CDZ 'Social Justice' Means Treating Some People Unjustly


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Well, isn't it true?
Sowell defines social justice as an effort which seeks to eliminate undeserved disadvantages for selected groups. He defines 'undeserved disadvantages' by referencing Dr. Thomas Nagle's definition: 'unequal starting points' certain people have through no fault of their own. 'Certain people' today means people of color, true? There are quite a lot of others who had 'unequal starting points' too, but today's social justice warriors don't care about them. SJ isn't about equality under the law and equal treatment in society, now it's about equity. IOW outcomes, SJWs want everyone to get equal pay whether they earned it or not. And they want to discriminate against some people to even things out, true?

On November 5, 1996, Californians headed to the ballot box to weigh in on the California Civil Rights Initiative—aka Proposition 209—to end government discrimination. It read, in part:

“The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group, on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.”

But this past summer the CA legislature passed a bill to abolish Prop 209, meaning they want to legally discriminate against somebody in favor of somebody else. Thankfully, the CA voters turned down the attempt to abolish Prop 209, proving at least that they ain't all brain-dead out there.

Social justice advocates say governmental policies must be put in place so that income, material possessions, unemployment rates, and leadership position outcomes are equal for all groups regardless of starting point or effort. Any deviation from 'equal outcome' is proof some form of social injustice, be it racism, sexism, or capitalist greed, is occurring. For them, " ...equality of treatment under the law is not a sufficient condition to achieve justice."

Wondering, who here believes that equality of treatment under the law is not a sufficient condition to achieve justice? In my book, justice is about being responsible for your own words and deeds, and if you injure someone else physically, financially, or emotionally then you pay the price for doing so. BUT - you do not pay the price for someone else's past misdeeds, that isn't justice, unless perhaps it can be proved that you profited by those misdeeds. I submit that justice cannot be obtained for those who were oppressed and no longer living, by others who are also no longer living. We should do everything we can to make sure it doesn't happen again, but to turn the tables and discriminate against people who had nothing to do with the oppression merely because they are the same color as the original oppressors is not justice. Two wrongs will never make a right.
This is why BLM is failing....
It worked for the nazi party. Of course it was a minority of people that were already pretty unpopular with lower class hordes that had been at least somewhat influenced or indoctrinated by socialist/leftist "journalists" or leftist members of influential pop culture. Hitler merely seized upon it but if you read liberal psychobabble from as far back at the late 1800's you can see how "the rich" or "the1%" or the "Robber Barrons" or "Fat Cats" are demagogued for the sake of political expedience.
This is why BLM is failing....
I dunno man, I hear they're raking in a lotta cash from the woke rich and big corps. Sooner or later some black guy is going to get killed by a white cop and it'll be 2020 all over again. Except this time I think there will be more guns and more shootings. Curious to see if having Biden in the WH instead of Trump makes a difference.

Back to the OP, nobody on the Left wants to disagree with my post? Is discrimination okay for thee but not for me?
but to turn the tables and discriminate against people who had nothing to do with the oppression merely because they are the same color as the original oppressors is not justice.
Ahh, but you see, to some that's EXACTLY what they desire. Nothing less than imposing the same servitude on others will ever satisfy their hate. I have sad news for them...
This is why BLM is failing....
I dunno man, I hear they're raking in a lotta cash from the woke rich and big corps. Sooner or later some black guy is going to get killed by a white cop and it'll be 2020 all over again. Except this time I think there will be more guns and more shootings. Curious to see if having Biden in the WH instead of Trump makes a difference.
BLM is failing in the black won't hear about it from the woke white left....but its true and so is the fact that the dems are hemorrhaging black support...this is why Joe and the MSM are only talking about skin color and Jim Crow...but that is also backfiring on them....Trump showed how to improve lives in the inner city...people don't forget...
All my life I have seen people treated with discrimination it seems to be ingrained into the human psyche..

I think it's taught, it's a learned behavior IMHO. It's one thing to feel threatened by something or someone that is different, nothing new there. Many other species are the same way, they are naturally cautious about something they are not familiar with. But what you do about it is another matter, IMHO people learn that from others within their social group.
Well, isn't it true?
Sowell defines social justice as an effort which seeks to eliminate undeserved disadvantages for selected groups. He defines 'undeserved disadvantages' by referencing Dr. Thomas Nagle's definition: 'unequal starting points' certain people have through no fault of their own. 'Certain people' today means people of color, true? There are quite a lot of others who had 'unequal starting points' too, but today's social justice warriors don't care about them. SJ isn't about equality under the law and equal treatment in society, now it's about equity. IOW outcomes, SJWs want everyone to get equal pay whether they earned it or not. And they want to discriminate against some people to even things out, true?

On November 5, 1996, Californians headed to the ballot box to weigh in on the California Civil Rights Initiative—aka Proposition 209—to end government discrimination. It read, in part:

“The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group, on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.”

But this past summer the CA legislature passed a bill to abolish Prop 209, meaning they want to legally discriminate against somebody in favor of somebody else. Thankfully, the CA voters turned down the attempt to abolish Prop 209, proving at least that they ain't all brain-dead out there.

Social justice advocates say governmental policies must be put in place so that income, material possessions, unemployment rates, and leadership position outcomes are equal for all groups regardless of starting point or effort. Any deviation from 'equal outcome' is proof some form of social injustice, be it racism, sexism, or capitalist greed, is occurring. For them, " ...equality of treatment under the law is not a sufficient condition to achieve justice."

