Arizona refuses to turn over voter rolls in the investigation into voter fraud

f you say so, but my kind has control of Congress and the White House. :)

Be that as it may, the states are not under any legal obligation to turn over any of this data.

For now. :)

I doubt Congress is going to act and an Executive Order doing so would be legally challenged before the ink dried.
It doesn't matter what the courts may say, that info will never be turned over to the government by the vast majority of states
f you say so, but my kind has control of Congress and the White House. :)

Be that as it may, the states are not under any legal obligation to turn over any of this data.

For now. :)

I doubt Congress is going to act and an Executive Order doing so would be legally challenged before the ink dried.

I welcome all legal challenges, especially since President Trump will likely get to appoint 1-2 more SCOTUS Justices at a minimum. :)
"pResident" trump will be long gone before that opportunity presents itself
Arizona = GOP Secretary of State.

Right wingers in another thread suggested that blue states are seeking to cover up illegal voter fraud. That suggestion is now dead as states with republican secretaries of state are refusing Trump's kooky request too. A total of 41 states has said no. Arizona to oppose handing over voter information to Trump commission

Cyber security experts agree if all the info is in one place it has a greater chance of getting hacked and your personal information stolen. States as in mine have each county decentralized and makes it tougher to get your info hacked.

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