Armed BLM protester shot by Kyle Rittenhouse sues police for ‘deputizing’ white nationalist vigilantes

There's that ends justify the means thing, yet he was there, due to things you would never knowingly allow your own juvenile kids to do because it was wrong, illegal and stupid, yet he becomes some kind of hero. All is well that ends well, covers everything up to the fact? I can't see it.
Praise Kyle! Peace be upon him
Praise Kyle! Peace be upon him
Dang, Harley! We may not agree on a lot of things sometimes, but as a West Tennessean, I understand and can appreciate your West Tennessean style. Party on, dude!
There's that ends justify the means thing, yet he was there, due to things you would never knowingly allow your own juvenile kids to do because it was wrong, illegal and stupid, yet he becomes some kind of hero. All is well that ends well, covers everything up to the fact? I can't see it.
The Constitution is what justifies the means, dumbass. Every human has a natural born right to defend himself. Thugs have no right to attack anyone.
The brazenist of these NAZIs is unbelievable:

An armed Black Lives Matter protester who survived the triple shooting that killed two in Kenosha, Wis., is suing the police — accusing them of “deputizing” teen gunman Kyle Rittenhouse and “a band of white nationalist vigilantes.”
Gaige Grosskreutz — who said his bicep was almost blasted off — filed a federal lawsuit Friday against Kenosha’s police department, its chief, the sheriff’s office and the city itself, among others.
“It was not a mistake that Kyle Rittenhouse would kill two people and maim a third on that evening,” the documents claim, naming Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, the BLM protesters who died.
“It was a natural consequence of the actions of the Kenosha Police Department and Kenosha Sherriff’s office in deputizing a roving militia to ‘protect property’ and ‘assist in maintaining order,'” it said.
Good for him.
Then why aren't you attacking them?
Not necessary for me to attack. I have my opinion and not obligated beyond stating it, as incontestable fact. I realized something from reading one of TNHarley's posts earlier today about something we disagreed on. He is the quintessential rural, landed, West Tennessean and I like and understand that, that quality of similar upbringing. He just states his opinion, not really caring if he convinces anybody else or not, as long as you're polite about it, no crusader. It's natural. We're not needy people. If somebody wants to raise a stink, we'll pointedly show them the gate, reminding close it on their way out, as they get off our land, and we might talk with them again, maybe even soon, when they're in a more civil mood.
Lots of established stable West Tennessean are just like that. Maybe the whole state is similar. No denying it's one of the most actual conservative states in the country, but not much continuous hell raising or demonstrations or vulgar hoopla down here. We've got ours and with the state of the state we live in, no taking that away. So, ya'll can go on, and figure out how to get yours back or live the way ya want to live, fighting your battles, and trying to rally support for your side.
Does that explain it? If not, I don't really know what else to tell you.
The Constitution is what justifies the means, dumbass. Every human has a natural born right to defend himself. Thugs have no right to attack anyone.
That's why so many Jan. 6th thugs have been arrested.
BS. Harley, you wouldn't let one of your juvenile kids or grandkids go to a race riot on their own, out of state, and I doubt you would choose to go with them and arm them. The crap you learn, after the fact, does not justify him even being there armed before the fact, unless you are an ends justify the means kind of guy.
Whatever the legal outcome of the prosecution's weapons charge against Rittenhouse (I think it is bogus, but whatever), no reasonable person who watches the video can dispute that he was running in fear and protecting himself from certain death or serious bodily injury. All bets are off when one's life is threatened and a prosecutor cannot take self-defense off the table solely because the means used for defense were (allegedly) unlawful.
These Left Wing Criminals are dangerous violent fanatics.
Rittenhouse should counter-sue for the cost of the bullet.
Not necessary for me to attack. I have my opinion and not obligated beyond stating it, as incontestable fact. I realized something from reading one of TNHarley's posts earlier today about something we disagreed on. He is the quintessential rural, landed, West Tennessean and I like and understand that, that quality of similar upbringing. He just states his opinion, not really caring if he convinces anybody else or not, as long as you're polite about it, no crusader. It's natural. We're not needy people. If somebody wants to raise a stink, we'll pointedly show them the gate, reminding close it on their way out, as they get off our land, and we might talk with them again, maybe even soon, when they're in a more civil mood.
Lots of established stable West Tennessean are just like that. Maybe the whole state is similar. No denying it's one of the most actual conservative states in the country, but not much continuous hell raising or demonstrations or vulgar hoopla down here. We've got ours and with the state of the state we live in, no taking that away. So, ya'll can go on, and figure out how to get yours back or live the way ya want to live, fighting your battles, and trying to rally support for your side.
Does that explain it? If not, I don't really know what else to tell you.
So you're telling us that we can ignore your imbecile opinion, right?
Whatever the legal outcome of the prosecution's weapons charge against Rittenhouse (I think it is bogus, but whatever), no reasonable person who watches the video can dispute that he was running in fear and protecting himself from certain death or serious bodily injury. All bets are off when one's life is threatened and a prosecutor cannot take self-defense off the table solely because the means used for defense were (allegedly) unlawful.
Will grant you "All bets are off when one's life is threatened". I am a normal person and would never ever go to a race riot, and think normal Americans should not participate on either side and that law enforcement of community standards and laws should be observed and enforced by law enforcement above all else, not really caring who they may damage in the process. I certainly would not be a hero for getting myself into some sh#t (shooting my way out of it), when I should have stayed out of, in another state. If I was there, illegally armed by the laws of that state, I would have to answer for any shooting I did and loosing my license to carry on an interstate weapons charge would probably be the least of my problems.
So you're telling us that we can ignore your imbecile opinion, right?
There you go getting rude, and obnoxious, as is your way. I am telling you, I don't have to care what you do, I've got mine, whether you are losing yours or not. You don't represent any "us" and "us" can't do anything to people like me, anyway. Have a nice day, kid.
There you go getting rude, and obnoxious, as is your way. I am telling you, I don't have to care what you do, I've got mine, whether you are losing yours or not. You don't represent any "us" and "us" can't do anything to people like me, anyway. Have a nice day, kid.
No, you don't have to care, but then why do you post here if you don't care if people take you seriously?

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