Article: Scientists may find life on Earth-like planets covered in oceans within the next few years

Abiogenesis has already happened. We know that with absolute certainty. Life on the planet is proof of abiogenesis.

As usual, the Flat Earther can't make some obvious deductions. On the other hand, such things as talking snakes and people falling off the edge of the earth are events we are exceedingly unlikely to see in our lifetime. Although, religious kooks drinking kool-aid in odd religious rituals and a christian religious denomination managing a child sex trafficking syndicate are possibilities of things we will see.
LMAO :auiqs.jpg:. You're Flattie Hollie who believes in a flat Earth that you can't help bringing up over and over again.

You could not prove anything with certainty except your pointy head.
God is hope. He gives us a way to be saved.

For example, I learned about God's door today. I hope that I'll be at heaven's gate knocking on God's door without shame.
If there is a God then why is Joe Biden president?
Satan LOVES to hide. Many people forget him and only blame God. Our cuss words are only against God. I have a healthy respect for Satan's power.
This nonsense has no business being dumped in the Science and Technology forum.
God is hope. He gives us a way to be saved.

For example, I learned about God's door today. I hope that I'll be at heaven's gate knocking on God's door without shame.
This is not the forum for bible thumping,
This nonsense has no business being dumped in the Science and Technology forum.
Do you just want me to say there are no Earth-like planets covered in oceans? The atheists and their scientists have no evidence for them except hope.
Do you just want me to say there are no Earth-like planets covered in oceans? The atheists and their scientists have no evidence for them except hope.
You might want to take your bible thumping to the religion forum.
The real shame are the atheists who believe in their fairy tales of Earth-like planets covered in oceans. There aren't any like Earth. God made Earth special and it is the only planet covered with oceans. The atheist scientists have no evidence to show for an Earth-like planet covered in oceans.

Atheists believe practically anything without evidence. It's just the way their brains are wired I guess -- to believe in lies.
The real shame are the atheists who believe in their fairy tales of Earth-like planets covered in oceans. There aren't any like Earth. God made Earth special and it is the only planet covered with oceans. The atheist scientists have no evidence to show for an Earth-like planet covered in oceans.

Atheists believe practically anything without evidence. It's just the way their brains are wired I guess -- to believe in lies.
This is not the bible thumping forum.
It's a shame that some are reducing this thread into petty sniping.

War-mongering is the work of the Devil ... Christ commands us to be peace-makers ... and people who would debate evolution vs. creation know very little of either ...

Both have their place ... the physical world is governed by physical laws, the spiritual world is governed by spiritual laws ... if ripping a big fart on your first date gets you laid, use birth control ...
War-mongering is the work of the Devil ... Christ commands us to be peace-makers ... and people who would debate evolution vs. creation know very little of either ...

Both have their place ... the physical world is governed by physical laws, the spiritual world is governed by spiritual laws ... if ripping a big fart on your first date gets you laid, use birth control ...
People (you know who you are) trying to continually proselytize Christianity in a science forum get's tiring fast. The twain don't meet.
People (you know who you are) trying to continually proselytize Christianity in a science forum get's tiring fast. The twain don't meet.
You and a couple of others proselytize the religion of atheism by promoting atheist science such as evolution. That just leads to ignorance and more ignorance.

Instead, through the Bible, we find the universe is flat in its shape (not like a sheet of paper). i.e. parallel lines going across the universe will not cross. That is how the Bible describes it while evolutionary thinking had it different.

We also see the shape of it is like a curtain going across and like a tent, i.e. the universe is saddle shaped or open universe.

What do you think? Or you don't know.
People (you know who you are) trying to continually proselytize Christianity in a science forum get's tiring fast. The twain don't meet.

I disagree ... I never pass an opportunity to proselytize Christianity in these science forums ... especially in the climate debate ...

About 20% of us don't have ready access to electric power ... so no refrigeration and cooking all the meals over an open fire ... SciAm claims 1.6 billion people live this way and I believe it ... I always advocate relieving this human suffering first, no matter the carbon dioxide produced ... it's the Christian thing to do ... along with ditching your A/C ...

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