ARIZONA--infringes on Free Speech--Protest we'll seize your property.

Obama campaigned for a war lord known as Odinga. Just throwing random shit out there.
Their Safe-Space Rubber Room Is Where Their Reality Check Bounces

The Hillalosers have to grasp for as many straws as their optical illusions tell them are out there. They need them for all the strawmen they use as scarecrows to ward off the deplorables.
Just when you think the 4th Reich of the Republican party can't get any worse. Arizona comes up with this law. It's to oppress free speech in this country. Protesters can now be arrested and their property seized if a protest turns violent, even though they may not be involved in the violence.

"Arizona’s police officers will be able to arrest and seize the assets of any protest attendee, even before any crime or riot has taken place, under a new law voted through by state senators on Wednesday.

The legislation was originally established for racketeering but was expanded in definition to include rioting, allowing for the prosecution of everyone planned or participated in a protest that turns violent.

Democrats have criticized the bill, which allows demonstrators to be arrested and have their property seized. The legislation does not require discrimination as to who may have, for example, thrown a punch in a crowd or broken a window. As soon as a riotous action has occurred, all protesters are deemed broadly associated and therefore guilty.

Further to that, due to processes afforded authorities who investigate racketeering and the renewed definition of rioting, police are permitted to preemptively arrest those planning a protest."
New Arizona 'riot' law lets police arrest peaceful protesters—and seize their property


The 4th Reich of the Republican party is in full swing with Trump in office. Make certain they pay hell for it in 2018 and 2020.
Regardless of this law the point is that you don't have to use violence to express your opinions.
Violence is always bad (unless you're defending your own life or sombebody else's life) :)

It will be struck down by a Federal District court judge because of the way it is written.
One Strike and You're Out

And that judge will be removed for that decision. They want to impose their permissiveness against the American people on us, then we'll be permissive to ourselves by defining what constitutes an impeachable offense.
Seizing property is going a bit too far in my opinion. I don't agree with this. Dangerously Totalitarian.

How about you give the rioters a choice?
Pay for the damage or we seize your property and sell it to pay for the damage you caused?

Seizing protester property is a dangerous Slippery Slope. Government always abuses its power. It'll end up using it for unintended purposes. I don't know what's going on in Arizona. They do seem to be going crazy Fascist. They need to calm down.

If you go too extreme, the People end up resenting it and supporting the other side. It's like Trump. If he goes the crazy Fascist route, he's gonna lose some support.Personally, i'm beginning to get concerned.
Just when you think the 4th Reich of the Republican party can't get any worse. Arizona comes up with this law. It's to oppress free speech in this country. Protesters can now be arrested and their property seized if a protest turns violent, even though they may not be involved in the violence.

"Arizona’s police officers will be able to arrest and seize the assets of any protest attendee, even before any crime or riot has taken place, under a new law voted through by state senators on Wednesday.

The legislation was originally established for racketeering but was expanded in definition to include rioting, allowing for the prosecution of everyone planned or participated in a protest that turns violent.

Democrats have criticized the bill, which allows demonstrators to be arrested and have their property seized. The legislation does not require discrimination as to who may have, for example, thrown a punch in a crowd or broken a window. As soon as a riotous action has occurred, all protesters are deemed broadly associated and therefore guilty.

Further to that, due to processes afforded authorities who investigate racketeering and the renewed definition of rioting, police are permitted to preemptively arrest those planning a protest."
New Arizona 'riot' law lets police arrest peaceful protesters—and seize their property


The 4th Reich of the Republican party is in full swing with Trump in office. Make certain they pay hell for it in 2018 and 2020.
SCROTUS's Brownshirts

No matter what the royalist Supreme Court decrees, there is no right to protest. There is only the right to peaceably assemble in an area defined by permit. What the pushy mobs are doing is felonious trespassing, aggravated by the fact that they start from an area handed over to them by the First Amendment and then aggressively abuse that right. Those who do damage in the invaded area should be shot dead. Those who non-violently join them should have their property confiscated because of their proven contempt for public and private property rights.

Hmm lets review parts of the First.

