Arrow-Uni: Super Bowl Ads


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Will commerce-culture (i.e., Wall Street) generate worthwhile storytelling/cartoons?


Green Arrow as a superhuman vigilante from Venus and landed on Earth to discover that America was engaged in nuclear war tensions with North Korea, amidst all kinds of other geo-political 'intrigue' such as industrialization-related eco-pollution, media-related racism controversies, capitalism-dissatisfaction, Sunni-Shia troubles in the Middle East, and other post-9/11 terrorism issues. Arrow realized he would have to do some serious 'tinkering' with his magical arrows to invigorate America (and the world) with much-needed optimism. Unfortunately, Arrow did not know that Earth was being visited by an 'adversary,' a nefarious warlock named Uni.

Uni was cloaked in a maroon gown and wore a white porcelain mask which hid his flesh-red body and incredibly malicious grin. While Arrow wielded magical arrows as a 'super-archer,' Uni wielded a terrible shape-shifting tri-pronged blade-sword which swivelled by the power of Uni's will alone. While Arrow wanted Earth to become a 'paradise of consumerism idealism' (e.g., Facebook merchant ads), Uni wanted Earth to become a wasteland of piracy and profiteerism. Arrow and Uni met each other one day at a Super Bowl game. Arrow was spying on the game (between the New England Patriots and Detroit Lions) and noticed Uni standing on a stadium roof-pole (just like Arrow!) across from him. Arrow fired a warning-arrow and signalled to Uni --- "What are you doing here?"

Arrow soared over to Uni and engaged him in a meaningful discussion about consumerism/capitalism.

ARROW: Are you terrorizing humanity in this Super Bowl game between the Patriots and the Lions?
UNI: Who cares about this meaningless football game? Everyone knows the Patriots will win (again).
ARROW: Well, the Lions have a good chance. Who are you and where are you from?
UNI: I'm from a faraway dimension. I came to be a 'Devil's Advocate' on Earth...
ARROW: Right now, the last thing humanity needs is a 'Devil's Advocate.' What is your message?
UNI: My name is Uni, and I want to provoke humanity to understanding the 'logic' behind profiteerism.
ARROW: There is no 'logic' to piracy and profiteerism, Uni. My name is Green Arrow, and I defend democracy.
UNI: Democracy? Capitalism is a casino, and Donald Trump was a casino-magnate. America is a saloon.
ARROW: There's nothing wrong with 'champagne-hospitality,' Uni, but I have to ask --- Are you evil?
UNI: I'm only as evil as piracy makes evil seem close...
ARROW: Evil is a rational choice, and there's nothing in capitalism that is 'inherently' evil?
UNI: Are you sure, Arrow? What about Enron, the Gulf War, and slave-labor?
ARROW: Risky social endeavours (e.g., America) involve many mistakes...
UNI: Tell that to the families of the 'victims' of these 'endeavours' (e.g., 9/11 victims).
ARROW: Consumerism requires idealism and optimists, not cynics and terrorists!
UNI: Do you realize Arrow that terrorists know that consumerism laziness mandates 'rage'?
ARROW: There's no reason to kill many people just because Facebook is 'cholesterol.'
UNI: I suppose I can agree with you that Wall Street is 'savvy.'
ARROW: President Trump is a shrewd financier (at least) and can lead America in this age of commerce.
UNI: That's a very serious challenge. Will Trump want to take vacations in Las Vegas?
ARROW: Such vacations will not demoralize the people, since First Lady Melania Trump will guide him!
UNI: I suppose she might be a centering-force for him, but I wonder if America is the new Rome.
ARROW: In that case, Jesus will return to offer us more words of needed temperance and vigilance.
UNI: We just might see 100 plagues and 100 wars before that happens --- besides, do you like the Patriots?
ARROW: I like Tom Brady; there's no reason, Uni, that Super Bowl ads can not offer some hope...
UNI: Super Bowl ads offering hope? I suppose a nifty ad about denim-jeans from Wal-Mart cheers up moms.
ARROW: It sure does! Americans love toys and consumer electronics.
UNI: Maybe South Korea's Samsung will save the world and thwart anti-commerce nuclear war.
ARROW: Countless people scurrying around in shopping malls is better than people armed in Jerusalem!
UNI: Maybe...



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