Arizonia Cons: Prop 107: End Preferential treatment


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
The cons are busy this election trying to erode civil rights, all aimed at starting their slavedom in America. Only Whites won't be affected when they go to their next job.

Preferential treatment

Proposition 107 would amend the Arizona Constitution and ban preferential treatment for, or discrimination against, any individual or group on the basis of race, gender, color, ethnicity or national origin in public employment, education or contracting. The amendment would apply to the state government, counties and municipalities, special districts and public schools, universities and community colleges.

Affirmative-action policies historically are aimed at creating equal opportunities for underrepresented communities or people who were legally discriminated against in America.

Proposition 107 would ban preferential hiring treatment
Just can't stand the "all men are created equal" thing, they always prefer the "some are more equal than others" thing.
Just can't stand the "all men are created equal" thing, they always prefer the "some are more equal than others" thing.

Yeah, cons really have a problem with that,....the only reason America still needs those laws. Tsk!
So, you're arguing that treating one race differently from another is OK? I thought you lefties were like, all against that?

Not so much apparently.
Bunch if whackaloons most of you Marxist Lefties.... I think Savage is right, Liberalism is a mental disorder.

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