"or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Nope nothing about permits or instituting Capital Punishment on citizens who violate the law during a protest assembly, which would also violate the 5th Amendment. Speaking of the 5th

"nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"

Over the top, Unconstitutional.
Creeps Have Made Us Crawl

"The Constitution is not a suicide pact": Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. And the trespassing the mobs do is a deprivation of property rights. "Peaceably" doesn't cover that.

You've got tunnel vision. What do you think would happen to the overall economy of Arizona or this country if all illegals were chased out, knowing that they contribute 4 trillion to this economy every year? 40% of illegals own homes. Meaning mortgage brokers would need another bailout from the taxpayers, while your property values collapse in the process. Restaurants, fast food joints, hotels could not find workers, and farmers would have to let their crops rot, as they wouldn't have anyone to harvest them. Most migrant workers cross the borders to work these fields, then cross the border again to get back to Mexico.

Mexico is the 2nd LARGEST purchaser of American products. 257.3 BILLION of American goods they bought in 2015. It's really not a good idea to start a trade war with them. No illegals can't vote, nor are they eligible for Welfare Benefits. No illegal would even attempt to vote or walk into a Welfare office only to risk getting caught and deported.

Trade deficits are on paper only--(and NOT money loss's). We purchase more from them because we are a larger population and need more goods. So in 2015 there was a paper trade deficit of 50 billion with Mexico. They are smaller population and don't need 3 cars for one family, or 2 washers and dryers for one family.

Trump has pissed off Mexico so bad--that one legislator wants to ban American corn and instead buy it from Brazil. What do you think that would do to American farmers wallets?
Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers

You'll note that Trump only attacks countries he doesn't have investments in. The Trump empire has expanded into China, they own hotels there. And where we should have a trade surplus with them, because they are a larger population, we don't because they are continually manipulating their currency. He's not going to do anything with China, they have him held hostage.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect


What we need is immigration reform NOW, to insure that they are paying their fair share in Federal, State taxes along with Social Security & Medicare.
Make America Gringo Again

We did a lot better before this alien invasion, so your Too Big to Fail scare story is not going to change our minds.
Seizing property is going a bit too far in my opinion. I don't agree with this. Dangerously Totalitarian.

How about you give the rioters a choice?
Pay for the damage or we seize your property and sell it to pay for the damage you caused?

Seizing protester property is a dangerous Slippery Slope. Government always abuses its power. It'll end up using it for unintended purposes. I don't know what's going on in Arizona. They do seem to be going crazy Fascist. They need to calm down.

If you go too extreme, the People end up resenting it and supporting the other side. It's like Trump. If he goes the crazy Fascist route, he's gonna lose some support.Personally, i'm beginning to get concerned.

While I agree to a certain extent I see no problem in forcing these people to pay for what they destroy.
In what form these people pay is up for debate.
How about we give them a third option,one day in prison for each dollar in damages they cause?
Seizing property is going a bit too far in my opinion. I don't agree with this. Dangerously Totalitarian.

How about you give the rioters a choice?
Pay for the damage or we seize your property and sell it to pay for the damage you caused?

Seizing protester property is a dangerous Slippery Slope. Government always abuses its power. It'll end up using it for unintended purposes. I don't know what's going on in Arizona. They do seem to be going crazy Fascist. They need to calm down.

If you go too extreme, the People end up resenting it and supporting the other side. It's like Trump. If he goes the crazy Fascist route, he's gonna lose some support.Personally, i'm beginning to get concerned.

While I agree to a certain extent I see no problem in forcing these people to pay for what they destroy.
In what form these people pay is up for debate.
How about we give them a third option,one day in prison for each dollar in damages they cause?

Those laws are already on the books. I just see this as being very dangerous. I can't support it.
Seizing property is going a bit too far in my opinion. I don't agree with this. Dangerously Totalitarian.

How about you give the rioters a choice?
Pay for the damage or we seize your property and sell it to pay for the damage you caused?

Seizing protester property is a dangerous Slippery Slope. Government always abuses its power. It'll end up using it for unintended purposes. I don't know what's going on in Arizona. They do seem to be going crazy Fascist. They need to calm down.

If you go too extreme, the People end up resenting it and supporting the other side. It's like Trump. If he goes the crazy Fascist route, he's gonna lose some support.Personally, i'm beginning to get concerned.

