As Detroit Declines.What Next?,Breakdown Of Sewer Systems & No Contractors To Repair?

Feb 1, 2013

Worse case scenario: Either the main or mains from the suburbs break and possibly a domino effect. Toilets stop working and overflowing. Why? Older and decaying sewer systems that were rarely maintained because of budget cuts.
God forbid this ever happens as Detroit continues to deteriorate. When you think of the thousands of vacant older structures, you have to wonder "What Lies Beneath".
Well look at the bright side, at least Occupied Wall Street will finally find an appropriate place to protest perform their "DooDoo Stunts"
Forget paying the contractors. It won't get that far.

Los Angeles has some of the worst roads in the world. The road crews are paid so well that there is no money to buy the material to fix the roads. When I turn on the tap the water coming out is brown. I have to use filters and bottled water. The city DWP workers make so much money that nothing is left in the budget to buy pipe. There are problems that go beyond just paying the workers.
These people need to learn about capitalism and value education....>No to gangs and expecting the government to feed you.

Worse case scenario: Either the main or mains from the suburbs break and possibly a domino effect. Toilets stop working and overflowing. Why? Older and decaying sewer systems that were rarely maintained because of budget cuts.
God forbid this ever happens as Detroit continues to deteriorate. When you think of the thousands of vacant older structures, you have to wonder "What Lies Beneath".
Well look at the bright side, at least Occupied Wall Street will finally find an appropriate place to protest perform their "DooDoo Stunts"

Detroit has been a CESSPOOL for decades. Nobody who still lives there will notice. :eek:
They need to make green spaces; give it back to nature - too many vacant buildings.
so when the sewer systems in Detroit finally collapses, will they blame it on Bush, just like they blamed Bush for the creation of Hurricane Katrina? it was a conservative hurricane after all, right?
I think you bring up some good points. I've seen so many pictures of decay in Detroit and parts of it look like they've been through a war. I can't imagine that the things we can't see are any better off than what we can see. It's hard to imagine anyone living in parts of Detroit. So many crumbling buildings and others so run down, I pity any children who live there.

I don't see how we can bail them out. They are so far in debt just for the big promises they made with tax payer dollars and then there is the matter of razing some dangerous buildings and bringing others up to date. It wouldn't be a bail out, it would be a lifetime of dependency.
Well, you could blame corporate greed. THey moved all those jobs overseas or to the non-union Southern states.

They were making enough to survive in Detroit, obviously, because they got filthy rich there. BUt then they saw "Wait, we could make MORE" and shipped the jobs away.

If the oil wells automatically dried up in Texas, and that industry literally disappeared from there, Texas would suffer too.

Any city or state who's primary economic engine disappears will suffer greatly.
Something like 70,000 buildings awaiting demolition for years. Nobody saw it coming? My guess is that the city will be abandoned.
I would imagine that the conditions are so bad there that even the 89 million rats that used to live there have also moved out. maybe to Chicago where there's plenty of food !!!!
and yet we all are still befuddled that Obama won Michigan! can we declare Michigan the dumbest state in the union?
Could be Reaganomics ignoring infrastructure for 30 years COULD have something to do with it LOL...
Guess it shows:

1- Begging Big Business to locate in your city
2- Allowing your city to thrive under the jobs/money Big Business brings in

Is dangerous, because once Big Business finds a more profitable place to locate, they'll jump ship and say "Fuck you all" to the city that originally welcomed them.
It's time to break up Detriot and reorganze it's government.
Guess it shows:

1- Begging Big Business to locate in your city
2- Allowing your city to thrive under the jobs/money Big Business brings in

Is dangerous, because once Big Business finds a more profitable place to locate, they'll jump ship and say "Fuck you all" to the city that originally welcomed them.

Then be a city that just makes it profitable for businesses in general.
Guess it shows:

1- Begging Big Business to locate in your city
2- Allowing your city to thrive under the jobs/money Big Business brings in

Is dangerous, because once Big Business finds a more profitable place to locate, they'll jump ship and say "Fuck you all" to the city that originally welcomed them.

Then be a city that just makes it profitable for businesses in general.

Well, Detroit was that. New York and LA are that.

Right or wrong, the problem is that when major industry moves in, the population obviously grows, as does the housing market. And thus, more roads, schools, cops, firemen are needed.

And like business, when there is a need, you have to pay for what you get. So, cities want to be competitive in their labor market, so they offer employees enough to attract them away from OTHER government agencies.

You cant have major growth in business, housing, etc, and not provide better/more roads, schools, police. That ends up looking like Mexico City.

But then, the big industry fleas, and leaves the host city stuck with the situation that it built up in part to help support those businesses.

Its a nasty cycle. But, the business can literally move. The city cant. So when the environment is great for profits, big business moves in. But when the city responds to build itself up to support what that business boom creates.......the business can either stay, or, flee to a more profitable area. Some are loyal and stay. Others flee.

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