Wondering, who here believes that equality of treatment under the law is not a sufficient condition to achieve justice? In my book, justice is about being responsible for your own words and deeds, and if you injure someone else physically, financially, or emotionally then you pay the price for doing so. BUT - you do not pay the price for someone else's past misdeeds, that isn't justice, unless perhaps it can be proved that you profited by those misdeeds. I submit that justice cannot be obtained for those who were oppressed and no longer living, by others who are also no longer living. We should do everything we can to make sure it doesn't happen again, but to turn the tables and discriminate against people who had nothing to do with the oppression merely because they are the same color as the original oppressors is not justice. Two wrongs will never make a right.
You've described the current US social condition so well, I can only contribute a small observation based upon the reality you've laid out. Not only does being a "social justice warrior" mean what you've have the intention to supersede other groups with having rights that the other group won't have, but is a move back in time. Sure, sometimes friction leads to improvement, however, this effort is retrograde without question. We've unfortunately "been there and done that" with respect to one group of people having more rights, opportunities, and positional standing compared to another, many times over with various group conflict during our history. Many religious and ethnic groups have been targeted over the years. That's one of the main reasons we are "behind" socially compared to where we could be as a nation by now. Why would any logical person even think this was "progress"? It's beyond me.

Social groups that actually support an egalitarian society, are fully aware that doesn't involve propping one group over another. As you wrote, two wrongs have never made a right, unless one considers working with two negative (wrong) numbers leading to a positive (right) ;)

The choice is to move ahead or continue to flounder with measures of political overkill which does squat for our country.
The choice is to move ahead or continue to flounder with measures of political overkill which does squat for our country.
This right here. We're really talking about politics here, power and money. BLM and other SJW groups are raking in a lot of money and a good deal of it goes to the people at the top. There is an unholy alliance IMHO between those groups and the democrats, quid pro quo; just like with the unions and academia, donations coming in => payola going out.
Well, isn't it true?
Sowell defines social justice as an effort which seeks to eliminate undeserved disadvantages for selected groups. He defines 'undeserved disadvantages' by referencing Dr. Thomas Nagle's definition: 'unequal starting points' certain people have through no fault of their own. 'Certain people' today means people of color, true? There are quite a lot of others who had 'unequal starting points' too, but today's social justice warriors don't care about them. SJ isn't about equality under the law and equal treatment in society, now it's about equity. IOW outcomes, SJWs want everyone to get equal pay whether they earned it or not. And they want to discriminate against some people to even things out, true?

On November 5, 1996, Californians headed to the ballot box to weigh in on the California Civil Rights Initiative—aka Proposition 209—to end government discrimination. It read, in part:

“The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group, on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.”

But this past summer the CA legislature passed a bill to abolish Prop 209, meaning they want to legally discriminate against somebody in favor of somebody else. Thankfully, the CA voters turned down the attempt to abolish Prop 209, proving at least that they ain't all brain-dead out there.

Social justice advocates say governmental policies must be put in place so that income, material possessions, unemployment rates, and leadership position outcomes are equal for all groups regardless of starting point or effort. Any deviation from 'equal outcome' is proof some form of social injustice, be it racism, sexism, or capitalist greed, is occurring. For them, " ...equality of treatment under the law is not a sufficient condition to achieve justice."

Wondering, who here believes that equality of treatment under the law is not a sufficient condition to achieve justice? In my book, justice is about being responsible for your own words and deeds, and if you injure someone else physically, financially, or emotionally then you pay the price for doing so. BUT - you do not pay the price for someone else's past misdeeds, that isn't justice, unless perhaps it can be proved that you profited by those misdeeds. I submit that justice cannot be obtained for those who were oppressed and no longer living, by others who are also no longer living. We should do everything we can to make sure it doesn't happen again, but to turn the tables and discriminate against people who had nothing to do with the oppression merely because they are the same color as the original oppressors is not justice. Two wrongs will never make a right.
The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
There are religious-type assumptions made about race from the left
- Tons of unarmed black people are dying at the hands of police (they aren't, 15-20 per year)
- In the rare event that any black dies when dealing with police , a white person wouldn't (even though plenty do, the left and media just don't care)
- Any successful white person that is successful, or any black person that isn't successful, is not because of their work ethic or values, it's because of mythical racism (once you account for kids out of wedlock, a GED, etc. the race differences end)

The objective data proves all of these leftist race claims wrong, but that doesn't stop them from repeating them.
In answer to the OP question: Yes, of course. The defining characteristic of the American political left is that they believe that everyone should receive the same benefits from society—not government, but society. It follows, by the Left's way of thinking, that if civilian society (inherited wealth, for example) gives someone more, the government can only supply a small amount, where someone for whom civilian society has given little, the government has a moral obligation to supply more in order to get everyone more or less "even."

This cartoon has been making the rounds for a while, and sums it up pretty well.

actually, it gives them rights to subject others to nasty shit they don't like. Now, if it were vice versa, they'd be screaming loudly and burning down buildings. Doh!!!!!

They love themselves a good crime/ criminal. Hate laws.
All my life I have seen people treated with discrimination it seems to be ingrained into the human psyche..
what have you seen?

Why are there no businesses in inner city slums? Please explain the problem to me. I know what it is, but I would like to hear from you.

When the truth hurts.
Well, isn't it true?

The justice of it all is debatable, but. in general, yes. Attempts to ensure equal outcomes will conflict with violate equal rights under the law.
no, to make someone equal to another is to treat the successful person unequally. Democrat theme.
The core problem is that people no longer distinguish between rights and power. They confuse the right to do something with being "empowered" to do it. So, the notion of a government that protects our rights has morphed into government that empowers us. This is very dangerous.

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