While I agree to a certain extent I see no problem in forcing these people to pay for what they destroy.
In what form these people pay is up for debate.
How about we give them a third option,one day in prison for each dollar in damages they cause?

Those laws are already on the books. I just see this as being very dangerous. I can't support it.

What laws are already on the books?
Seizing property is going a bit too far in my opinion. I don't agree with this. Dangerously Totalitarian.

How about you give the rioters a choice?
Pay for the damage or we seize your property and sell it to pay for the damage you caused?

Seizing protester property is a dangerous Slippery Slope. Government always abuses its power. It'll end up using it for unintended purposes. I don't know what's going on in Arizona. They do seem to be going crazy Fascist. They need to calm down.

If you go too extreme, the People end up resenting it and supporting the other side. It's like Trump. If he goes the crazy Fascist route, he's gonna lose some support.Personally, i'm beginning to get concerned.

While I agree to a certain extent I see no problem in forcing these people to pay for what they destroy.
In what form these people pay is up for debate.
How about we give them a third option,one day in prison for each dollar in damages they cause?

Those laws are already on the books. I just see this as being very dangerous. I can't support it.

What laws are already on the books?

Vandalism is a crime. But the Republicans have gone too far with this one. Government abuses its power. It's inevitable. This will lead to many awful abuses.
How about you give the rioters a choice?
Pay for the damage or we seize your property and sell it to pay for the damage you caused?

Seizing protester property is a dangerous Slippery Slope. Government always abuses its power. It'll end up using it for unintended purposes. I don't know what's going on in Arizona. They do seem to be going crazy Fascist. They need to calm down.

If you go too extreme, the People end up resenting it and supporting the other side. It's like Trump. If he goes the crazy Fascist route, he's gonna lose some support.Personally, i'm beginning to get concerned.

While I agree to a certain extent I see no problem in forcing these people to pay for what they destroy.
In what form these people pay is up for debate.
How about we give them a third option,one day in prison for each dollar in damages they cause?

Those laws are already on the books. I just see this as being very dangerous. I can't support it.

What laws are already on the books?

Vandalism is a crime. But the Republicans have gone too far with this one. Government abuses its power. It's inevitable. This will lead to many awful abuses.

If the practice is restricted to rioting avoiding such a fate would be easy.....dont riot.
It's kinda like the seizure of large sums of money from travellers because they might be planning on buying drugs,which I disagree with by the way,but it to can be easily avoided.
Dont carry large sums of cash.
Seizing protester property is a dangerous Slippery Slope. Government always abuses its power. It'll end up using it for unintended purposes. I don't know what's going on in Arizona. They do seem to be going crazy Fascist. They need to calm down.

If you go too extreme, the People end up resenting it and supporting the other side. It's like Trump. If he goes the crazy Fascist route, he's gonna lose some support.Personally, i'm beginning to get concerned.

While I agree to a certain extent I see no problem in forcing these people to pay for what they destroy.
In what form these people pay is up for debate.
How about we give them a third option,one day in prison for each dollar in damages they cause?

Those laws are already on the books. I just see this as being very dangerous. I can't support it.

What laws are already on the books?

Vandalism is a crime. But the Republicans have gone too far with this one. Government abuses its power. It's inevitable. This will lead to many awful abuses.

If the practice is restricted to rioting avoiding such a fate would be easy.....dont riot.
It's kinda like the seizure of large sums of money from travellers because they might be planning on buying drugs,which I disagree with by the way,but it to can be easily avoided.
Dont carry large sums of cash.

It appears the Government is working very hard to try and limit protest. This kind of law discourages Citizens from going out and protesting. If they happen to be around some folks who are vandalizing, they could be charged as well. It could also be used to target political opponent protesters. It's a very dangerous Slippery Slope.
While I agree to a certain extent I see no problem in forcing these people to pay for what they destroy.
In what form these people pay is up for debate.
How about we give them a third option,one day in prison for each dollar in damages they cause?

Those laws are already on the books. I just see this as being very dangerous. I can't support it.

What laws are already on the books?

Vandalism is a crime. But the Republicans have gone too far with this one. Government abuses its power. It's inevitable. This will lead to many awful abuses.

If the practice is restricted to rioting avoiding such a fate would be easy.....dont riot.
It's kinda like the seizure of large sums of money from travellers because they might be planning on buying drugs,which I disagree with by the way,but it to can be easily avoided.
Dont carry large sums of cash.

