donald Trump

Oh...that is easy.....hilary nominating 3-4 Supreme court Justices and flooding the country with muslim refugees and illegal aliens.......if that doesn't seal the deal for voting for are a moron....

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