Arsonist condemns inferno

What makes you think that gun laws are a panacea that will end shootings?

When Clinton passed his 10 years Assault weapon ban in 1994, we didn't get 10 years of peace from this kind of thing. In fact, Columbine happened AFTER Clinton passed his, and during the Clinton years.

President Trump doesn't think it will resolve the problem, and neither do I.

What might help however is to re-instate our nation's traditional Respect for Life itself.

A Presidential Executive Order outlawing abortions to resolve this national emergency might well work. Its certainly worth trying. If we try it for 10 years, and there is no reduction in the number of shootings, we can always repeal the executive order.
"We denounce this terrorist attack, whoever is behind it."
-- Taliban foreign minister Wakeel Ahmed Mutawakel; on the 9/11 attacks
Liberal weenies bitch about so much hate. Have you ever seen a more hate filled group than liberal weenies?
I find it really interesting that Trump has spent the past 2 years demonizing Democrats and people who aren't white.

Now? He's saying that it's wrong, even while he's still demonizing others.
I find it really interesting that Trump has spent the past 2 years demonizing Democrats and people who aren't white.

Now? He's saying that it's wrong, even while he's still demonizing others.
So the left has spent the last three years demonizing Trump, White people, and the Republicans.
Liberal weenies bitch about so much hate. Have you ever seen a more hate filled group than liberal weenies?
They think their feelings gives them the right to demoralize America by demonstrating their digital dementia, even if it commits calumny like the world has never seen before. And they high five each other for feel-good lying since reality is so boring to them.
I find it really interesting that Trump has spent the past 2 years demonizing Democrats and people who aren't white.

Now? He's saying that it's wrong, even while he's still demonizing others.
That doesn't make any sense, BikerSailor.
Bipolar Nancy Pelosi is white. Negative Nadler is white. Self-serving Schumer is white. Hackamore Hillary with her control-freak artillery is white. Trump doesn't shoot down color. He shoots down incompetence, regardless of race, color, or creed.

He's a ship's sextant when it comes to political reasoning, including hard calls others are too craven to make. Leadership shouldn't make someone vulnerable to as much ankle-biting as our President has taken, but unfortunately it is now at a point where Democrats will not even consider sitting at the table of diplomacy, and the American people are not in the least amused at the vicious antics they see and hear, and Democrats are going to feel it at the polls for playing ball with the commie socialists the Democrats tried to use to make their brand of socialism palatable. It never will be in the land of the free. And I'm sad to say, but the Democrats are going to get a harder lesson than the bends when they get shot out of the water for their punitive and overbearing hatred for President Trump who never earned all those lies they foisted out on the American people.
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