Artcle about internet use and religious affliation


Raging Independent
Jun 14, 2014
New Jersey
Is the Internet killing religion? ? CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

I find this a fascinating take on social evolution. It seems as people find more like-minded people in the internet to talk about religion or lack thereof, the more secular we become which, for me anyway, I think is great. As time passes, religion will be less of a factor in policy making and hopefully start to bring both parties closer to the center and we can allow common sense, logic and reason play the dominant role in crafting legislation.
Well, let's say that it does have an influence. That door swings both ways.
Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

One of the reasons that the religious right was peeved at Bush Jr. is because what they wanted was clearly unconstitutional. All of this money and support could not change that. So, he could not deliver all that had been promised and he did deliver quite a bit.

The higher the level of educational attainment the less likely someone is to rely on religion. With that in mind, the internet has been fabulous. I think that it is the information and discussions that don't involve religion directly that are most influential. You can obtain material to learn almost anything that you want. Locating books was a pain in the ass before. Staying up to date on scientific discoveries was a pain in the ass. Accessing documents was a pain in the ass before. All of these things were doable but painstakingly slow.

It's very difficult for the younger generation to visualize the religious witch hunts in the US were alive and kicking in the 1980s and 1990s (WM3 and SRAS). Internet access allows that information to be distributed globally at a much faster pace than it was ever before.

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