It appears the Government is working very hard to try and limit protest. This kind of law discourages Citizens from going out and protesting. If they happen to be around some folks who are vandalizing, they could be charged as well. It's a very dangerous Slippery Slope.

I would insist on them being caught in the act or they be identified on camera in the act.
While I agree to a certain extent I see no problem in forcing these people to pay for what they destroy.
In what form these people pay is up for debate.
How about we give them a third option,one day in prison for each dollar in damages they cause?

Those laws are already on the books. I just see this as being very dangerous. I can't support it.

What laws are already on the books?

Vandalism is a crime. But the Republicans have gone too far with this one. Government abuses its power. It's inevitable. This will lead to many awful abuses.

If the practice is restricted to rioting avoiding such a fate would be easy.....dont riot.
It's kinda like the seizure of large sums of money from travellers because they might be planning on buying drugs,which I disagree with by the way,but it to can be easily avoided.
Dont carry large sums of cash.

It appears the Government is working very hard to try and limit protest. This kind of law discourages Citizens from going out and protesting. If they happen to be around some folks who are vandalizing, they could be charged as well. It could also be used to target political opponent protesters. It's a very dangerous Slippery Slope.

I'm hoping it's an elaborate plan to seize all of Soros's money...:woohoo:
Just when you think the 4th Reich of the Republican party can't get any worse. Arizona comes up with this law. It's to oppress free speech in this country. Protesters can now be arrested and their property seized if a protest turns violent, even though they may not be involved in the violence.

"Arizona’s police officers will be able to arrest and seize the assets of any protest attendee, even before any crime or riot has taken place, under a new law voted through by state senators on Wednesday.

The legislation was originally established for racketeering but was expanded in definition to include rioting, allowing for the prosecution of everyone planned or participated in a protest that turns violent.

Democrats have criticized the bill, which allows demonstrators to be arrested and have their property seized. The legislation does not require discrimination as to who may have, for example, thrown a punch in a crowd or broken a window. As soon as a riotous action has occurred, all protesters are deemed broadly associated and therefore guilty.

Further to that, due to processes afforded authorities who investigate racketeering and the renewed definition of rioting, police are permitted to preemptively arrest those planning a protest."
New Arizona 'riot' law lets police arrest peaceful protesters—and seize their property


The 4th Reich of the Republican party is in full swing with Trump in office. Make certain they pay hell for it in 2018 and 2020.

Do you think this is directly aimed at your Fuhrer, Herr Soros?

Using racketeering laws against the rent a mob activities of you fascist thugs?
Anyone claiming they will TAKE YOUR SHIT for PROTESTING is a straight up fucking liar.

Too much opportunity for Government abuse. The Government has proven time & time again, that it will use these types of laws for unintended purposes. Just go and look at the numerous 'Drug Laws' it passed. The many monetary laws it passed related to drugs, have been used to abuse the rights of average law abiding American Citizens.

I hope this does get challenged and overturned at some point. Republicans have over-reached. This is too much Government. And that's something 'Conservative Republicans' used to claim to oppose. Do they still claim that anymore? I haven't been keeping up.
Just when you think the 4th Reich of the Republican party can't get any worse. Arizona comes up with this law. It's to oppress free speech in this country. Protesters can now be arrested and their property seized if a protest turns violent, even though they may not be involved in the violence.

"Arizona’s police officers will be able to arrest and seize the assets of any protest attendee, even before any crime or riot has taken place, under a new law voted through by state senators on Wednesday.

The legislation was originally established for racketeering but was expanded in definition to include rioting, allowing for the prosecution of everyone planned or participated in a protest that turns violent.

Democrats have criticized the bill, which allows demonstrators to be arrested and have their property seized. The legislation does not require discrimination as to who may have, for example, thrown a punch in a crowd or broken a window. As soon as a riotous action has occurred, all protesters are deemed broadly associated and therefore guilty.

Further to that, due to processes afforded authorities who investigate racketeering and the renewed definition of rioting, police are permitted to preemptively arrest those planning a protest."
New Arizona 'riot' law lets police arrest peaceful protesters—and seize their property


The 4th Reich of the Republican party is in full swing with Trump in office. Make certain they pay hell for it in 2018 and 2020.

