Arizona refuses to turn over voter rolls in the investigation into voter fraud

Arizona, like California probably has more illegals registered to vote than citizens.
1) You made that up
2) Arizona's Secretary of State is a Republican. Comment please.
To date 41 states have refused to turn over this information and more will follow. This is brought to us by the party that wants smaller less obtrusive government. At least thats the case when Democrats are in power.
All good. As usual, Gorsuch will set these renegade states straight.
Your are the kind who wants smaller less obtrusive government- right?

And stopping liberals from letting illegal immigrants and dead people vote (and live people vote multiple times) is one giant leap forward towards obtrusive government. :)
You are an idiot! There is ZERO proof of anything but a few instances of illegal voting.
All good. As usual, Gorsuch will set these renegade states straight.
Your are the kind who wants smaller less obtrusive government- right?

And stopping liberals from letting illegal immigrants and dead people vote (and live people vote multiple times) is one giant leap forward towards obtrusive government. :)
You are an idiot! There is ZERO proof of anything but a few instances of illegal voting.

Denzel Washington on Media: If You Read The Newspaper, 'You're Misinformed'

All good. As usual, Gorsuch will set these renegade states straight.
41 states and counting are renegade? Many controlled by Republicans are renegade?

You are a complete idiot. Thankfully your kind is a very small minority

If you say so, but my kind has control of Congress and the White House. :)
Wrong, Republicans control the government, not your right wing fascist base.
All good. As usual, Gorsuch will set these renegade states straight.
41 states and counting are renegade? Many controlled by Republicans are renegade?

You are a complete idiot. Thankfully your kind is a very small minority

If you say so, but my kind has control of Congress and the White House. :)
Wrong, Republicans control the government, not your right wing fascist base.
Thats exactly why Trumps health care has been a disaster.
f you say so, but my kind has control of Congress and the White House. :)

Be that as it may, the states are not under any legal obligation to turn over any of this data.

For now. :)

I doubt Congress is going to act and an Executive Order doing so would be legally challenged before the ink dried.

I welcome all legal challenges, especially since President Trump will likely get to appoint 1-2 more SCOTUS Justices at a minimum. :)

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