Do you think this is directly aimed at your Fuhrer, Herr Soros?

Using racketeering laws against the rent a mob activities of you fascist thugs?

If there's protesters being paid someone is blowing trillions on it--LOL



This is the woman's march the day after the inauguration, if you want to see what was going on in your home state go to this link. (They were in the millions.)
Woman's march pictures




I really don't think someone is paying all these people $10 bucks an hour to protest--LOL

They're not paid they're PISSED.
Just when you think the 4th Reich of the Republican party can't get any worse. Arizona comes up with this law. It's to oppress free speech in this country. Protesters can now be arrested and their property seized if a protest turns violent, even though they may not be involved in the violence.

"Arizona’s police officers will be able to arrest and seize the assets of any protest attendee, even before any crime or riot has taken place, under a new law voted through by state senators on Wednesday.

The legislation was originally established for racketeering but was expanded in definition to include rioting, allowing for the prosecution of everyone planned or participated in a protest that turns violent.

Democrats have criticized the bill, which allows demonstrators to be arrested and have their property seized. The legislation does not require discrimination as to who may have, for example, thrown a punch in a crowd or broken a window. As soon as a riotous action has occurred, all protesters are deemed broadly associated and therefore guilty.

Further to that, due to processes afforded authorities who investigate racketeering and the renewed definition of rioting, police are permitted to preemptively arrest those planning a protest."
New Arizona 'riot' law lets police arrest peaceful protesters—and seize their property


The 4th Reich of the Republican party is in full swing with Trump in office. Make certain they pay hell for it in 2018 and 2020.

Do you think this is directly aimed at your Fuhrer, Herr Soros?

Using racketeering laws against the rent a mob activities of you fascist thugs?

If there's protesters being paid someone is blowing trillions on it--LOL



This is the woman's march the day after the inauguration, if you want to see what was going on in your home state go to this link. (They were in the millions.)
Woman's march pictures




I really don't think someone is paying all these people $10 bucks an hour to protest--LOL

They're not paid they're PISSED.


This is the closest thing America has had to a fascist dictator in charge, and people are SURPRISED that protests are so virulent?

And what a shock that they want laws to crack down on it. Fuck anyone who opposes protest.
Just when you think the 4th Reich of the Republican party can't get any worse. Arizona comes up with this law. It's to oppress free speech in this country. Protesters can now be arrested and their property seized if a protest turns violent, even though they may not be involved in the violence.

"Arizona’s police officers will be able to arrest and seize the assets of any protest attendee, even before any crime or riot has taken place, under a new law voted through by state senators on Wednesday.

The legislation was originally established for racketeering but was expanded in definition to include rioting, allowing for the prosecution of everyone planned or participated in a protest that turns violent.

Democrats have criticized the bill, which allows demonstrators to be arrested and have their property seized. The legislation does not require discrimination as to who may have, for example, thrown a punch in a crowd or broken a window. As soon as a riotous action has occurred, all protesters are deemed broadly associated and therefore guilty.

Further to that, due to processes afforded authorities who investigate racketeering and the renewed definition of rioting, police are permitted to preemptively arrest those planning a protest."
New Arizona 'riot' law lets police arrest peaceful protesters—and seize their property


The 4th Reich of the Republican party is in full swing with Trump in office. Make certain they pay hell for it in 2018 and 2020.

Do you think this is directly aimed at your Fuhrer, Herr Soros?

Using racketeering laws against the rent a mob activities of you fascist thugs?

If there's protesters being paid someone is blowing trillions on it--LOL



This is the woman's march the day after the inauguration, if you want to see what was going on in your home state go to this link. (They were in the millions.)
Woman's march pictures




I really don't think someone is paying all these people $10 bucks an hour to protest--LOL

They're not paid they're PISSED.


This is the closest thing America has had to a fascist dictator in charge, and people are SURPRISED that protests are so virulent?

And what a shock that they want laws to crack down on it. Fuck anyone who opposes protest.

I disagree with your assessment of Trump. I think you're way overreacting. Try to lay off the Democrat hate propaganda. But these laws do serve to intimidate Citizens into reconsidering protesting. They are wrong. This one should be vigorously challenged and overturned.

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